Member Reviews

I guess I Have two reviews here. The book itself is very touching, insightful, heartbreaking, and beautiful. That said, I got my copy from Netgalley, and the formatting is so off that it was difficult to read at times. (Like, a random paragraph would be inserted in the middle of another paragraph, and after moving to the next page, you figure out where that random paragraph belongs.

Anyway, aside from the formatting issues, I did enjoy this book. I could feel the raw emotion that had been poured onto the page. I’d like to get my hands on a physical copy of this book so I can enjoy the beautiful pictures as well as read everything the way it was meant to be read.

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Reading Come, Sweet Day reminded me of the Psalms. It was a sweet balm to my struggles and a reminder that I am not alone in them, God knows and He is there and is my stronghold in the rocky times.

I am familiar with Julianne Donaldson because of her two previous novels, Edenbrooke and Blackmoore, and I was not disappointed with this collection of poems and commentary. Beautiful writing.

My gratitude to Shadow Mountain Publishing and Netgalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I don't generally read poetry, but I'm glad I decided to read this one.

I was surprised to see Donaldson turn to poetry after writing Edenbrooke and Blackmoore, two great Regency romances. This was clearly what she needed to write, and I'm so glad she did. Her poetry spoke to my soul and had me feeling both sorrowful and hopeful. She uses beautiful poems to chronicle a very low time in her life and how, in the midst of this darkness, she was able to realize God's love more than ever.

It's a very quick read, and I would definitely read it again.

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I was interested in reading this book because I have previously read both of the author’s popular novels and have seen some glimpses of her personal struggles through social media. It is not a memoir, but instead a collection of short essays, poems, and thoughts as she reflects on going through trials with a Christian perspective. It is short, beautifully designed and emotional. I am not a huge poetry reader myself and felt more drawn to her essays (just a personal preference), but all of it was beautifully written. I especially appreciated that unlike many other books of this nature, she is not at the end of her trial and looking back. Instead she is still in the thick of things and trying to find peace and beauty.

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For fans of Julianne Donaldson’s books who have wondered why we have not heard more from her, this book shares the answer by taking readers through the personal valleys she has been experiencing. I could not put this book down! As I read her story, I loved this book not for the pain the author has experienced, but rather for the fact that she has shared her journey with readers. It reminded me that no one is alone on the road marked painful challenges. The poetry she has written as well as the photography included all work together to convey a message. Ms. Donaldson has been noted as a gifted fiction writer. You may add the genres of non-fiction and poetry to that as well.

The reality that we all, at some point, go through challenges makes this a book everyone should read. In fact, purchase a copy for someone you know that may be going through a challenge.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by the publisher and Net Galley but the thoughts expressed are my own.

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2021, Pandemic Part II

We open on a poetry book. A compilation of encouragement and feelings of despair. Reflections of a life that has gone through trials and tribulations. Quite the way to begin 2021, right?

Bestselling romance author Julianne Donaldson has written deeply emotional, sweeping love stories in Edenbrooke and Blackmoore, often commenting that her characters were a reflection of what she wanted a woman’s life to be: happy, secure, unconditionally loved, and fulfilled. But in reality her own life was far more marked by difficult challenges and disappointments. In her new book, Donaldson reveals her thoughts and feelings from that unsettled time of despair and suffering so women can know they are not alone and that there is hope even in the hard times.

Compiled from years of inspirational words of encouragement to herself on social media—and even bits and pieces of random musings written on scrap paper, this is a unique writer’s journey through a life passage marked by cancer, a bitter divorce, legal battles with her ex-husband, mental illness, and persistent feelings of rejection and abandonment which also rendered her unable to pick up her career as a writer to support herself and her family. Overwhelmed by sadness and almost paralyzed into inaction by despair, she slowly finds her way back to her writer’s toolbox, unpacking the pain and sharing her innermost feelings as if revealing a character’s thoughts in a novel. In her writing she begins to find rays of understanding and acceptance and eventually finds strength from knowing that God’s love and His grace and guidance give greater meaning to our suffering and light the way to hope.

“So, here’s me bragging: I got out of bed today!”

(all quotes are pending final publication)
Girl me too.

POSITIVE: Every day that we get out of bed is a moment won. This collection resonates with how a lot of people are feeling right now – full of darkness, yet embracing hope.

NEGATIVE: A lot of talk about faith. Don’t get me wrong, I have faith and am a spiritual person. However, I don’t usually enjoy reading about it in books. That said, I support her in her journey of spirituality as it helped pull her out of the murk.


Thank you to the publishers over at ShadowMountain Publishing for sending me a copy of this eARC.

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Typically this type of book is something I don’t enjoy and usually can’t even finish. This one I actually finished! It was an easy quick read- Something you could pick up and read here and there when you have a few minutes. I did enjoy it even though poetry isn’t really my thing.

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I liked the stories in the book and thought the author has great insight. I had a hard time connecting with the poems. I think that is just that I am not really a poems person.

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What a beautiful collection of beautiful vulnerability. I ADORED this compilation of poems and thoughts.

