Member Reviews

Note: This is the second story in this series and as such is a complete spoiler for book one. It is recommended that they be read in order.
This story takes place two years after Ainsley and Joachim, the professor and the psychologist, have settled into their relationship. Ainsley has been hard at work rehabilitating his reputation, but he’s not quite there yet. As a result, the summer offer for both men is for research in Sweden. While initially reluctant, between Dr. Jeppsson, the Swedish professor who wants to enlist Ainsley’s help, and his flattery and Joachim’s cajoling, Ainsley finally agrees. What he doesn’t know then is that Joachim has agreed to also bring along Ainsley’s nephew Freddy and Helle, the barman at their club as a sort of chaperone/guide for Freddy and hopefully keep him out of Joachim’s and Ainsley’s way of their summer getaway.
Needless to say, things get off to a bumpy start and they go a bit haywire from there. There are surprise hauntings, mysterious ghosts and a possible murderer on the loose. And of course there are all sorts of distractions and obstacles to Joachim and Ainsley getting to spend time together. This leads to jealousy and misunderstandings. Joachim and Ainsley are neither 100% forthcoming with each other, which leads to further confusion. There is a long road to go in this one – that is filled with a lot of startling discoveries 🙂
While I enjoyed this book, there were some things I didn’t like quite as much. I still like the relationship and banter between Ainsley and Joachim, but I wasn’t so excited about the jealousy and miscommunication (or rather lack of communication) in the story. Frankly those two things get tedious rather quickly for me. But thankfully there were enough other positives to the story that made it worthwhile. There are new secondary characters here, including Freddy, Ainsley’s nephew whose presence definitely seems like a damper on what our heroes had planned for their summer (well at least Ainsley, anyway) and Helle, the gentleman’s club bartender that Ainsley is for come reason a bit jealous of – which I didn’t quite get since he’s already got his man in Joachim. I enjoyed the setting quite a lot and really am looking forward to the next book. These are compelling characters and although I didn’t love this one as much as the first, I’m rather excited for their next adventure. Recommended – particularly for Ghost story lovers and historical fans.

Hilarious follow up to Best Laid Plaids. This time, our lovers are now in Sweden, where Joachim has a temporary post and Ainsley is researching a ghost moose (just roll with it).
In the service of this riveting research, Ainsley will be traveling with a strapping blonde professor but it's Joachim who is struck jealous until our handsome doctor is suspected of murdering his previous lover. This time, our grumpy/sunshine duo are getting themselves into more scraps than ever, especially of the paranormal variety. The ghosts in this novel are as much characters as any of their flesh and blood counterparts.
I love duos/trilogies that feature the same characters, where the reader has the opportunity to enjoy the development of a relationship from the in-love phase to the point where they build from all that passion and heat something that has is strong enough to last.
Ainsley and Joachim's chemistry is as strong as ever and while every bit the flawed characters, they grow and recover from their mistakes. The writing voice is excellent and the humor is every bit as sharp as book 1. I can hardly wait until the publication of book 3.
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Love this series and the latest addition to it. The setting is so atmospheric, the historical/paranormal elements are fascinating, and of course the romance is so much fun to read.

I found that I didn't get into this one as quickly as the first book, but I still loved Ainsley and Joachim. The cast of characters on this new adventure was lively but the central mystery was a little cliched. I figured out what was going on earlier than I expected, but it was still a very enjoyable read. The conclusion was very satisfying and I'm excited to see how their relationship develops from here.

I had a lot of fun in reading this book, it's engrossing and entertaining.
Love the characters, the humor and the plot.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

4.5 Stars
I was so happy to come back to the world-building and amazing characters of Where There's a Kilt, There's a way , book 2 of the Kilty Pleasures Series.
The humor , banter , snark that enchanted me in book one are all here in book two . My only complaint is that Joaquin and Ainsley - the heroes - didn't spend much time together for most of the story. Their chemistry and interactions is what made them such a memorable pair to me .
Looking forward reading/listening other books in the series.

