Member Reviews

My 10 year old daughter thought this book was adorable and wanted to draw some of the kitties. This would be a great gift and would be checked out often from the library. Anything that says Kawaii and Kitties can't be bad :)

Thank you NetGalley, I just reviewed Kawaii Kitties by Olive Yong. #KawaiiKitties #NetGalley

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This sweet little book is a fun and light exercise in drawing, a perfect pandemic mini-project.

The humorous writing style matches well with the drawing projects. The artist also gives an overview of their life, work and the 'kawaii' trend. Each set of projects is fronted with a full colour illustration.

There isn't much meat to this book - many of the drawings are simple and could be copied without a step-by-step tutorial, although the artist does break down the key components in a useful way. The next level would see this book add more details on shading, cartoon physics and backgrounds.

But for a basic starting point with a few fun projects, this book would work on a rainy afternoon.

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This was very cute and fun to follow along! I can't wait to try out more of these tutorials to draw some more cats. They are simple and easy to follow!

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--You, Too, Can Draw Super Cute Kitties--

I received an advance review copy from the publisher through NetGalley and here are my thoughts.

Just get it already!!!

If you were looking for a book for yourself or as a gift...and you were attracted by the book cover, just know that it gets even better inside. You will be able to learn how to draw all those those cover kitties and more, with easy, step-by-step instructions. The drawings are simple line drawings, so you will feel SUCCESS from the beginning.

So this book is suitable for all ages...from 5 to 105 (or more!).

The poses and expressions are graceful, humorous, and inventive. You will take your kitty-drawing talents to new heights. Trust me.

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Super cute little drawing book with such great section titles! While the drawings are simple, I would not say they are at the basic beginner level more of a beginner intermediate level. Recommended for cat lovers and those who love anything cute!

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I’ve been following Olive on Instagram for a while now, so was very excited to read this book! The opening introduces you to Olive and how her art social media platforms, Bichi Mao, were born. Then there’s a quick explanation on kawaii and what it entails, what mediums she prefers to draw in, and how one can use this book.

From there, we dive straight into learning simple drawing techniques! The techniques are broken up into chapters starting with how to draw cats in the same style, facial expressions, and in different positions. There’s also chapters dedicated to clothing, different cat breeds, and so on. At the end, there’s a few coloring pages for people with a physical copy of the book to practice coloring in the cats.

While I do think this is a fun and cute book, I think that people looking to learn how to draw might be disappointed when it comes to coloring the cats. The section on coloring is a single page and not informative, so I can see kids and anyone new to drawing getting frustrated. Otherwise, I think it is a cute book with simple and easy drawing techniques that won’t overwhelm people new to drawing. Plus, it’s great way for fans to support the artist.

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Kawaii Kitties is an adorable tutorial drawing guide for all ages by Olive Yong. Due out 23rd Feb 2021 from Quarto on their Rock Point imprint, it's 144 pages and will be available in paperback and ebook formats.

There is a sweetly whimsical innocence about these kitties which just brings the smiles. There are 75 step by step tutorials with kitties doing adorable kitty things as well as fantasy kitties (mermaid kitty, cheering kitty, kitties in costumes - so many kitties). The tutorials are arranged thematically: general introduction with basic tutorials, playtime, daily activities, being curious, playing dress up, sharing love, discovering breeds, bon appetit, and some coloring pages.

The tutorials are very simply written with small achievable steps for a surprisingly detailed finish. I am a beginner with drawing and I was able to achieve credible results with these tutorials. They're a lot of fun to do. I would heartily recommend this one for gift giving (perhaps bundled with a sketch pad and some pens/markers?), library, classroom or makers' group. I would also recommend this book to babysitters, grandparents, parents, and basically anyone who spends a fair bit of time with small kids in order to up their 'draw with me' game.

Five stars. A truly happy book.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Rock Point for the chance to review this title!

I'm teaching myself how to draw this year and so I've been looking at art books; if you're looking to learn how to draw cats this is definitely a really helpful resource. It covers basic sketches to movement tips as well as kitty-food! The author gives you super clear instructions on each new pose.

