Member Reviews

“Project Runway goes to Comic Con in an epic queer love story about creativity, passion, and finding the courage to be your most authentic self.”
This book was a total delight! I wasn’t sure what to expect as I know nothing about Comic Con, anime, or the cosplay costume design world, but you don’t have to be familiar with any of it to be dazzled!
This is a funny and whimsical coming of age story that is unapologetically queer. I enjoyed the dual timelines, the two boys (one out and one not), the fast pace, the many cute moments and serious ones in between.
The author made the characters realistic and complex, so you get all the feels. The emotional stakes get higher the more we learn about Raffy and his relationship with his ex, Luca. Not only that, but especially the fascinating tale of familial drama, teenage angst, goals, dreams, friendships and first love.
This book is more than just a love story between two boys, it also had depth. It is about self-discovery, fighting for your dreams even if your family doesn’t believe in you, surround yourself with the right people, and celebrate being your own person.
This was a fun read, especially since it is not the usual thing I gravitate to. Overall, Be Dazzled is creative, nerdy, emotional, and very crafty!
Thank you to NetGalley for the advanced copy of the audiobook!

OK, full disclosure, I'm part of the cosplay, fine art, and LGBTQIA communities and my opinions on this are derived from my personal experiences.
This concept fucking slaps. Just.. YES we need more novels about the nerd communities, ESPECIALLY in YA. LOVE IT. La Sala hit it out of the park in terms of con atmosphere and con crunch stress. Raffy is so in love with what he is doing and it's making me hella sad that all the cons cancelled for the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately what didn't do it for me outweighs the fun things about this novel. I truly don't think La Sala thought through how expensive cosplaying is (ESPECIALLY at the level that Raffy is apparently at). I know his mom is a famous artist, but where is this 17 year old boy getting all this money from and somehow hiding it from his mom???? Regarding his mother, whole ass doing drugs with her friends in their living room and we're just gonna laugh it off? With the way she acts and the way she is written you wouldn't know that she is his mom unless you were strictly told that. I think her character would have been better used as a roommate and it being a college roommate/trying to make friends/bullying situation and unfortunately this whole part of the novel fell flat for me. Also, we love the research that La Sala put into this nerdy community with direct references to different anime and movies, but I didn't enjoy the mixture of made up media. I would say pick one or the other.
This one is totally not on the author, but the biggest thing is that the whole story is told to you in the book description so it honestly left nothing for surprises. :/ ****HEY PUBLISHERS, DO BETTER.*****

Three stars for this title doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it or wouldn't recommend it to anyone -- I just wanted a bit more!
Our main character Raffy, is funny, clever, and determined. I like that he's ambitious and dedicated to his craft, but that we also see him shift to become more partner/team-oriented. As someone who can also be very independent when I'm working, I could relate to Raffy and his thoughts that sometimes it's better to just work alone, but that it can also be a transformative experience to work together with someone who can totally change your perspective. I also appreciated the portrayal of his anxiety and found it to be sensitive and authentic.
Raffy's mother is neglectful and the book doesn't ultimately argue one way or another on whether she is abusive; I think this is partially to keep the book's tone not entirely heavy and to also allow the readers to make their own decision. I know there are a lot of teens for whom the critical and absent parent figure will be familiar, and that their emotions may be just as mixed as Raffy's. As an adult, I wanted more communication at the end between Raffy and his mother, as well as more backstory to their relationship as a reader, but the ending between them is probably realistic in that it is hopeful but not a total transformation...they will continue to disagree on Raffy's ideas fundamentally but his mother may be better able to support them, if at a distance, especially when she's around supportive artists who can sway her.
Luca's story was familiar (closeted teen) but also different and nuanced. We didn't see the story beats of figuring out his sexuality, realizing he has a crush on Raffy, or how he feels about their relationship progressing, but we do see his vulnerability, his worries about his family finding out about Raffy, and how he wants to "strike" out and join the cosplay community but is hesitant. I do think their eventual make-up could have used a bit more explanation and communication, especially since we didn't see until the near end how they'd broken up, but I also think the two made a great pair and that readers will enjoy their relationship and banter. I also like the way this book discussed how Luca's family preferred more masculine hobbies for him for fear of what road it'd take him on and how he grappled with those ideas as well as his bisexuality. I found the book's celebration of gender expression to be positive and affirming.
As far as the cosplay and art content. I do wish that had been reduced a bit to expand more into Raffy's world beyond that, but I think the book is purposely a "bottle episode" save for the flashbacks, so the point isn't to explore every part of his life. I don't know a lot of artists, so Raffy's mother's objections to cosplay seemed odd, but I can believe it, As always, I enjoy when teens are given passions and hobbies in YA novels and I loved that Raffy really knew his stuff. I'm not the biggest fan of fandom or con-themed books, but I think this one balanced it well and didn't come off as too cheesy. I liked that while the competition was fierce and friendships were tested, ultimately every teen was able to put aside their own feelings and come together for the final competitions/performances (see: the Sailor Moon finale!). The con was an inventive way to provide a backdrop to showcase the teen's character arcs and to provide tension.
There were a lot of funny one-liners and thoughts that had I listened to this via print/e-book, I would have highlighted.
I would recommend this to teens who need a mostly happy m/m novel (who doesn't?), teens who like con/fandom books, teens who create, and teens who savor love stories.