How excited am I to get another round of Ainsley and Joachim? SO EXCITED!
This book takes our duo to Sweden, where Joachim has a temporary post and Ainsley is researching a ghost moose. Jealousy arises when Joachim learns that Ainsley will be traveling with a strapping blonde professor with similar inclinations to their own, but the green-eyed monster becomes a secondary priority when it’s revealed that the aforementioned handsome gentleman may have murdered his last lover.
Confession: at first, I was somewhat sad that Ainsley and Joachim spend so much time apart in this book. But then I realized the advantages to this dynamic: they spent most of the first book together, and they’ve spent two years between books together as well. Separating allows the reader to gain a better appreciation for their interactions with other people and forces them to rely on themselves rather than insulating themselves against the outside world. Quite frankly, it also made the moments when they were together even more delightful because absence makes the heart grow fonder… or something like that.
So, because our two protagonists spend so much time apart, they need the support of a strong cast of secondary characters: a mix of familiar faces from the first book as well as several new ones, who might also not be what they appear to be on the surface.
This book was hilarious and had me smiling and laughing throughout. Ainsley is my favorite, mostly because he’s a complete gremlin, but even the serious Joachim managed to get himself into some amusing scrapes.
And yes, there are ghosts. They pop in to offer their opinion and help out as needed, and they are an intriguing addition to the cast. They are not the only paranormal phenomenon, but I can’t say anything more or I’ll give too much away.
I would absolutely recommend Where There’s a Kilt, There’s a Way. I would suggest starting with the beginning of the series before reading this book. Stainton is one of my favorite authors of queer romance and I love the amazingly creative world she has built for her duo. I especially love that Ainsley has ADHD; being neurodivergent myself, I’m always happy when I see neurodivergent representation in romance always makes me happy. I’m already looking forward to Ainsley and Joachim’s next adventure.
I received an ARC of this book from Carina Press/Netgalley.

Audio Review:
Overall – 5
Performance – 5
Story – 4
Another good visit with Ainsley and Joachim.
This story didn’t grab me quite as much as the first one, Best Laid Plaids, but I still really enjoyed it. Cornell Collins did another fine job with the audiobook.
There’s a bit of angst and tension between Ainsley and Joachim and their relationship seems in danger of falling apart at times but I knew it would all resolve and they would stay happy together. It was kind of refreshing to read them having the same kind of relationship problems that most couples have.
I enjoyed reading about Sweden and the sauna scene, and what followed, in the epilogue was fun! I’m really happy to know that there will be another story in this series and I’m looking forward to reading it.
A review copy was provided by the publisher via NetGalley but this did not influence my opinion or rating of the book. I listened to the audiobook courtesy of my library.

Pretty entertaining, it was maybe a bit too confusing when it came to the plot and some parts weren't fully explained. I think they needed more details.
The romantic storyline was a bit overdramatic, let's say unnecessary. I liked both Ainsley and Joachim but, even after years together, they still need to work hard on their communication skills. You can't practically break up after a misunderstanding. Who does that??
I must say this sequel was less confusing that book 1 since I always knew whose chapter I was reading about even without reading the name at the beginning of it. The fluency of the narration improved a lot since the first book.
I'm now really curious to know what will happen in book 3.