As someone who doesn't know how to draw, at all, I found the instructions to be easy enough to follow. I've already pre-ordered the title, I'll definitely be keeping this as a resource and reference!

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Free netgalley book for review~. 3.5 ⭐️~⬆️ This is a cute book! Very simple art, but that’s the challenge. How much can you say with minimal lines and easy shapes? The book doesn’t go into details about coloring or shading, but the artist shows a small complete image with every cat, so you have some ideas to use if you need them.

If you like doodling, adorable art, cats and you are a beginner/need some hand holding this book is purrfect for you.

I was looking forward to the food and cat section toward the end but I definitely preferred the other sections in the book to this one.

As for the coloring pages, there are only two in the very back. You could make copies of these pages or use tracing paper to transfer the design. 🐈 🐈‍⬛

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Super cute book depicting how to draw quite a few Kawaii cats. Has step by step instructions that would make any of these simple images easy to recreate.

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Kawaii Kitties was just the book I was looking for. I've been getting into digital art recently, and I adore cats, so this was the perfect book at the perfect time.
The layout and presentation were gorgeous. There were a wide range of cats to draw, in various poses, set out in chapters such as 'Daily Activities,' 'Being Curious,' 'Discovering breeds,' and 'Bon Appétit.'
The instructions on how to draw various cats were super easy to follow. I've had a lot of fun drawing my own kawaii kitties, and look forward to drawing more.
This is the perfect gift for those who love cats, and those who love to draw.

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In this adorable how-to book, Instagram artist Bichi Mao (@bichi.mao) walks the doodler through 75 different Kawaii cats and their various activities. Each page contains either one or two tutorials with line-by-line simple instructions to create the most adorable cats you’ve ever seen.

I would share my own experiments here, but no one wants to see that. I’m terrible at drawing, but that doesn’t mean I’ll give up. This how-to guide is so easy to follow, even I can do it, even if my end results look NOTHING like the adorable, plump kitties living their best life in the pages of this book.

This is just one of the Kawaii Doodle series, and I’m determined to make my way through all of them, and them promptly burn all of my drawings. This installment is out in February, so keep an eye out for it.

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To start with, I’ve taken drawing classes and I do not have drawing talent.

Each design is broken into quite a few steps which is great for a beginner.
My kitten drawings are not as cute as the ones in the book yet, but the are recognizable as kitties. With just a few days of practice, they are getting better.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the free copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Kawaii Doodle Class had already been a hit for my kids, so they were happy to see Kawaii Kitties; especially my cat obsessed daughter. The instructions were very detailed showing body types; head, body, leg, and tail shapes; facial expressions; color markings; different activities, different breeds, and even food inspired kitties including kitty cheeseburgers, kitty macarons, and the catuccino. There are hours of enjoyment in this book and I strongly recommend it to anyone who loves or would love to sketch cute little kitties.

Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - Rock Point and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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An adorable guide to drawing various types of "kawaii" (a Japanese term meaning "cute") cats. The book provides easy to follow instructions for drawing a variety of cats in different poses as well as several different breeds. Older children, teens, and adults will all enjoy drawing these delightful felines.

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Such a cute how to draw book! I’m addicted to everything Kawaii, and this books easy to follow instructions make it fun to learn! These cats are super cute, a bit pusheen-esque and oh so Kawaii! I can’t wait to cover my office in cute cat renderings.

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Seventy-three pages of cute Kawaii kitties fun. This Japanese form of cuteness started in the 1970's, and this book has 75 step by step lessons on how to draw the one in this book. The are catalogued under kitties playtime,daily activities, curious kitties, dress ups, bon appetit and the different breeds of kitties.
The instructions are easy to follow and in no time there will be enough Kawaii Kitties to take over you room. Once you know how it will be easy to create and develop your own ideas.

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A book showing step-by-step how to draw a variety of cats in the author's style that are Kawaii. The cats are charming and the drawing cover different activities, breeds, and fantasy cats.

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I liked this book a lot. I am trying to get the hang of digital illustration so I applied some of the practicing to my ipad. I will give it a shot with pencil and paper.

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This is flipping adorable. Great, easy step-by-step tips on how to draw kawaii (cute) kitties. I'm really happy to have been granted an arc for this.

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