Member Reviews
A lyrically complex collection of poetry delving into the human connection and the lasting power of words. In a way, these poems didn't feel exactly like a collection but each poem definitely had its own striking merit. Any writer will enjoy the wit, emotion and observations on the pages.
This one here is a collection of poetry. Some of these poems were lyrical and fun, while others were thought provoking. Others though I didn’t really connect with. But I suppose that’s poetry for you. Overall, I enjoyed this poetry collection.
This book wasn’t my cup of tea. Firstly, I struggled to connect most of the poetry to the title. I also couldn’t connect the poems to each other, so it felt jolting, and it didn’t flow as well as other collections I’ve read. I didn’t like the formatting either. I’m really sad because I was looking forward to this. However, I do want to stress that poetry is so subjective, so I suggest you read the book to find out if this is your thing.
this book felt familiar and new at the same time, and is a solid read. though i've been reading a lot, maybe that's why i couldn't find myself that entranced or immersed in it. still recommended though!
I enjoyed this collection. The poems were thought provoking and lyrical. I'm looking forward to reading more from this poet.
This book was sent to me as an ARC from NetGalley. However, this book was unfortunately archived before I could read it.
This was a good book full of great poems. I really enjoyed reading all of the poems in this book. The poems were very unique and did not disappoint me at all. I really loved reading about the themes of family, love and loss which really provided the reader with a good insight into the writers life.
Many thanks to Netgalley and BooksGoSocial for providing me with this arc in exchange for an honest review.
I'm so sorry, this is only a case of poetry book not being my kind of poetry book. If you're interested in this book please read it, I just didn't vibe with it, it's only a matter of personal reference.
I gave this a three out of five stars. I enjoyed some of the aspects of this but It had also lost my interest too.
I love the concept of the book and I enjoyed reading most of it. There were some poems that wouldn't connect with me - and I do love poetry. Overall, a nice reading.
Not for me.
One thing? The formatting. I didn't like the constant indents.
Two. Every single poem is either too long or too short.
Three. It felt like the poet only used 'writer' or 'words' in some of the poems in order to justify the title. None of it seemed to fit together to me and jumped around constantly.
I'm not sure what I expected because I've never read this particular poet before but yeah I just felt like the whole thing was trying too hard.
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
I really enjoyed reading this powerful poetry collection by Tolu' A. Akinyemi, I particularly loved the captivating title that encapsulates the meaning of the book.
One of my favorite poems was the one not marrying a writer if you have secrets because they will expose you. I could very much relate to that!
One lesson that I got from this book is that words, in whatever form, can be very hurtful, so it's important to ponderate what we want to say whether it's online or in real life.
I highly recommend this to lovers - and non-lovers - of poetry, since it's a collection that will leave a mark on every type of reader.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an early copy.
Book 3 of my 2021 Reading Challenge
Never Marry a Writer
by Tolu' A. Akinyemi
published 2021
A collection of poetry about the power of words.
First Impressions/Judging a Book by Its Cover
I found this book when browsing through my auto-approvals on NetGalley (the full disclaimer will be in my review below). The cover art intrigued me and when I saw the description as "poetry" I decided to give it a shot. Poetry is like pizza to me (no matter how it's prepared or delivered I know I will never hate it) so this was a safe bet to take a chance on with no further investigation.
My Opinion
4 stars
**I received an electronic copy of this book via NetGalley and would like to thank the author and/of publisher for the opportunity to read and honestly review it**
Each poem was brief but layered. If I read at a normal pace they would be over before they began so it was a good reminder to slow down my pace and sit in the moment after I finished, which is how I feel poetry should be read. So I read slowly, more than once, and thought about my interpretation.
I would read this author again.
Quote from the Book
"Their mouths are wet, but my lips were dry
from the emptiness of their words."
I attribute poetry to mood and taste. Sometimes, poetry is not in the particular flavor we are craving at the moment. That was the case with this particular book. I had to DNF it.
The poems themselves did not connect with me and I am not certain if it was the writing or my mood while reading it. I would have to return to this collection again in the future to be certain.
I love the concept of this poetry collection - a writer actually writing about the people they see? Sign me up. Poetry collections are always hit or miss with me, but I enjoyed this one. I liked how the structure of each poem changed depending on the section of the collection, and that each poem was based on a fragment of a moment in a writer’s life.
While reading this book my interpretation was about verbal abuse. I keep thinking about how words can be used to bring others down and at first you may not realize because it's said in such a way. Coated in pretty words.
I am usually not a big fan of poetry. It happens rarely I go and say "I loved this poetry!"
So far, it happened once. Today, it happened again. I fell in love with those poems, not because of their content, but mostly because of the subcontext. Also, the Never Marry a Writer poems were absolutly magical. I think I liked them best. Found a lot of myself in them too.
I received a free ARC by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
It was an enjoyable read with captivating words that had me immerged in the book. I enjoyed reading this, and if the title didn't amuse you enough, the inside of the book certainly will.
Tolu A. Akinyemi is a poet worth noting. These words are powerful, filled with literary life, and worth sharing. A beautiful collection.
As a reader, I love poetry, however, I seem to be really picky with the kinds of poetry I enjoy. There’s nothing inherently wrong with the writing, I liked some of the content, but it just didn’t move me, and I thought that given the title of the text, I’d be spellbound and reminded of my love of words and how they can convey such lovely little emotions.
Again, there’s nothing wrong with the writing. I commend the author on such an achievement as it is to have published his seventh collection of works, it just didn’t ‘gel’ with me.
The ARC was given to me in exchange for my honest review thanks to Tolu’ A. Akinyemi, and NetGalley.