Member Reviews

In the second book of the Carlton Chronicles, Alex Carlton is sent to Finland as war correspondent for a Swedish newspaper. In this book the details about the battle for keeping Finland borders will keep war history lovers on their toes, it also shows the resilience of the Finnish people. Alex Carlton is a spy for the British. It is the early months of WW2 and he poses as a journalist for a Swedish newspaper. He has Russian ancestors and can speak the language. In war torn Finland he will become a hero.. This is an intelligent thriller, meticulously researched, shining a new light on an old conflict. It is evocative and engaging. This novel takes a serious look at the conflict between Finland and the invading armies of the great Russian Bear. Alex gets into a couple of tight situation but his training, kindness, and general people knowledge gets him through. The book moves quickly and is able to keep the reader engaged.
Thank you to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing for a copy of this book for my honest opinion.

My thanks to Net Galley and the Publisher, Minotaur Books, for an advance copy of the book to read and review.
The White Rose by Robert Webber is anovel about the War between the Soviet Union and Finland ,often called The Winter War, in the years 1939- 1940. It is a story of espionage and features Alex Carlton, a British Naval Lieutenant seconded, as the Brits term it, to the SIS. Carlton’s family history is crucial to the story. His family was Russian, his father Alexander Karpov, was a general of the Tsar’s army and a body guard to the Tsar’s family. After the Russian Revolution, and the assassination of the Ramanovs, Carlton’s father and family fled to Finland, then part of Sweden, and on to England , where the family named was changed to Carlton.
Alex Carlton, now with the Swedish sounding cover name Alex Carlsson , acts as a correspondent for a Swedish newspaper, with orders from his spymaster superiors in Britain to learn all he can about the situation in Finland . The overarching purpose for Carlton/ Carlson is to assess Soviet strength and intentions.
Much of the first chapters of the novel deal with Alex setting up his persona as a correspondent, making contacts with the local press and looking like a working -and drinking- correspondent and tourist. Indeed, the author takes his readers on a lengthy descriptive tour of his travel from Sweden to Finland. This is good since I am sure most people know not a great deal about the food, drink or culture of either nation. I found this part of the book somewhat slow and meandering, a bit like looking at pictures of another family member’s summer trip. , However, it demonstrates that the author knows his way around the countryside and the languages, both Swedish and Finn. Conversations with locals in the book are thankfully translated , so the reader is kept in the flow.
When hostilities begin the book comes alive, with descriptions of Soviet bombing raids and the Finn reaction to them, a reaction both stoic and scornful- “ The Russkies haven’t learned to shoot or bomb straight.” That will change. Alex , actin as a correspondent, makes his way to the fighting front, witnessing the heroic efforts of the Finnish army’s fight to stop the Russian invasion. He finds himself under fire and nearly captured, but uses his recently learned SIS spy skills to shoot his way out. While the Finns are rejoicing that first attacks by the Soviets are stopped, all sense that the war is simply paused , not over.
“The White Rose” reaches is at its best as its hero becomes more involved with the fighting. The descriptions of how the outnumbered Finns fight back desperately defending their homeland are quite compelling. Alex sometimes forgets that he is a non combatant, helping the soldiers, assisting refugees, infiltrating behind Russian lines and providing intelligence to the Finns. Like Zelig ( of the Woody Allen film) Alex finds himself meeting some notables while being present at historical events. These scenes have credibility, thanks to the author’s matter of fact delivery. Best of all are the moments where Alex Carlsson endangers himself and his mission to help some Finns caught in war’s wake. We also learn how promised British aid to the Finns never materializes and the geopolitical reasons why the Finns were left alone by her Scandinavian neighbors. All this, skillfully written, give the reader a very good picture of a remote war that presages the bigger one to come.
“The White Rose” is subtitled “ The Carlton Chronicles, part 1” so readers know that there is more to come. But this book is complete in this volume, without cliffhangers. Even the White Rose of the tile becomes known.
Summary: A spy story and historical drama that whose drama builds as the story unfolds, so be a little patient with the travelogue beginning because the novel,is good , exciting and satisfying. Amusing are Alex efforts at resisting the temptations of beautiful Swedish and Finnish women who are attracted to the handsome “ war correspondent”: Alex is a married man with a pregnant wife back in Britain, after all. No James Bond, he. Rating just about a full four stars, so four it is.
Cautions: wartime combat violence, although not extreme. A rape with Russian soldiers vs.Finnish woman. Lots of drinking and smoking- it is the 1940’s, after all.

I really struggled with this. The premise sounded attractive; a young British spy of Russian origin is sent to Helsinki just before the Winter War (1939-40) and is soon caught up in the subsequent conflict, facing dangers from, amongst others, Russian deserters. Unfortunately, the writing style wasn't quite up to the promising setting and context and it read more like an adventure story from a 1960s English boy's magazine. There were also a few errors (such as an incorrect date for the murders of the Russian royal family) which distracted. An earnest effort and much of the history and language was interesting, providing the basis of a really good story, It just didn't come off for me.

Robert Webber is a natural storyteller. This novel takes a serious look at the conflict between Finland and the invading armies of the great Russian Bear. The author creates a great sense of time and place equal to anything written by Graham Greene or John le Carre.
Alex Carlton is a spy for the British. It is the early months of WW2 and he poses as a journalist for a Swedish newspaper. He has Russian ancestors and can speak the language. In war torn Finland he will become a hero.
This is an intelligent thriller, meticulously researched, shining a new light on an old conflict. It is evocative and engaging.

White rose by Robert Webber.
The carlton chronicles book 2.
November 1939. Stalin has signed a non-aggression pact with Hitler and is focussing on reclaiming the former Grand Duchy of Finland. Alex Carlton is sent undercover as a Swedish newspaper correspondent to monitor the developing situation and report back to MI2, in London.
A good read. Didn't realise this was book 2. But I got into it it was ok as I don't normally read historical books. I also didn't like that it ended with a cliffhanger. 3*.

In the second book of the Carlton Chronicles, Alex Carlton is sent to Finland as war correspondent for a Swedish newspaper. Besides submitting front page articles, there are also included coded messages for his adoptive country. In this book the details about the battle for keeping Finland borders will keep war history lovers on their toes, but it also shows the resilience of the Finnish people. Alex gets into a couple of tight situation but his training, kindness, and general people knowledge gets him through.
Thank you to NetGalley and Troubador Publishing for a copy of this book for my honest opinion.