Member Reviews

This book, dear reader. It was so good--it was so unbelievably good--until the last chapter. And then Jeneva Rose blew the whole thing up.

You can read all the glowing reviews telling you about the gripping thriller aspect. And it is a gripping thriller. Did Adam Morgan kill his lover? Will Sarah Morgan, the brilliant defense attorney extraordinaire, get her husband a not guilty verdict? Rose keeps you turning those pages like a maniac. She drops in various suspects, making you wonder about this character and that, suspecting just about everyone of Kelly Summers' murder, including Adam. But did he do it?

I had a ton of fun trying to figure out whodunit. I even, as it turns out, suspected the actual killer. But the way Jeneva Rose reveals who did what turns out to be not just a colossal disappointment but something so nonsensical that I'm left wondering if her editor just did not care that Rose destroyed a perfectly enjoyable book.

Not only are there plot holes that defy any sort of loose logic, the plot holes become offensive to those of us who read this book. Or, in my case, listen to it. (The audio narrators, Neil Hellegers and Teri Schnaubelt, are fantastic and make the most of the material.) One in particular (pay attention to the name of a character you will meet very late in this book) made me laugh out loud as I listened to it--and not in a complimentary way to Jeneva Rose. It was more in a "what in the ever loving fresh hell was she thinking" kind of way.

I love a good thriller. I love when a plot twist surprises me. I love when a character surprises me. I do not love when an author decides to wreck a manuscript so forcefully that it seems as if she lost a dare. Remember when we all mocked Twilight because Edward, who had no bodily fluids, was able to impregnate Bella? That's how I felt reading the final chapter of this book, which is NOT A COMPLIMENT, Jeneva Rose.

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Adam & Sarah Morgan are your typical childless, hardworking couple, or are they? Sarah is climbing the ladder at her law firm, as a very successful defendant. Adam is an author, who despite previous success in his career, he has hit a wall as far as his writing goes, but that isn't the only place where he isn't happy with where he is in life. Enter Kelly, Adam's mistress, Adam is successfully having an affair until the morning Kelly is found in the secluded woods, by Adam & Sarah's lake house. There is a solid case against Adam, so he does the only thing he can do, has his wife defend him. For Sarah this isn't exactly the ideal way to find out your spouse is cheating on you, but deep down, she knows there has to be more to the story than the obvious conclusion the police have come to. Sarah won't stop investigating until she figures out the truth, even if it is something that she would rather not know.

This book was a great mystery, with just the right amount of suspects, and the emotions of the characters are felt, through multiple narration. For anyone who enjoys a good who-dunnit this is definitely a must read.

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*received for free from netgalley for honest review*4.5 Can't pretend like i didnt know where they were going with the ending but i can admit i didnt really see it coming until it was happening lmao

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Would you defend your spouse if they were the prime suspect of murdering their secret lover?

This is the burden placed on Sarah Morgan in this incredibly fast, ever-evolving story about love, infidelity, and murder. This book had me on the edge of my seat as it switched between Sarah trying to find the pieces needed to save her husband from prosecution and her husband himself, Adam, who grapples with his mistakes which has led to him heading to the chair.

As a reader you are thrown into a battle of judgement. Who can you believe in this story? Does Sarah deserve the toll defending her husband puts on her flourishing career in law? Just because one cheats should they be hung out to dry for a crime they likely didn’t commit?

The Perfect Marriage is not for the faint of heart. It is filled with trigger warnings that ultimately help drive the plot to unthinkable places.

Oh and just wait until the ending.

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The Perfect Marriage will grab your attention from the first page. Sarah Morgan is one of Washington’s top defense attorneys. When she finds out her husband has been arrested for murdering his mistress she goes into action. Sarah is left to defend her husband. While at the same time struggling with the fact he was having an affair in the beach house she purchase. So many twist & turns occur in this Novel that a couldn’t put the book down. People she thought she could trust started betraying her.
This was my first time novel I read by Jeneva Rose and she didn’t disappoint me.

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Ok I was not ready for this. From the beginning of the book i was interested, i wanted or really i needed to know what really happened and who actually did it. Holy s**t, this was one of those books that I didn’t want to put down, the plot was great, there wasn’t much to like about Adam, asides from being handsome i think if he was a real human I wouldn’t give him the time of the day but that’s ok, we all need someone to dislike. Sarah on the other hand was such a strong female character, hardworking lawyer doing what it takes to provide for her family. I didn’t find one dull moment throughout the book and let me tell you, i was NOT ready for that ending, it was so good!