To say I was excited for this book wouldn’t truly express my feelings. I fell for Ryan’s amazing writing with his first book, so a story focusing more on a contemporary setting and crafting? I was all in. I was lucky to not only get an eARC but also an ALC as well. I ended up listening to this book instead of reading it, in hopes of a quick read. But due to the matters of this book I had to stop and take a step back a few times. Raffy has all of the sass you expect from Ryan.
Raffy is going to win the cosplay competition at his local con. He has to if he wants to go to art school. And he has plenty of obstacles in his way. From Evie (his mother) completely hating cons and cosplay and just about everything Raffy does because she doesn’t deem it ‘real art’ to the fact his ex-boyfriend just showed up with his ex-friend wearing his cosplay idea. But it’s fine because he and his best friend May (my apologies if spelt May wrong. Mei? Mae?) have go this in the bag. Raffy is an amazing creator and has put his heart and soul into these builds so there’s no way he’s not walking away as the winner or at least placing and getting a sponsorship from Craft Club.
Raffy is this amazing character that I related to so much, which is probably why I had to keep stopping reading when Ryan would write something hilarious only to crush my heart in the next paragraph. Raffy suffers from anxiety and a lot of what he does helps him escape it. I’m very similar in that regard, needing my hands to always be busy or I simply get lost in my own head and have anxiety attacks similar to his. Of course, I had a similar toxic parent who no matter what you did it wasn’t good enough. I know the pains he went through, how Evie’s cutting words cut in a far too familiar way. The difference is Evie is in the art business and has the means to help Raffy, but chooses not to because she see’s it as ‘stealing’ and that he doesn’t need school because she can get him an internship out of high school. Evie can see how amazing his work is and simply find it insulting. Raffy’s anxiety is far too relatable. The fact when he simply couldn’t deal any longer, he closed up, blocked numbers, and escaped. I’m not proud to admit I do the same thing, maybe because we both understand having such emotional abusive history from people who are supposed to love you.
So let’s talk about Luca. I admit I hated him at first. But you’re supposed to. You’re colored with only the bad that Raffy still feels. Slowly, you get context pieces. This story is split between the present and the past. We see how Raffy and Luca became a couple and as past Raffy learns about Luca so do we. We find out Luca is bisexual and nearly forced to stay in the closet because his family doesn’t approve (hauntingly similar to my own families reaction). Worse, his family doesn’t let him be himself, to enjoy the things he likes and to be that person. A lot of their relationship is Luca learning how to be his own person, figuring out who he really is with Raffy. And suddenly your rooting for both of them. Maybe like me a little bitter because you know there’s a reason why they broke up, that he hurt Raffy, but once we get to that point, you realize it was in part both of their faults (again, hauntingly familiar. Is Ryan just writing my life?).
I HIGHLY recommend this book. It’s lovely and leaves you aching. And honestly, Ryan could write about anything and it would hold you captive. And I’ll admit it here, he made me cry while at work listening to this audiobook, but probably not for the reasons you think.

I loved this book.
Did I say loved. I mean L O V E D!
The characters are sweet, very fleshed out and interesting. Even the random side characters feel like real, dynamic people. The storytelling is tight and flows well without feeling too rushed. And the voice is like talking to your BFF while you craft away at your kitchen table with wine, music, and chocolate.
I love everything about Bedazzled.

