Member Reviews

I did not really use this. I found the language a bit pretentious sometimes. I obviously think the intention was good, but I didn’t find myself going back to it after trying to read from front to back cover. Maybe I should have tried flipping through to different chapters as needed?

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While many self-help books address either anxiety or depression, these conditions often occur together.

“The Anxiety and Depression Workbook” is designed to help people who struggle with anxiety, depression or both.
Michael Tompkins’ valuable workbook incorporates practical tools to reduce suffering while increasing resilience and well-being. Evidence-based interventions are explained clearly and with useful examples.

I can see the tremendous value that this book offers to those wanting to build their coping skills on their own or in collaboration with a therapist.

Having both anxiety and depression myself, I found this book helpful and I'm trying to implement some of the tools described in my life.

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Michael Tompkins has crafted a book that discusses anxiety and depression. A topic that could not have come to light during a better time. Today young children are experiencing anxiety at such young age and depression too. This is not a self-care book. More of an enlightening read for readers to explore. I would highly recommend talking with a physician if you have any concerns. It's a good, basic introduction to CBT with lots of exercises to help you become more flexible in your thinking. Although some of the exercises seemed repetitive at times, some may find them calming with routine. Thank you, NetGalley for my ARC .

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As someone who suffers from anxiety & depression I had to get my hands on this! I think the skills in the book will help!

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The Anxiety and Depression Workbook

Micheal A Tompkins

This book is fab. Really take your time to reflect and work through it and you may realise a lot of things that seem to be obvious. Yet this book helps to point things out.

There are some really great exercises to follow.
Could be life changing!

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The Anxiety and Depression Workbook: Simple, Effective CBT Techniques to Manage Moods and Feel Better Now by Michael A. Tompkins is an excellent workbook that can be used in therapy or as a self-help tool for individuals struggling with anxiety and depression. As someone who works in the mental health field, I would definitely recommend this workbook to patients. #TheAnxietyandDepressionWorkbook #NetGalley

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Great explanations and easy workbook to aid client's--- in addition to receiving therapy from a trained clinician

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An easy to follow workbook to help manage anxiety and depression. Examples given behind each technique and it allows you to work at your own pace. Very helpful and I have recommended it to others.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I found this to be helpful and will probably purchase a copy of it. I'm always looking for new information on this topic and was glad to see this title in the offerings.

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This book was full of vignettes, activities, and applicable techniques to use with patients/clients.

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Tompkins has poured his love for helping those suffering with anxiety and depression and his years of experience into this resource that will help you help yourself with CBT. The skills taught in this guide are not a substitute for therapy, but are about as close as you can get if you are motivated to be consistent and follow through with the you’ll have to do.

Thanks to NetGalley and New Harbinger Publications for an ARC.

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Do you have anxiety or depression? Do you try to manage these disorders by avoiding emotions? If so, then this workbook might be for you. It's a good, basic introduction to CBT with lots of exercises to help you become more flexible in your thinking. I thought the examples became repetitive, but others may find them helpful,

This book is not for everyone, though. It doesn't address the fact that anxiety and depression can be the result of the way stress affects neurotransmitters in the brain. In fact, it says straight out, "Inflexibility in the way you think, act, and pay attention is a core feature of excessive and persistent anxiety and depression" and "An inflexible emotional system is the definition of an emotional disorder." (These quotes are from the ARC version; the published version may differ.) The book seems to discount the possibility that anxiety and depression could be physiological rather than psychological in nature.

Thanks, NetGalley. for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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The Anxiety and Depression Workbook by Michael A. Tompkins incorporate cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques to help you improve emotional flexibility. This is defined as “the ability to respond to life’s challenges with an appropriate level of emotion, and then to recover as these situations change.” Sounds pretty good to me.

Somewhat like Overcoming Avoidance, which I reviewed recently, this book takes a transdiagnostic approach that will help with symptoms of both depression and anxiety. I preferred this book’s approach, as it didn’t push avoidance as the be all and end all that the other book hinted at.

The author comes out with the standard CBT lines that you avoid because of feared outcomes, including avoiding positive things because you think you don’t deserve it or you’re afraid of feeling better. There’s the implication that if you just stop avoiding, positive emotions will manifest like a purple people eater. I’m sarcastic because depression doesn’t just happen one way. Granted, depression that way is exactly what the book is targeting, but eventually there comes a point where doing things for the sake of them is just a waste of time because clearly the positive just isn’t happening.

However, aside from that little hiccup, I liked the exercises included in the book. There was a “north star” exercise that reminded me of the acceptance and commitment therapy life compass. Mindfulness was presented as a way to develop more flexible attention.

The book covers CBT bread and butter concepts like negative automatic thoughts, identifying hot thoughts, the downward arrow technique, thinking traps, and testing predictions. Things are explained clearly, and in a novel enough way that it’s still interesting for a reader familiar with CBT.