Well .... I loved the first book in this series - Best Laid Plaids - and as I started this book, I enjoyed catching up with Ainsley and Joachim two years into their relationship. There's a new cast of secondary characters here which, personally, were a bit confusing since we get alternating chapters of Ainsley and Joachim and their respective adventures, and I kept forgetting who was who. Once Ainsley and Joachim are finally reunited (around 2/3rds of the way through the book) and realize they are both involved in the same murder / mystery, things start coming into clearer focus.
But, for me, the folklore aspects of the tale (A ghostly moose? Nissa? Trolls? Enchanted treasure chests? Why, yes please!) were much more interesting than the shadowy murder/mystery. And while there is a wide range of characters here, many are very lightly fleshed-out and as a result the murder/mystery seemed undeveloped as well.
Surprisingly, what didn't click for me was the relationship between Ainsley and Joachim. The sizzling sexual dynamic between Ainsley and Joachim is an integral part of their relationship and in this book there are only a few scenes that really demonstrate why they are perfect for one another. Instead, each seems very willing to assume the worst of the other and there are plenty of moments where rampant miscommunication and misunderstandings lead to chaos.
3 stars for "Where's There a Kilt, There's a Way" but I do look forward to the next book in this series.

Where There's a Kilt is such a delightful read. The ghosts are back, along with other supernatural figures. I had so much fun reading about Ainsley and Joachim's shenanigans in Sweden. Ainsley is the same self-absorbed, clueless, scatterbrained character, and Joachim is a great companion for him with his better grasp of reality. There's the return of one minor character from Best Laid Plaids, who gets more of a starring role with a mysterious background. I loved getting to know this character better. There's also the addition a several interesting characters, one an American who is quirky and becomes a surprising ally for Joachim.
I enjoyed book 2 just as much as Book 1, and I'm very much looking forward to Book 3.
***Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.***

Ayant adoré le 1er tome, j'étais impatiente de découvrir la suite des aventures de Joachim et Ainsley, deux ans après leur rencontre !
Malheureusement, ce second opus m'a un peu moins emballée...
L'intrigue se déroule en Suède, nos deux comparses quittent l'Ecosse pour que Joachim puisse enseigner et Ainsley enquêter sur un mystérieux élan fantôme ! Mais ce voyage ne se passera pas comme prévu et le danger menace...
Le folklore scandinave est très présent, et j'ai adoré ce mélange entre romance historique et paranormale qui confère une atmosphère singulière au récit..Le mystère qui plane a été facilement élucidé de mon côté mais il donnera du fil à retordre à nos deux héros et parvient à nous tenir en haleine.
Ma petite déception s'explique en parie par l'attitude des héros ! Ils m'ont vraiment exaspérée par moment...J'ai trouvé Ainsley très dur à l'égard de Joachim, même si ce dernier est un peu maladroit et bien, il ne méritait d'être traitée de la sorte. J'aurais aimé que les deux hommes communiquent davantage et ne se comportent pas comme deux enfants capricieux ! Et le fait qu'il passe une bonne partie du récit séparés n'a pas aidé !
Néanmoins ce roman offre un sympathique moment de dépaysement !

It usually doesn't take me long to read a book, so the length of time I took is an indication of my reading preferences. As an established couple, I was looking forwarding to spending time with Drs Graham and Cockburn, their back-and-forth banter, and the mystery to solve (involving ghosts).
I was excited to see where we were headed this time (Sweden), but was slightly disappointed when they arrived that they were almost immediately separated. Both Ainsley and Joachim work out their individual parts of the crime, but for me, it took a bit too long to get them back together.
Mind you, once the story developed, I was on board, and raced through the last third, but I guess I didn't quite enjoy it as much as the first. Although, the first chapter of number 3 was goood....
Recommended pick this up, if you enjoyed the first one, and like a historical mystery ghost romantic story -- because basically it has all the things.
Thanks Netgalley and Carina Press for advanced copy. Comes out April 23 (tomorrow)

