Member Reviews

What would Frida do is a part biography and part self help book. Author David has compiled the painful and joyous facts in Frida’s life and has given us a book, that was amazing on audio.
I am a big Frida Kahlo fan and I have read several books on her life and paintings. So naturally many facts that were said in this book weren’t new to me and I felt that the second half of the book was iterative w/facts in the first half! It was still short and enjoyable. I read/listened to this in a day.
3.5/5 ⭐️
Thank you Netgalley, Dreamscapes Media for the audiobook in exchange for an honest opinion.

I was an art history major in college and currently teach middle school art. I have always been fascinated by Frida’s story. She was such a strong and passionate woman. This is a great book for any fans of the fabulous Frida Kahlo.

Thank you Net galley for my digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed this book and finished it in 1 day. It was easy to follow along with and I enjoyed the lessons throughout the book. I also enjoy anything related to Frida and like that the author took the time to do research and include real-life facts about Frida's life. Overall would be a great gift to give.

Such a fun, passionate, and insightful book. Even if you know a lot about Frida Kahlo this book is a must for all Frida Fans.

Read this book because I wanted to see what all the excitement about Frida was all about.
To me, this book felt like a disjointed list of facts about the woman. It was an okay read, but not at all captivating. I really had to push through to actually finish it. Only my goal to finish each book I start this year kept me going. After about chapter 6 it felt like the same information being repeated over and over.
Being the first book about her that I’ve ever read, I would imagine there would be a lot more to her than the same notion that she’s vain and has a who cares attitude.
All in all, I’m glad I read it. I know more now than I did before. But if you’re a Frida fan who’s read a lot about her, I’d probably skip this one. The author is clearly excited about her subject but she failed to engender that excitement in me.

I started reading this book with no prior knowledge of who Frida was. I was intrigued by the beautiful cover and the book did not disappoint. I normally wouldn't be interested in a "lifestyle" book... but this wasn't your typical lifestyle book. The author talked about Frida's life so beautifully and made it really clear why she is an image most of us recognize. The author included quotes by Frida along with timelines of when things happened, and then wrapped it into ways we can live our lives a little bit more like Frida.
This is a book for people that have little to no knowledge on who Frida was, as well as, people who want to learn how to live their lives bodly like Frida!

This book is a vibrant biography of Frida Kahlo - telling the story of her life and art in terms of her greatest strengths and notable personality traits. As the title 'What Would Frida Do?' suggests, it is advertised as a part biography, part self-help book - but I definitely found it more biographical in nature. Frida lived her life as she pleased, even against her remarkable adversities. This book teaches us to embrace our inner Frida, and live life as colorfully as possible.

What an amazing book/Audiobook!
The cover was the reason why I wanted to read this book but I found so much more then just a beautiful cover. Loved the story i always wanted to know more about Frida and this help so much.
The narrator did an amazing job with this one!

WWFD? This book aims to tell the story of Frida Kahlo and ask share what thoughts and advice she’d have on similar topics — I think it did just that.
The narration was well done and the memoir was a slight departure from the usual biographies telling a lively story of a lively icon.

I didn't know anything about Frida Kahlo before reading this book. I had heard that she was a badass who slept with her husband's mistress. After reading this book, which was to me was very shallow and lacking, due to the author not really being able to research deeper than information any person could find online at any time. It was very presumptive and so repetitive. I think it's far from a guide for living as Frida Kahlo, who no doubt pushed the boundaries for women and really anyone in the society for which she lived is pretty admirable, but you also can see pretty clearly that she was deeply miserable, disturbed, and pretty racist. Let's be honest. She was a known communist and very self-centered. I don't think I, nor anyone should try to be like her unless they are aspiring to become a brilliant artist, but that's as far as it goes, in my humble opinion.
Thank you so much to #NetGalley for this #ARC for an honest review. #whatwouldfridado

I received the audio version from NetGalley in return for an honest review. While this was not completely what I expected, it was alright. I enjoyed the writing and thought it flowed very well. I also respected the timeline and historical facts that were included throughout. What I didn’t like is that I honestly thought this was going to be more about what Frida would do in different circumstances, and less bibliography. I also would have loved to see some photos of Frida’s artwork, rather than just descriptions, though the descriptions were quite well written. Thank you for the opportunity to listen to this.

I don't often like it when self-help books try to combine with a narrative; it usually loses the plot and my interest by the 2nd chapter. What Would Frida Do? is a rare exception.
Part biography and part guide book, author Arianna Davis uses the mythos surrounding Frida Kahlo as a touchstone to discuss how to live a life full of more "allegra". She takes the lynchpins of what made Frida and brings the finer details into focus, allowing us to see how the artist coped with different adverse situations and how we can embody some of that same spirit.
This was an audiobook recording, so it was a little unfortunate that the paintings and photographs referenced were not easily accessible, The narration was fantastic though.
"What Would Frida Do?" isn't an in-depth biography or a soul searching self-help guide, but it is an inspirational touchstone that provides inspiration to begin embracing a more colorful life.