I received this ARC from NetGalley for my honest review, thank you!
Here it goes - this was SO cute, funny, great atmosphere, just marvelous overall book. And did I mention that it's queer? SOLD.
You follow Raffy who loves to create cosplay looks! On his journey you meet Luca - his ex, his mother, and his friend/s. I enjoyed this from start to finish, there was nothing that i can point out that was missing.
The relationships are full (good or bad) & well written. You want Raffy and all characters to succeed and be seen the way they want to be.
I just loved it! Give it a read - cute, flirty, funny - what more do you need?

This is an epic queer love story! It follows Raffy, who's biggest passion in life is designing cosplays but his famous designer mother doesn't approve so while he designs and cosplays in secret he also falls in love for the first time with a boy named Luca. Told in dual timeline from when he and Luca met to present day where Raffy and Luca are battling on separate teams for the best cosplays at the con this story is perfect for people looking to pursue their passions no matter how many other people are telling them to do something else. It is so much fun and we need more stories of messy queer kids falling in love while growing up. I highly recommend you check this out!

Okokokokokok!!!! So if you haven't read "Be Dazzled" by Ryan La Sala, are you even living your best life?
I was fortunate enough to receive and Audible Arc through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Here goes:
We have Raffy, a cosplay guru with an internet following, who is self-sufficient, creative and totally oblivious of Luca. Luca is a boy who has watched his streams, goes to school with Raffy, is a soccer jock, and likes to anonymously supply Raffy with jewels for be dazzling... cute right? Even if a little stalkery.
The book is narrated by Raffy with a present tense pov followed by flashbacks to the beginging of Raffy and Luca's relationship. I wasn't sure how I would feel about thise style of story telling, but it was a really great way to have 2 climactic events almost hit simultaneously and make the reader feel 2 very contrasting emotions at once. It was heartbreaking, brilliant, and I'm high key mad at you Ryan for making me feel all these feelings (chapter 25 you guys... it hits just right).
Some of my Highlights (pun intended 😉 )
Chapter 12: sharing glimmer
Chapter 18: being so enough
Chapter 22: Favorite quote! "Poor Luca Vitaliy, just another pantsless youth corrupted by arts and crafts."
Chapter 25: dinner invite (cue sobbing on my part because I'm a sappy bitch)
Ryan, thank you so much for sharing this geeky gay romance with us!!! I freaking adored it. I saw glimpses of my world and you created a beautiful story about overcoming your anxiety, being yourself, knowing your craft and damning the rest!
Also a big thank you to the narrator Pete Cross, your reading of Raffy really made the story enjoyable! It was seamless storytelling and felt like I was getting the scoop from a friend rather than being read a book. So again, thank you!

I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Be Dazzled was all kinds of cute. I've never been to a Comic Con.. or even a Book con.. and after reading about this.. I feel like I'm missing out?!?! I don't know who I would dress up as but I mean.. you can go and look at people who dress up right? Lmao.. I don't know the rules of con's.
In it, you will meet Raffy and Luca. They were both really adorable and it wasn't hard at all to like them instantly. I just know that something was going to happen but I didn't know when it was all going to go down. Once the drama did unfold though.. it was still very interesting to get to know both characters throughout the book.
Out of the two.. I feel like Raffy was my guy. He was hilarious and just realistic to me. I mean the whole book felt realistic because people were making mistakes left and right. Not all dumb ones but mistakes are mistakes.
In the end, this was really cute and now I need to go to a Con! Whenever COVID disappears...

Be Dazzled by Ryan La Sala was equal parts fun and moving. I loved how this story was told in alternating chapters between the past and the present. In the present we follow Raffy and Luca as they participate as competitors in a cosplay competition, but in the past we follow them when they first meet as they start falling for each other. It was interesting to piece together the past to understand what happened with Raffy and Luca.
It had all the hallmarks of a wonderful young adult story and I appreciated that it touched on a lot of challenges teens face, especially bi teens as we follow Luca's experiences with his family. Raffy also struggles with his mother not taking his cosplay art seriously, which is his passion. Both characters don't feel seen by their families and find understanding in each other. I'll admit I do not know a lot about competitive cosplay, but I don't think that's a prerequisite to enjoy this story. I can imagine those who love cosplay to especially connect and love this book.
I highly recommend the audiobook! The narrator Pete Cross did a fantastic job! I think the book would make a great TV series or movie. It was fun to hear the description of the costumes but I think it would take everything to a whole other level to see it.
Overall, if you read YA you should add Be Dazzled to your reading list!