Picking up two years after the end of Best Laid Plaids, Joachim Cockburn and Ainsley Graham are preparing to embark on a new adventure -- teaching at a university in Sweden. Along for the ride is Ainsley's nephew Freddy, as well as Helle, the Swedish bartender at Ainsley's club in Edinburgh. Joachim and Ainsley's trip is soon derailed by ghosts, an unsolved Swedish murder mystery, and conflicting teaching schedules. The trip and separation tests both men, pushing them into uncomfortable situations -- will their relationship be able to withstand the stress?
While I greatly enjoyed Best Laid Plaids, Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way was a disappointment. Two of my least favorite tropes in romances are miscommunication and jealousy, and these are also the two main issues that Ainsley and Joachim struggle with. While having those issues is something that happens in relationships, I was disappointed that, after living together for two years, Ainsley and Joachim were so easily pushed apart, jumping to conclusions and not talking or listening to each other; I had hoped that they would have made more progress together. I spent the majority of the book feeling very frustrated with the characters and also frustrated with the mystery plot, which could have been easily resolved with some communication. The resolutions felt rushed and unsatisfying.
My favorite part of this sequel was getting to know more about Helle and the other side characters. I also enjoyed the change of setting in Sweden and the inclusion of Swedish folklore. There were also some sweet moments between Joachim and Ainsley (particularly the epilogue). Overall, this book did not work for me - largely because of the frustrating miscommunication - but it wasn't totally unenjoyable.

I really enjoyed this sequel! Our heroes are every bit as quirky and lovable as in the first novel. Now Ainsley and Joachim are off to Sweden as visiting professors. It’s a hoot full of mystery, ghosts, and relationship drama.
I really liked that Ainsley and Joachim have typical relationship issues in the story. It grounds the paranormal elements of the novel in the practicalities of a longterm relationship, particularly in academia.
The ghost stuff is not too scary, which I like. It adds to the mystery element.
I can’t wait to read the next installment!
I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher and Net Galley in return for a fair review.

Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way was not what I was expecting at all, based on the description and being labeled as a romance. It was disappointing to me as a reader, but I think that if you know what you're getting into, it could be an enjoyable reading experience.
If it isn't a romance, what kind of book is Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way? This is a question that I'm not sure the book knows how to answer. If I had to classify it, I would call it a historical murder mystery with paranormal elements. Where There’s a Kilt starts two years after Joachim and Ainsley have settled down in Scotland together at the end of Best Laid Plaids. They’ve both accepted summer jobs in Sweden, and managed to pick up a meddling ghost of a murdered Swedish man on their way there. Upon arrival in Sweden, Ainsley departs on a teaching and research trip whereas Joachim’s teaching keeps him near the university. Separately, they both get wrapped up in the unsolved murder, though from different angles. With the exception of a quick scene in the middle, Joachim and Ainsley remain apart for the majority of the book. As each chapter is told from an alternating perspective, the reader does know what is happening to each man, but romance readers want to see the characters engaging on page together.
I acknowledge that romance series that follow a single couple over multiple books are tricky. Usually this is balanced by continuing the romance arc throughout each book. However, Joachim and Ainsley had their happily ever after in Best Laid Plaids, so their relationship is not the main arc in Where’s There’s a Kilt. I've also read series where the main couple persists for multiple books, and if their romantic arc is no longer the center of the plot, they're at least solving crimes or killing vampires or some-such activity together. And, as I mentioned, that on-page time is lacking in this book. Needless to say, much of my disappointment stemmed from the fact that I didn't read Where There’s a Kilt for a main course of mystery involving ghost moose and shipping magnates (with a tiny side helping of relationship drama), but that is what I got.
My other quibble is that this book has so many coincidences you could almost imagine that the population of Sweden in 1930 is about 50 people. There seems to be no other way the characters would magically run into the specific people they need to in order to further the mystery plotline.
I don't recommend reading Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way, without reading Best Laid Plaids first, because there is so much just dropped in without any explanation in this second book in the series that I do not believe it will be enjoyable without the backstory. But if you've read Best Laid Plaids, or have an interest in books that aren't your typical romance setup, (since it's a paranormal romance set in 1928 Scotland, and the sequel is set in 1930 Sweden) I would recommend trying out the Kilty Pleasures series.
Review will be posted on Smexy Books closer to the date of publication.

I absolutely loved this MM romance.
Such a great book with a solid storyline and great characters.
I eagerly look forward to reading more from this author.
A definite recommend!

