Member Reviews

The Lyon's Den in Winter
by Whitney Blake

Another book featuring matchmaker Mrs Bessie Dove-Lyons. Viola is a playwright who unconventionally dressed like a man to get her plays published but ends up being attacked. She is rescued by Dr Duncan Nelson who is leaving the Lyons den. After the incident Viola’s father decides she must she must marry and her father visits Bessie to arrange this .

A few twists and turns in this story. Reasonable read.3.5/5

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This has an intriguing storyline and interesting characters, but it did not draw me in. It leaves a lot hanging at the end, and ends very abruptly. I really did love the H and h.

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All of the Lyons books are good. I would recommend any of them but this one is a standout. Well written and enjoyed the characters and the plot.

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I'm sorry to say I'm not too fussed on this novella or the writing style, part of the Lyon's Den series and set in London 1814. The writing is fine within itself, but seems all over the place, with a lot of narration of the story and telling, not showing. Also there are many, many short sentences, which were quite annoying and kept distracting me. For a novella there are a lot of characters and the first chapter is Viola's father Malcolm (his POV) and Mrs Dove-Lyon discussing how to match Viola (his daughter), with a suitable gentleman.

I would have preferred the story to start with Viola's first meeting with Duncan (since this is supposed to be their romance), told in real time, rather than via Duncan's reflection the day after and Malcolm's comments to the match-maker. The to and fro style of story telling didn't help with the overall flow of the novella and I never really formed a picture of the H/h in my mind. It can be read as a stand alone and my thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for my opinion in return for the eARC.

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I love reading this series, especially the fact that we learned a little more of the personal life of the Black Widow of Whitehall, Bessie Dove-Lyon in this story. Mrs. Dove-Lyon is again busy playing matchmaker in this story.
Miss Viola Black writes plays and dresses as a man. Her father is a solicitor and has a secret or two of his own. Dr. Duncan Neilson is visiting a friend in London who has taken him to Lyon's Den for drinking and gambling.
Whitney Blake has written an enjoyable story that you will really enjoy!

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4 stars

A quick clean read but entertaining. Viola writes plays and whilst out is attacked by a couple of men. She is able to fit back but injured she meet a very drunk Duncan who insists she goes with him to the Lyon's den so that her eye wound can be looked over. Viola's dad is a solictor but also has been a successful gambler so he knows the Black widow so when he hears of the attack goes to see her to arrange a marriage for Viola. The widow has met Duncan and feels that a scottish doctor living away from London is an ideal fit. I recommend that you read this story as it is charming.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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A different Historical Romance Involving Malcom a man with secrets,Viola his somewhat unorthodox daughter and Duncan the gentleman who saved her. Which leads to a mystery suspense and romance.
A good read.
Voluntarily reviewed.

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Historical Romance with a Dash of Suspense

They met by chance, but was it fate? He rescued her from thugs, and he took her to the Lyon’s Den to take care of her wounds. Did that seal their fate? Who attacked her? Was it just a random robbery, or was it something more sinister at work? Viola is used to her independence, but now, her father wants her married. She does not want to marry, but would seeing Duncan, the man who saved her, change her mind? If you like historical romance with a dash of suspense, you might enjoy this story.

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Dr. Duncan Neilson comes to the rescue of a young man to quickly realize its actually a young beautiful young woman. Viola Black is not conventional young lady, she dresses as a man to sell her plays to London companies. After she’s attacked her father decides he’s to blame, or rather his past and sets out to see the Black Widow of Whitechapel to arrange a marriage for his daughters protection. After Duncan took Viola to the Lyon’s Den to clean her wounds he loses a bet and is too married at the Black Widows direction and she’s him as Viola’s husband, if she agrees. It’s obvious there’s an attraction between the two, but is that enough to start a marriage? When her life is in danger Duncan will do everything to rescue her. I have voluntarily read and reviewed these excellent story filled with intrigue and romance.

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I have read all the books in the Lyons Den series and enjoy experiencing how different authors tackle the story lines with the same matchmaker, Bessie Dove-Lyon, at the center of the story. This book is about Viola, an unconventional heroine who wears pants and has a profession of being a playwright being matched with physician Duncan by the matchmaker. For me, I didn't feel the pull of love between the characters and missed the steam in this sweet story. This was an easy, quick novella to read, although not my favorite in the series.

I received an advanced copy of this novel from the Publisher via NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions

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The Lyon’s Den in Winter by Whitney Blake
4 Stars

Their first meeting was a fortunate accident Duncan Nelson rescued Viola Black when she was attacked on her way home. Their second meeting was arranged by her father and Bessie Dove-Lyon, matchmaker extraordinaire. It appears Malcolm Black and Bessie are friends. Malcolm is pleased with Bessie’s choice for husband for Viola. He hopes Duncan will make Viola happy and keep her safe. Can a Highland doctor with a daughter and a woman who is secretly a playwright make a happy marriage and family?

Duncan is handsome, intelligent, and caring. Viola is independent to say the least. They like each other when they meet. Writing is a common interest. She writes plays, and he writes poetry. Duncan’s daughter Constance is delightful. She is cheerful and inquisitive. Malcolm is an interesting character. There is a hint at a story involving him. This is another enjoyable and entertaining tale of romance initiated by Bessie Dove-Lyon. I recommend it.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. My review is voluntary.

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The Black Widow was up to her machinations again and I loved every second! What does one do when one needs a daughter hastily married off? Go to the local matchmaker? Well yes, but so much more is involved!

Viola was in danger. At least that is what her father Malcolm said and it was due to his reputation. A solicitor on the surface and much more under cover. How else would be have the money he does? Now Malcolm is receiving notes threatening the life of his daughter. What to do? Marry her off of course and Mrs Dove Lyons finds the perfect person!