This was a great Audiobook- Very clear and concise.
This book was unique from other YA books as It focused on the hobbies and careers of the cast rather than the relationship .even though the MC's relationship was still a focus.
Raffie and Luca met through their joint love of Cosplay and the story revolves around them entering a contest on opposing teams.
I really liked how each chapter alternated from before and after as it gave the full perspective of the pairs relationship.
Loved the LGBTQ+ Rep nd themes in this book

All the nerdy, gay goodness you need in your life!
This story was able to pack such a punch with all of the emotions. It was an adorable look into the world of cosplay, the inner workings of a gay boy who enjoys making costumes with a mom who doesn't believe that is real art and a cute bisexual love interest who is hiding his true self. We also got some really fun side characters who are immersed into the cosplay world as well!
I loved getting a look into the world of cosplay! Being a person who enjoys crafting from time to time and all the fun supplies I could totally understand how Raffy feels. I like that for the majority of the book it was light hearted, joyful and humorous, but that we also got some harder topics or sexuality, and relationships.
The story is told between two timelines, the present where Raffy and Maya are at a con competing in a competition. And the past year leading up to the current ongoings of the relationship and what happened between Raffy and Luca. The moments between Raffy and Luca were adorable and hearing Raffy's inner thoughts about all of it were entertaining.
Overall this was a cute and messy story about two boys trying to figure things out, find themselves and accept themselves and each other. I listened to this as an audiobook and really enjoyed the experience. The narrator did a fantastic job bringing the anxiety ridden and geeky gay persona of Raffy to life! This book celebrates being different , following your own path and love! It brought cosplay to the pages and let me experience something I haven't before through Raffy's eyes!

This story dives into a world of cosplay and crafting, the first of which I know absolutely nothing about. Raffy lives and breathes crafting though feels stifled by his artistic mother who looks down on his passion. He finds himself quickly entangled with a boy, Luca, who doesn’t fit the mold of his lifestyle and isn’t out... This quirky, witty and fun novel takes you through their challenging relationship as they navigate one another, family and acceptance.
It was cute, and I really enjoyed the writing style and jumping back and forth from the two timelines. It felt like there was just too much cosplay and crafting talk for me... I think I wanted more background on the likeable characters and less talk on sequins.
Thank you Dreamscape Media and NetGalley for an advanced audiobook copy!

A huge thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the audiobook in exchange for an honest review.
I dnf’d this book at 56%. I decided that this year I want to focus on books that I actually enjoy, and I wasn’t enjoying this one at all. It also goes to show that I need to read the synopsis more closely, that’s on me.
This book is heavily focused on cosplay, and while I don’t mind it, it’s not something I’m super into, and really it doesn’t hold any appeal for me. From the beginning, this book was boring me so much, I wanted to put it down after 10%, but I tried some more and made it this far. Luca and Raff just didn’t do it for me, and why the heck were all the female characters so damn mean? Not a single nice one.
I’m all for a M/M romance but this one just wasn’t for me.

I am sure there are people that will love this book, but it’s not me. I didn’t think the narrator captured the romance-y part of the book as much as I would’ve liked, so if anything I might recommend the text.

This audiobook was so fun! I absolutely loved the narrator. While I enjoy looking at other people's cosplays, it's not my world so hearing about all the hard work, creativity and artistry that goes into cosplay was really cool. The love story between Luca and Raffy was cute, and I loved their banter although I think this particular story for me would have been more enjoyable told in a more linear style without all the back and forth from then and now. The supporting characters could also have used a little more development. I still had so much fun listening to it, and would definitely read more from La Sala.
Thank you NetGalley, author, and publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