Ainsley Graham and Joachim Cockburn are back for more supernatural hijinks, this time on a summer-long field expedition to Sweden in search of a ghost moose. (Yes, you read that right.) Separated by their respective work, and foiled by meddling nephews, vindictive ghosts, and mysterious strangers, the two are dealing with jealousy and insecurity in their relationship. Can they work things out and save the day?
I enjoyed this, but the plot didn't hold together as well as the first book. I got confused by some of what happened, and the denouement wasn't as satisfying as it could have been because some of the people involved just weren't memorable enough. I see that there's a third book coming out, which I look forward to reading and finding out what the couple is up to next.
Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and the author for the ARC to review. All opinions are my own.

I have received an ARC of this book by NetGalley and Carinapress and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review. The Pub date of the book is 23.03.2021.
I was so excited when I received this book. I missed these two boys so much and I couldn’t put down the book until I finish it. I adored it.
In my opinion it’s easier to comprehend this book and characters if you had already read the first one “Best Laid Plaids” – there you know and understand the main characters and their personalities with much more details.
Here we follow Ainsley and Joachim journey to Sweden – after two years of the previous book – and oh boy, all the troubles and problems they had to endure since the beginning…
I loved this book and I’ll tell you why: it shows things that we all do and feel and sometimes had ashamed to admit it.
Unlike the first book, the MC’s spend more time apart than together and this causes a little bit of jealousy and negative thoughts. But isn't that how it always happens? Joachim’s behavior it was not the best but I kind of get it why he did it that way – and love that he understood his mistake and apologized. Ainsley had some thinking of his own to do and to apologize for. I understood very well the feelings of each of the characters and how they could have solved the situation better with a good conversation, but at the same time it made perfect sense that it happened that way in the story. Human beings, remember?
I was in agony until the last page, until I got to know in fact the mystery and the settlement of our characters. They love each other and they want to protect each other. And that’s that!
I missed the way Joachim spoke, using his cute accent, and his interactions with Violet, but it was not possible to our dog to be there, so I understand.
The story itself also had a lot of new characters and twists everywhere, which kept me reading over and over, because I wanted to know what was going to happen and how. I loved the plot and the moose thing – laugh a bunch. Freddy was a surprise too – and a good one.
I really liked this second book and saw that we have the beginning of the third book, but I will not look at it. I will be strong and hold on.
I’m happy that I found this universe and this author – she’s a keeper.

I was really excited to read "Where There's a Kilt, There's a Way" because I was ready to give this series another chance. The previous book had a couple of things I did not like but, all in all, it was fairly enjoyable and I especially loved Ainsley and all of the side characters.
I was hoping this second book would finally sell me on this series but I'm a bit disappointed to say it did not. I will be reading the third novel because I'm still curious to see what will happen (and also, that extra chapter at the end was intriguing) but I did not enjoy this as I hoped to.
The story could have really made me fall in love: for one, how many historical romances are set in Sweden? I was SO ready to dive into Ainsley and Joachim's newest adventure. Unfortunately, what I got was story about pointless jealousy and a two MCs that desperately need a crash course on how to communicate properly.
Ainsley chapters were as clever and quirky as I remembered them: I loved him, his peculiarities and forgetfulness, his slightly shallow but nevertheless endearing personality and his POVs were delightful and fun and interesting.
Joachim, on the other hand, I could not stand. I really did not like his chapters and his jealousy and insecurity made them drag on. He also treated Ainsley a bit like an child: I'm all for gruff over-protective MCs caring for their other half, but I did not like how he acted at all.
All of the other side characters were delightful though. Ginny, especially, was loads of fun and I kind of wish she would get her own novel or short story.
I also liked the author's writing style much more here: it felt smoother and flowed more easily for me.
I'll be reading the third one, hoping it will be better, but if, unlike me, you wholly loved the first book, you'll probably love this one too.