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Thriller lovers, The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose is a MUST.

Sarah Morgan is a successful partner at a high profile DC law firm. She's unstoppable and is one of the best criminal attorneys; her husband, Adam, is counting on that as he's charged with the murder of his mistress. Sarah has to set her personal feelings on the situation aside to step in and defend her cheating husband.

The short chapters alternated between Sarah and Adam's perspectives and were filled with so many twists and turns. I saw a few coming or thought I had an idea about something and then BAM, the story would turn again.

The audiobook narrators were fantastic. I was hooked pretty early on and I enjoyed having two separate narrators for Adam and Sarah. I usually listen to audiobooks at a slightly elevated speed, but this one I didn't have to. The story moved so quickly I couldn't stop listening!

Also, I loved that it is based in the DC area! I would highly recommend this thriller if you're looking for a quick and engaging read!

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2.5 ⭐️ OVERALL

🥀 Genre🥀 Psychological Thriller

🥀 Premise 🥀 Attorney Sarah Morgan's husband Adam is accused of brutally murdering his mistress and she defends him in her hardest case yet

🥀 Narration 🥀 I find it difficult to assess narration of audiobooks I listen to via the NetGalley app because there is this tinny quality to the audio. At first, I thought it was specific to certain audiobooks, but I think it might be something with all audio via the app. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Have you found a solution?

🥀 Thoughts 🥀 I did not give this book a 1 ⭐️ because I finished it quickly and found it mildly entertaining. The first person unreliable narrator is a cheap move. The legal details are far from accurate. The happenstance "twists" are too convenient and unconvincing. There were gapping potholes. The last scene was lackluster. I found it to be a poor imitation of "Gone Girl." I literally rolled my eyes when I finished it.

🥀 Thoughts 🥀 All of the characters are unlikeable, especially Adam and his mother. He is whiny, dumb, and unappreciative till the very end. He definitely much more concerned about his murder charge than the death of woman he supposedly loved. His actions and motivations are inconsistent throughout. The sheriff's interactions with Sarah make absolutely no sense and his motivation remains unclear.

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I gave this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. The ending really sealed the deal with this book. Kept me interested and trying to figure out "who done it". Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book!

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A brilliant thriller that at times left me shaking my head. Parts of the story are like watching a horror flick where you want to scream at the tv to tell the characters not to go in the basement, and then you see they really didn’t have a choice! A well crafted story that allows for multiple theories on where it would take you. It truly takes a devious mind to come up with this type of story. Loved it - thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Dreamscape media for an audio copy of The Perfect Marriage

Book Rating : ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️
Cover rating : 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Audio rating : 🌟 🌟 🌟 💫
Genre: Domestic Mystery / Thriller

An unfaithful husband... a dead mistress with a dark past ....a powerful attorney wife ... a flirty sherif ...

Told from Adam and Sarah’s POVs, this one will keep you guessing !

What I liked
✔️ Adam was such an unlikable, weak and annoying character but it totally worked for this story .
✔️ the ending ! Wow! I didn’t see that coming

What I didn’t like
✖️Adam’s mom was just so annoying as was Adam’s relationship with her. I just wanted to slap her 🤦🏼‍♀️
✖️ I didn’t love the narrators - they weren’t bad necessarily but some of he “voices” they did just weren’t very good either .

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4.5 rounded up to 5...

As mentioned yesterday I’m loving @netgalley audio and I was so excited when I saw this offered earlier this month. If you are a domestic thriller lover, this book is a must! I was able to figure out some things, but there is one part of this story where I just had to cover my mouth and say OMG. As a constant thriller reader, that rarely happens.

I’m leaving the synopsis out because I think the less you know the better.

But the story is amazing, and the audio version completely blew me away. Male and female voices in alternating chapters make this a really quick enjoyable listen or read. Some audio leaves me feeling confused, but this was super easy to follow and kept my attention the whole time! The ending will leave you stunned! If you enjoy twisted endings and domestic thrillers this one is for you!

Thanks @dreamscape_media and @jenevaroseauthor for my audio copy.

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I love a multi narrator audiobook! These two complemented each other so well, Neil and Teri were fabulous! As for the story line I loved it! I was continuously trying to figure out who did it. Adam was a bit of an unhinged adult child whereas his wife Sarah was a well put together professional. What a match! This was a perfect start to my 2021 reading.