I have throughly enjoyed Donaldson's works of fiction for years. This non-fiction piece goes to show that she definitely knows her way around words. The emotions she shows in her writing is amazing.

Also that conclusion that is all about inclusion had me in Tears!

Great job friend.

Thank you Netgalley and Shadow Mountain for the advanced ecopy in exchange for honest feedback.

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This short, beautiful book is a compilation of poetry, essays and spiritual thoughts from an author who has experienced some very difficult challenges. The author's prose is beautiful and the words encouraging. There were several parts that spoke to my soul. I absolutely loved it and cannot wait to get a hard copy to read over and over again. Absolutely beautiful!

I received a complimentary digital copy from the publisher but was not required to leave a positive review.

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Beautiful. Vulnerable. Inspiring. A great reminder that YOU ARE OK. I appreciate the author being so honest and sharing her experiences through grief, mental illness, and other trials.

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A real and raw look from the author and her struggles. I appreciated the faith aspect, as that has helped me tremendously as well. This was beautifully written. It was short and sweet. It was beautifully written and a wonderful tribute to the beauty that is HOPE. My thanks to the publisher for the advance reader in exchange for my honest review.

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Reviewed for

Popular Regency author Julianne Donaldson is back, this time with writings of a different nature. In Come, Sweet Day, Donaldson shares short stories and poetry she wrote during some of her darkest moments. Her work is touching, raw, and relatable -- just what the world needs right now! Donaldson has a magnificent way with words and her writing acknowledges the pain and anguish of life's difficulties. Despite the agony of a divorce, cancer diagnosis, and debt, Donaldson's poignant work conveys a message of hope. In addition to stunning prose, the book has a beautiful layout, with gorgeous images that relate perfectly to the words on each page. Come, Sweet Day is a fantastic length to allow reading it again and again. This book would make a perfect gift for anyone who needs a pick-me-up.

Review of a Digital Advance Reading Copy

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An absolutely stunning poetry debut. Just as worthy of praise as her fiction works. Donaldson shares words about grief, hope, and love that will resonate with any reader.

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This is a book of inspirational thoughts for people who are struggling and in pain. The poetry and meditations are encouraging and thought-provoking, helping us to find peace amid life's storms and troubled times. This would be best in a format where the colors would be bright and cheerful. Thank you, Netgalley, for giving me the opportunity to read this

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This was a thought provoking read. It is full of insights, poetry and thoughts. I really enjoyed them. It is a quick read, but one to go back to often.

I received a free copy of this book for an honest review.

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Beautiful poetry book with such positive uplifting content, letting people know they are not alone and God has a plan for each and every one of us. The illustrations accent the poems beautifully (loved the little type/font designs too!) perfect book to visit with during this crazy season of life.

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**I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher via NetGalley. My choice to review and the words I’ve used are my own—as always.***

I enjoy poetry for its ability to succinctly capture a sea of emotions in a few well-chosen words. This collection of insights and poetry succinctly capture reminders that God is good and with His children at every point of the journey, not just the easy and pleasant ones.

There is much hope and comfort in that truth and in this collection.

An excerpt from the beginning, “I have learned that nobody is immune to dark times. I have also learned to never take for granted the times when things go well…I had a choice. I could look down to where I was going and fall into hopelessness. Or I could call to my God. I could reach up to Him, believing He would grab hold of my hands. And then, with the devil pulling me by the feet and God pulling me by the hands, I would be stretched. Oh, that stretching can be painful. But it’s so much better than giving up, looking down, and letting despair claim me.”

Another from later on, “I ask myself often, ‘What’s wrong with me? Why is this so hard?’ But in a gift of grace to myself, I am now telling myself that just because it’s hard doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with me. Just because our progress is slow doesn’t mean we’re not trying.“

My experiences are not the same as the author’s, but her desire to cling to God and learn in her wilderness *with Him* is encouragement and comfort for me. I am eager to share this book with others who, in their own wilderness, may also be praying or pleading, “Come bright hope/Come, new song/Come, sweet day.”

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This is a beautiful book. It is filled with Faith, Hope and over-coming despair with Charity. Julianne is a wonderful poet and shares some very deep and powerful knowledge she has gained through her severe and sometimes debilitating trials. But I think what I came away with most of all was the love she has for her children and her friends. She has tried to surround herself with good people and it shows. She has worked to love her life and enjoy the time she has with her family. I truly enjoyed it and hope she can continue to find peace through her Savior and Friend. I loved it and I can't wait to share it with everyone.

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First sentence: I know every single person out there is dealing with a lot of hard things. But for those who are wondering if they’re alone in feeling weighed down by life, you’re not. I want you to know that you can be a good person and still have really heavy burdens in this life, and it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.

Come, Sweet Day is a book of poetry and short prose pieces by Julianne Donaldson. Donaldson generally writes fiction, but this is a more intimate and personal book written from a place of faith, hope, and honesty.

I have enjoyed her novels. I am not as open to "loving" poetry in general. But I liked this one. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was super amazing and life changing. But I liked it. I appreciate her honesty and insights.

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