A mega-colourful person, whose propensity and flair for the unusual, both in her paintings, as well as her personal life, was the extent of my knowledge about Frida Kahlo.
Arianna Davis' book, What Would Frida Do? not only changed that, but in fact inspired me to find out more about this Mexican painter, by purchasing additional books on her.
The profound physical and emotional tragedies endured by Frida throughout her life is hard to imagine; at a young age, Frida was stricken with polio and laid up for months. As a young woman, she was on a bus one day when it was involved in a devastating accident, the injuries from which Frida suffered for the rest of her life. (She died at 47).
What Would Frida Do? describes the 'cavalry of pain' which was her ever-present companion before, during, and after thirty operations., But Frida did not let pain define her.
I love the story of the time Frida had a showing of her paintings, but she was so ill, - bedridden in fact -that no one thought she would attend. But they were wrong. The day before the show, Frida had her bed delivered to the exhibition hall - its bedposts adorned in ribbons - and it is from there that the indomitable painter received her guests.
I literally laughed out loud around one of Frida's sayings: "I tried to drown my sorrows, but the bastards learned how to swim."
Frida's all-encompassing love for Diego Rivera, a 6 ft.1, 300-pound man, who at 42 years of age was 20 years older than Frida when they married for the first time, (they were married twice), was so polar-opposite to Frida, that her mom nicknamed them 'The elephant and the dove.'
This audio book is narrated by Marisa Blake, whose excellent tone, inflection and story telling capabilities are the sprinkle icing on the story.
This is an audio book that I highly recommend, not only as a way to learn more about Frida, but also as a way to motivate and pick yourself up if you think you are having a hard day. (Just think of surviving 30 operations with such determination and spirit).
A savoury, worth writing things down, listen.
5 Stars
Check out Cece Reviews the Read at www.cecescott.com
#What Would Frida Do? #DreamscapeMedia #Netgalley #cecemscott.com @cecemscott

I thought this was such a great biography with a combination of self help book. I think that Arianna Davis did such a great with her research and how then taking different aspects of Frida's life and how somebody today can be more like her or finding the best in themselves and embraces their own identity and be very proud of it. I also love the narrator for this audiobook and I thought she did a great job telling the story.

This book is a great starting point for those that know very little about Frida. It has a great flow of sharing her life and how it impacted her art. When I first saw this book I thought it was going to be more of a "self-improvement" book. It reads more like a biography. Which was disappointing to me. I liked how the author mentioned the "Frida" she saw while writing the book and was hoping that would be a theme throughout the novel. Alas, it wasn't so it was a big disappointment. However, if you are interested in learning about Frida I do recommend it. I listened to the audiobook and I 10/10 recommend the audio route because the narrator was clear and her accent was great!

Thank you NetGalley, Dreamscape Media and Arianna Davis for the advance audio copy of “What Would Frida Do? A Guide to Living Bodly” for my honest review.
I enjoyed learning about the artist on a deeper level. Marisa Blake does an excellent job with the narration. The book is a call to all women to live your true life. Frida lived a rich full live. Living through great pains in her body from illness and accidents. I knew of Frida only as an artist. My mom had one of her self portraits hanging in our house. I now truly understand why. My mom was a strong women during the 50’s living life as a divorcee, a single parent and working woman. The portrait hanging in my childhood home was a reminder of a women’s strength to thrive,, just like this book.

This was such a cute book to read - I loved the blending of self help with nonfiction. I actually usually never pick up self help, so this was a gentle way to show me what I might be missing out on. I am from Michigan, close to Detroit and have been to Henry Ford Hospital and the DIA many times, and I even went to the DIA Frida and Diego special exhibit mentioned! That was where I first started learning more about Frida and was totally enamored. I was annoyed at the exhibit that it was not exclusively focused on Frida, but from the book, I now understand that to tell the story of Frida you must include Diego. My mind is blown. I am certainly going to be applying these concepts to my life...and in fact, I wish a younger version of me had access to this book to be reminded that I am beautiful the way I am. Sigh, well it's here now. Thank you Arianna.

This book was a delightful way to introduce myself to the life of Frida. Unfortunately, I would not recommend this book as an audiobook. That was the format I read it in, and I feel like I missed out a lot. Thank you to NetGalley for the free copy, but I would suggest to all future readers to buy a physical copy. I feel like I missed out on the art and more beautiful parts of the book. But, in short, if anyone wants to learn about Frida, this is a fun and quick read!

I adored the audiobook narrator, who made the words come to life in the best way possible. While I loved the the idea of this book immensely, it was full of a lot of repetition of phrases, ideas, stories and even quotes. Sometimes it almost felt like they were trying to meet a page count, hence the repition of ideas. I kept thinking the audiobook was skipping back.
Anyway, once I figured out it wasn't an error, I really enjoyed the spirit of the narrative. Basically, it was a feel-good self-help book. It was full of so many tidbits of information about Frida's life I didn't know about. I would recommend it as a delightful distraction.

I really enjoyed the narration for this audiobook. This is a great primer for basic life details regarding Frida Kahlo, but somewhat lacking in depth. The repetitive nature of the text also became tedious as I continued listening, but I enjoyed the sections where the author expounded on Kahlo's current pop culture significance.
This book definitely encouraged me to check out one of the more detailed biographies available about the artist.