When the marriage is agreed upon, Viola is abducted and the adventure begins! A wonderful addition to this fascinating series and cannot wait for more!

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This is my fair and honest review, voluntarily given and in my own words for this ARC. I think I have read all of this series and really enjoy the concept and all the different stories. I did enjoy this one however, it was not my favourite one. I felt it was a bit too short and not really as engaging as I felt it could be.

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I have loved reading this series and enjoy the antics of the characters; especially of Bessie Dove-Lyon as she puts her matching skills to work on her cliental. Most are hired by their concerned parents/parent or fall owing the Lyons Den monies for gambling. But she only match’s when unforeseen circumstances cause the unwanted ruin of a person in society or on the cusp of it. However, this is a male friend’s daughter that needs help and a Physician from Scotland that seems to be the answer to the young lady’s safety. As this is a novella, I find that some of their circumstances left unanswered and wonder if later they will be answered. I certainly hope so, as this could be a great adventure to read.

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The Lyon's Den in Winter by Whitney Blake is another entry into the world of matchmaker, Bessie Dove-Lyon. This time the two people involved had met previously when Viola Black had managed to get herself robbed and injured and Dr. Duncan Nelson, although in his cups, had rescued her and brought her to Mrs. Dove-Lyon's house so he could treat her injuries. Viola is an interesting character, the daughter of an actress and a lawyer, she herself is on the edge of spinsterhood, dresses like a man so she can make her way around London mostly unaccosted, and is a playwright, which explains her need to be out and about. She is not looking for a husband but her father, Mal, thinks she needs one. He is worried about his past hurting her and he has known Dove-Lyon for years so he goes directly to her. Having already met Viola and having already won a bet from Duncan, she sees this as the perfect match. So the match was made.

This might have been my mood, but I felt like this story was a bit disjointed. I like the characters and the overall story, however. I love the Lyon's Den world. It is fast-paced, romantic, and interesting, with all sorts of matches made between people who seem too different to be successful, and yet they are. Mal's past is not so terrible, given the common view of lawyers but his marriage to a woman someone else wanted has haunted him and now haunts his daughter. This is an endearing tale, romantic, but challenging. The characters are good, Mrs. Dove-Lyon is at her best, and I found it worth the read.

I was invited to read a free ARC of The Lyon's Den in Winter by Dragonblade through Netgalley. All opinions contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #thelyonsdeninwinter

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Viola Black is not conventional Regency woman, she dresses as a man to sell her sought-after plays to London companies. Her father, wily solicitor Malcolm Black, turns a benevolent blind eye to her habits. That is, until one frigid night, when she’s cornered by ruffians. While Viola tries to dismiss the incident as a hazard of London life, Papa is more alarmed. She senses there is far more he's not telling her. But she's keeping something to herself, too. Though she was shaken by her attack, she also had the good fortune of running into Dr. Duncan Neilson whom she can't banish from her head. When Papa insists Mrs Dove-Lyon find her a husband, Viola balks. Then Duncan walks into the Black Widow’s parlour, charming and enigmatic as ever. Then Viola is abducted and becomes entangled in an old feud she knew nothing about. Papa has been concealing his past from her.
As Viola keeps a level head and contemplates escape, her unexpected fiancée is working with her father to bring her home.
Another entertaining read in the Lyon’s Den series, I liked both Duncan & Viola & enjoyed the road to their HEA but I felt it was rushed & there were several questions I would have liked resolved
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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The Queen of Matchmaking is at it again! The Black Widow of Lyon’s Den has Londons most elite gambling hall, but one must be wary because they could end up engaged! Dr. Duncan Nielson made a losing wager and by the end of the night somehow finds himself at the mercy of Ms. Bessie Dove-Lyons the Black Widow herself! She needs a man for a friends daughter and has determined the good doctor a perfect fit.

Viola Black, a unorthodox young woman who keeps her playwriting a secret finds herself being thrust into a marital relationship that she had no clue was being arranged by her father. Her father has been keeping secrets from his daughter about his ties to the dark side of London and his daughter has been getting threats.

Duncan is not aware he will be faced with protecting his soon to be wife,! The author, Whitney Blake has done such a phenomenal job on the unfolding of the journey that this is truly a magnificent book! I didn’t think that the books could get any better, but the Lyon’s Den Series is only picking up speed on there delivery of exceptional excellence in characters and freshness of storylines!

I definitely would recommend this book to anyone!

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and these are my willingly given thoughts and opinions.

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Viola has an unconventional hobby. Her father turned a blind eye to it until she was mugged and injured. He decides that a trip to visit Mrs. Dove-Lyon is in order and that his daughter must be married for her protection. Duncan was drunk, but not too drunk to come to the rescue of a lady, even if her dress was a bit unusual. When the two of them are “matched” by the professional matchmaker, they decide to make the best of it. But the quick engagement to marriage is interrupted by someone with a grudge against her father. A very quick and entertaining novella in this ongoing series.

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Duncan and Viola's story makes for an interesting romance.
Dressed as a lad Viola sells her plays. Duncan is her hero in this mysterious and loving scenario.
I have never read a book by this author before but look forward to more.
I received a complimentary copy of this title from Netgalley and am voluntarily posting this review.

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Miss Viola Black is a very unconventional young woman. She writes plays, and because that's a men only pastime she dresses as one. Her father is also unconventional and has secret even Viola doesn't know.

Dr Duncan Neilson is normally a sober and responsible man, mainly due to looking after his daughter and his work. At this moment though he's visiting London and an old friend who's leading him into the bad habits of drinking and gambling.

This is an amusing tale filled with unusual characters, danger and fun. Our heroine's father is the cause of her adventures.

Great fun.

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