A huge thanks to Dreamscape Media and Netgalley for this audiobook ARC in exchange for an honest review.
There are some books that upon reading the first chapter (or in this case listening), you know this is going to be an amazing book. It could be something in the way the characters click, the amazing introduction by the author, or simply a magical feeling you get when you can picture what’s happening in your head. “Be Dazzled” by Ryan La Sala manages to do just that.
“Be Dazzled” takes readers into the mind of Raffy, a cosplayer known for his beautiful, bedazzled cosplays that he streams for his followers, and his best friend as they compete at a convention together. The only problem is that Raffy’s ex Luca also happens to be competing, and Luca didn’t just break up with Raffy, he broke his heart. When the two are forced to work together, they are both faced with the problems that caused them to break up and learn how to grow from the heartbreak. But maybe there’s more to take away than personal growth, and maybe it’s not the end for them after all.
Immediately, I have to let out the biggest scream of all time. This instantly became one of my top 10 books of all time and went straight to my special row of books on top of my bookshelf. Ryan La Sala has created an absolute masterpiece and emotional rollercoaster with this book, and executed a flawless read.
The first thing that stands out about this book is the structure it’s written in. The first chapter is Raffy in the present, arriving at the con and seeing Luca, but it changes for the next chapter and continues with this “every-other-chapter” layout. One chapter is in the present while the next is the beginning and growing relationship between Luca and Raffy. Sometimes this works, but other times it can fall flat, and it is done perfectly here. While readers get invested with the convention and the competition in the present, their relationship is both adorable and unnerving because you know the outcome is not pretty. Every chapter ends with readers wanting to return to the other point in time which makes it near impossible to put down.
Another amazing feature about this book is its ability to keep readers entertained with all the talk of conventions and cosplay. To someone less educated on conventions or the hours of work that go into creating a cosplay, it could seem confusing or boring, but La Sala keeps readers entertained and educates them along the way to build the world up even more. Personally, I have read a few books where the main story takes place at a convention and oftentimes small details that help the reader imagine the setting or what a convention is like are left out, which is a bonus in addition to the entertainment this book provides.
La Sala’s thoroughness means this book translates perfectly to an audiobook, which is what I received from NetGalley in exchange for this review. This is actually the first book I have ever listened to all the way through without reading it first, and it was such an amazing experience. Pete Cross has such an enthusiastic voice that captures the heart of the characters and stories into narration and makes it easy and enjoyable to listen to. It’s an audiobook that readers will never want to hit pause on because it’s just so captivating.
The Verdict: I simply can’t stress enough how much I enjoy this book. Raffy and Luca make an adorable couple that readers can’t help but root for and love, but also learn from. Their struggles are ones that many teens, both in the LGBT+ community and not, can relate to and learn from. Ryan La Sala has made a book that shines brighter than a rhinestone and quite possibly one of the best books of the year. Whether listening to it on a ride home from work, or sitting down to cuddle up with it for hours, “Be Dazzled” is sure to entertain with its wit and charm, and keep readers enthralled for hours.
My final rating: 5/5 stars

When I read the synopsis for Be Dazzled and saw gay and cosplay, I knew this would be the book for me. And I was right.
There is something about nerdy gays that just gets me. I felt that same way about Conventionally Yours. Raffy was a delight. Often in contemporary YA, I am turned off by the first-person narrative. But I never found Raffy to be whiny or immature like I usually do in other YA books. It probably helped that he was basically an adult as his mother seems to all but abandon him regularly. The story is told in alternating timelines - the present - in which Raffy has entered a cosplay contest at a con, and the past - which shows the progression of his relationship with Luca.
I enjoyed switching back and forth, and I was interested in both timelines. I wanted to know what happened with Raffy and Luca and the outcome of the cosplay contest. The only thing I didn’t love was Raffy’s mom. She seemed way over the top and almost unbelievable in the way she was portrayed. It was almost too much. But that was a small thing I can overlook, and I still absolutely adore this book.
The audio version of this was wonderful. The narrator, Pete Cross, did an incredible job! His voice completely fit the character and he conveyed so much emotion it really pulled me into the story.
If you are looking for a sweet nerdy read, look no further than Be Dazzled.

Synopsis: Raffy has a passion for cosplay, creating characters and he has a youtube video to document his process. When he finds that a boy at school has been following his videos and bought him bedazzles that he needed for a costume a relationship starts to bloom. Be Dazzled flips between the recent past and the present, where Luca and Raffy are broken up and are on another main competition at Contraverse. Raffy and Luca are then pushed to work together on the final round - can they put their differences aside and forgive past transgressions enough to make it through and win the competition
My Thoughts: This book is like Project Runway meets a ComicCon like cosplay competition and it is absolutely delightful. I enjoyed the dual perspectives of past and present so we could see not only the fallout of Luca and Raffy's relationship, but we saw their relationship begin and blossom. Through the book we watch Raffy not only find his first love, but really find himself along the way and I enjoyed every single second of it.
Trigger Warnings: Emotional abuse, biphobia, homophobia, panic attacks/disorders

This book was very fun and nerdy. I loved how it covered family issues but also managed to say fairly light and happy. I also thought the relationship at the center was cute and pretty realistic. All in all, an enjoyable read.