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Sarah finds out her husband is cheating on her when he is arrested for killing his mistress. He denies killing her. Since Sarah is a great defense attorney, she decides she must represent him. The book is about the search for evidence and whether Adam, Sarah’s husband, is being framed. It seems as the book goes on, people come out of the woodwork with reasons to kill. With alternating chapters from Adam’s and Sarah’s point of view, I was hooked. I suspected everyone in the book at some point. I really do love this genre created by Gone Girl, with not knowing who to trust and what is real and this book does a great job of keeping up

The audiobook is narrated by Neil Hellegers and Teri Schnaubelt and they are terrific. During Adam’s calm and frantic moments and Sarah’s freak outs, I thought they both really added to the story.

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The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose is a wild ride that is fast paced and has you guessing who the murderer was right to the last chapter. It is told in dual point of view of a husband and wife! I loved listening to this one while walking my dog ( the time I do most of my audiobook reading) there are two narrators which works perfectly for the dual point of view which I thought really added to n the atmosphere of the book. I was envisioning Sarah and Adam right there each telling me their version of the story.

We follow Sarah Morgan a defense attorney, her husband Adam Morgan is a struggling writer. Adam starts having an affair with Kelly Summers, who then turns up dead! Kelly was found stabbed in Adam and Sarah's other home. Adam is accused of murder and Sarah sets out to defend her husband. I mean how crazy is that! There are so many amazing components to this novel, like the evidence presented in the case and why Sarah decided to be her own husband's defender in the murder case for his mistress. Will Adam be convicted or will Sarah be able to provide the evidence to free him. This is one page turner you aren't going to get the answer to until the last chapter, and trust me you will not see it coming! Definitely an intense, captivating, thrilling read with a touch of courtroom drama that I highly recommend.

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Though this book was fast paced, there were a lot of things that didn't really make much sense to me. It was entertaining, but not quite what I expected

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A perfect marriage - Is there really, truly, such a thing? Or is perfection only something to read and daydream about in fairytales? The Perfect Marriage is a twisty, dark, delicious read that keeps you guessing till the end.

So what’s it about? Well, can I just say this read is about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING BUT a perfect marriage! Sarah Morgan is a high profile, kickass defense attorney who is married to Adam Morgan. Adam, who isn’t successful – always in the shadow of his talented wife and well – Adam can’t seem to keep that darn pickle in his pants! Yes, cue the music – Adam engages in an affair with a young, fox named Kelly. When Kelly turns up dead, Adam is the number one suspect and his wife, Sarah is his only hope for freedom. Will Sarah convince the court that Adam is innocent? Or will he be put to death for his actions?

I leave you with this final thought - Justice, much like beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some may look and see an innocent victim. Whereas, others will see evil incarnate getting exactly what’s deserved.

5 stars

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I am so happy with how good this story was! I am such a sucker for great thrillers that you don’t want to put down and that’s what this audiobook did! This book kept me guessing till the very end. Highly recommend to thriller lovers. You won’t want to put this down

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Wow! What an amazing roller-coaster of a ride that this book took me on! And it was AMAZING!! Meet Adam and Sarah, married couple with no children. Due to her work and long hours, Adam feels he doesn’t get the attention he needs from his wife. So, he looks elsewhere. Enter Kelly, Adam’s mistress. They meet up from time to time and enter into a romantic relationship, unbeknownst to Adam’s wife Sarah. Adam spends the night at the lake house with Kelly, and leaves early the next morning while she is still sleeping, only to find out that she was found at the lake house in his bed, murdered. Adam is adamant that he is innocent, that he did not kill her, and that she was very much alive when he left her that morning. Now of course he is hit with a double whammy – now his wife Sarah knows that he has been cheating on her. Sarah is now faced with not only dealing with the news that her husband has cheated on her, but now she decides to also represent him as his lawyer in the murder trial.

A whirlwind of a story that will have you hooked on every single page, eager to learn more. Who killed Kelly? Was it Adam? Was it her own husband? Was it someone from her past who might know her secrets? There are so many lies and betrayals going on in this book and I loved it! Kept me guessing and second guessing. A true edge-of-your-seat book that you will devour, whether you read it or listen as an audiobook. With an ending that I did not see coming at all! Wow! Cannot say enough good things about this book!

A book that I definitely recommend! Be sure to grab your copy now!

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DNF - too much swearing, the constant use of F*** and B**** were frustrating, and I just can't stand the infidelity story line - the use of cheating has become far to normal.

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