There’s a chapter devoted to emotional avoidance, i.e. trying to avoid feeling certain emotions. It covers how to practice exposing yourself to emotions as well as physical sensations.

Another chapter focuses on gratitude and self-compassion. It includes myths that might make you dubious about self-compassion, which I think would be highly relevant for anyone who struggles with a noisy inner critic.

The worksheets throughout the book had clearly filled out examples. They tend to be a bit more involved than some of the basic ones that you may have seen before; again, I think this increases the relevance of the book for people who have some familiarity with CBT already.

I think this book is well done, from the explanations to the exercises to the worksheets to accompany them. I can definitely see it being useful in dealing with depression or anxiety.

I received a reviewer copy from the publisher through Netgalley.

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The Anxiety and Depression Workbook is designed for self-help or as conjunctive to therapy for individuals experiencing symptoms of anxiety and depression, including those who may not meet criteria for anxiety or depressive disorders.

This workbook begins with a section on psychoeducation and self-assessment, and then works to actionable steps (with lots of worksheets) to help with symptom and values identification, mindfulness, and to modify thoughts and behavior.

The Anxiety and Depression Workbook uses a lot of skills familiar to me from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, but the progression through the workbook is gradual and achievable. The narrative portions of this workbook are validating and normalize the experiences of anxiety and depression, and the case examples carried throughout the workbook make this one more accessible for self-help use than some of the other workbooks I've seen.

I'm a therapist who works frequently with anxiety and depression, and plan to purchase a copy of this upon publication to use in sessions with clients, and anticipate that I will also recommend it to clients and friends who want to do more directive or independent work around anxiety and/or depression symptoms.

The only thing I wish had been different in this workbook is that I wish that the case example with OCD symptoms had used a presentation other than contamination/illness/hand washing, because I find that the prevalence of this specific presentation in media/literature sometimes keeps people who are experiencing other presentations of OCD from being able to self-identify or relate to the diagnosis. This is more soap-boxy/personal preference, though, and doesn't alter the experience with the workbook whatsoever.

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An easy-to-follow workbook to help manage your anxiety and depressions with logical and thought-out steps that anyone can follow. This book is laid out in two sections, the first the reasoning behind anxiety and depression and the second is those steps to help combat it. This book does need to be read in order as suggested because the information in each chapter does come into effect in the next chapter. It uses three primary case studies that you follow throughout where each technique is applied to the same case study. Plenty of examples and the reasoning behind each technique is logical and thoughtful. It allows you to work at your own pace, with or without professional help and gives you sound reasoning of why this works. Now it is not a cure-all for everyone but does give techniques that everyone should be able to apply to relieve some ailments of the disorders. It lays out CBT in an easy-to-follow guide.

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This is indeed a great book. It is a book that I could use. A book that is indepth and beautiful. I have been doing the activities and it really got me to think. It got me to untangle my emotions and just focus on one goal. Which is taking control over my depression.

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I'll definitely be adding this book to my library for use with clients. Not only are concepts clearly explained, but worksheets are provided, explained, and examples that are filled out are given. I love the part that includes values driven behavior, as I've found discussions of how values are impacted by anxiety and depression to be very helpful with clients.

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Awesome workbook that I have been using with my clients. Helpful sheets to help clients manage their anxiety and depression.

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An introduction to different terms and some visuals along with the spaces to write. Links to audio and worksheets - so can have the digital copy if want. More of other peoples stories.

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"The skills in this workbook will increase the flexibility of your emotional system and, in the
process, build your tolerance to emotions such as anxiety and depression. Learning that you can tolerate your anxious or depressed feelings is how you recover from the uncomfortable feelings that are limiting your life."

This is a fantastic and practical book if you suffer from anxiety or depression. The book is full of specific techniques you can use to move through different ways in which you're emotionally inflexible as the authors frame it.

Once you get clear on your values and set goals, the book is divided into different sections to help you build flexible attention, thinking, action, and tolerance. There's also a section on gratitude and self-compassion.

"Ultimately, your recovery depends on having both meaningful goals that are in the service of your values, as well as a clear plan to achieve those goals. A goal is not the same as a plan. The goal is the destination you hope to reach; the plan is the set of distinct steps you’ll take to reach the goal. Most important, your recovery depends on your willingness to change your behaviors or actions— and connecting your actions to your values will help you do this."

As the authors introduce each technique, they give examples of different characters who each have different anxiety/depression-related problems and they show how the character uses that technique so you can see it in action and then they have an empty form for you to fill with your own data. This makes it really easy to understand the technique and see it applied.

"Deep and lasting change—the kind of change that transforms your life—begins by building your tolerance to your intense anxious and depressed feelings"

I really liked this book and will be using several of these techniques throughout my life.

with gratitude to netgalley and New Harbinger for an advanced copy in return for an honest review

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