Member Reviews

A DNF gets an automatic 1 star. I got 60 pages in. The internalised misogyny and outright fatphobia was tough to take. Coupled with all characters being deeply unlikeable meant I'm not going to go any further. The final nail in the coffin is the weird pacing and the breaking of the rule show don't tell.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading it. I love the relationship between Addie and Owen. I wish there was a little more background to the relationship with Addie and Nina. The storyline was a little predictable in that Dorothy was the Villain even though the extent wasn’t clear till the end. I enjoyed the ending, I think this book would be a great start to more books about other characters. For example this book was about Addie and Jameson, a sequel could be written about Nina and Harrison.

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This book sounded intriguing and interesting. Addie is forty, single and has written the next best seller. She also is a caregiver to her younger brother Owen, who has Down Syndrome. This book was sold as a quirky romance, what I got was a little bit of romance, with a lot of family drama.

This book just didn't do it for me. It is a multiple perspective book, but I think it would have done better with a dual perspective of Addie and Jameson (the publicist). I also didn't really feel the chemistry between Addie and Jameson, and hearing about "lady bits" a number of times, was just to much. The book felt like it was struggling with knowing how it was being narrated, with the characters breaking the fourth wall at times, but then being oblivious to the audience at other times. I appreciate what Jones was trying to do with the diversity in the book (characters that maybe aren't typical in romance), but to me it just fell flat. I also thought the time jumps in the book did not do the story service. I am still unclear of how much time passed from the beginning to the end of the novel, and there were jumps when not necessary.

I received a copy of this from NetGalley and the publisher for an open and honest review. All opinions are 100% mine.

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I thought this book would be more romance focused instead it was more family focused. It was a sweet book just not what I was expecting.

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Allison Jones, in her romantic comedy, “Her Turn,” explores the idea that sometimes what we wish for isn’t really what we need. Furthermore, in the protagonist’s case, money doesn’t make problems go away, it actually exacerbates them.

Forty and single, Addie Snyder has just lost the freelance columnist job she’s had for the past 10 years following her mother’s death. Although it isn’t really a financial hardship, she struggles to care for her sole sibling, Owen, a 30-year-old with Down Syndrome. Addie has been designated Owen’s guardian since her mother’s illness and because their father left when Owen was born. Addie channels her energy into making her dream to write a novel come true. Her book, “Finding The Light,” is a success and, although it solves some of her problems, it contributes to other problems.

I really struggled with this book! I didn’t find the ‘comedy’ funny at all, maybe crass humour at best. I also couldn’t identify/connect with any of the characters. I found Addie nauseating and if I had one more chapter that included the words “made my lady bits fist bump” one more time, I was going to close the book unfinished. This wasn’t for me. I hope others can identify with the characters and find it comedic. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. It had so much potential and was a wonderfully unique plot. Despite my disappointment, one positive thing was that Owen’s character was a delight. Seeing as the author has a son with Down Syndrome, I didn’t expect any less.

Thank you to Allison Jones, BooksGoSocial, and NetGalley for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This was one of those cutesy, farfetched books that are easy to read and go along with if you suspend reality. It's very one-dimensional; the bad guys are bad and the good guys are good. There are also a lot of repeating themes to tug on the heartstrings about Addie's weight and her brother having Down syndrome. Also, they ended three or four of Jameson's chapters in a row about how he wouldn't be getting any sleep that night, so I hope that's fixed it editing or the poor guy will never get any rest.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was intrigued with the set-up of the book. Addie has spent her life taking care of her younger brother who has Down’s Syndome and her bitter, cruel dying mother. Now she’s 40 and has just written a book that becomes a bestseller. So suspend your disbelief that her first book should become a huge bestseller and that her publicity tour for the book includes going on shows like The View and GMA. I could swallow that. But add in that Jameson, a hunky former Navy SEAL with deep survivor’s guilt is now a very successful publicity agent assigned to shepherd Addie through her PR tour. Yes, it’s totally believable that this guy would suddenly become a PR agent after getting injured and that his grumpy persona would translate into a successful publicity agent.

Add in the insta-lust between Addie and Jameson and how they fall in love simply because he’s hunky and she’s sassy with a heart of gold. What is best and most believable about this novel is the living and humorous relationship between Addie and her younger brother and the author’s depiction of the sweetness that a Down’s Syndrome person can bring to all who meet him.

Jameson is supposed to be so sharp, but we don’t see him do much except call in favors from old military buddies to help solve the mystery around the people suddenly showing up now that Addie is famous.

And the most unbelievable thing is that there would be a conservative Republican-sounding senator from California known for his strict morality. Come on! Does the author know anything about California and politics?

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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I'm really grateful to NetGallery for providing me with an arc of this book. But to be completely honest, I simply couldn't connect with the story, the characters, the romance.

I appreciate the representation (her brother having down syndrome, her being curvy), but other than that, there wasn't much going on in this book. The writing fell flat, the characters were off, the instant attraction/dislike wasn't doing it for me.
Overall, while the blurb was promising, the content didn't deliver.

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*3.5 star read.
I liked the overall premise of the story but I felt like we needed more authentic scenes between our female and male leads before they started falling for each other. I was really intrigued to read about Addie’s brother and what it means to be a caretaker of a person with a disability but the story didn’t delve into any of the challenges of being a caretaker. I did really enjoy seeing Addie overcome her issues with her parents. A cute romance read.

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This isn't exactly a light beach read romance. The heroine's relationship with her family is somewhat sad. Her relationship with her brother is terrific and the highlight of the story. The romance is an opposite attracts type and it's sweet. Happy ending at the end of course. A terrific book.

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I really enjoyed Her Turn by Allison Jones. It is always super fun to read more into the life of an author, even if it is fictional! I loved the romance within this story. Being an educator, I also love reading about the main character's brother, Owen. Family dramas are always a favorite and this one did not disappoint!

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This was a cutesy romance!
I liked getting to read about an author as she releases a book and all of the behind the scenes.
There are so many perspectives in this book. Maybe even too many... but at the same time, the quick pace keeps the novel moving.
I feel like rarely do books give the perspective of the “villain”, so that was a welcome addition. Though, the villains in this story were more annoying than anything.
My favorite part of this was not the romance. It was the relationship between Addie and her brother Owen. They were such a bright spot in this novel.
I think I mostly didn’t vibe with the romance because Jameson just didn’t feel realistic.
Overall though, it was a cute read!

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After years writing her debut novel, Addie finds herself signed to a publisher and on a book tour. She doesn't want the attention on her, or her brother Owen.

Jameson is her publicist and helping her navigate her way. Could he be more than that if he stopped being so closed off? Things don't run smoothly when her father appears in her life after being gone for years - everyone seems to want something from her and can Jameson work out the secrets being kept.

I liked how it is told from both of their points of view.

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This romance novel had the recipe to be engaging and humorous. I love opposite attact romances but this novel missed the mark for me. It was very dramatic and heavy from the beginning with a heroine that loses her alcoholic mother, her job and is left with her down syndrome little brother whom she adores. She meets our very organized, emotionaly constipated publisist who is anxiously denying the spark and interest he feels for the heroine. Their interactions have spark but are mostly driven by bickering because Addisons refuses to accept that she wrote an amazing book and deserves to be recognized. The rest drags on for me without a funny, tension-breaking moment.

Overall, well written just not my type of romance.

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I enjoyed this book and liked Addie as a protagonist. I liked Jameson as a character but something about their chemistry felt off to be.

I loved Addie’s relationship with her brother but did not think the ”villains” Dorothy, Matthew and her father were not strong enough characters to me.

Addie and Owen were the best part about this book.
Thanks for sharing

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