Member Reviews

Ali Vali’s Devil series hits number 7 and I genuinely take my hat off to an author who can keep this many characters, plotlines and an immensely complex back story straight in her head. The characters a living beings who you would recognise if you walked into Emma’s Bar, he intrigue, suspense and crime/triller rolls on with amazing intensity and I have to sgtart reading them from the beginning every time. Ali Vali writes amazing books and this crime/thriller series is simply one of the best I have ever read.. long may it continue to grow.

I love all books by this author, can highly recommend. Just wonderful. The main characters are well developed and its so well written you feel personally involved in the journey. The Devil series is so special and this was an amazing instalment. It left me speechless. Wonderful author with a special gift.

This is a satisfying addition to the "Devil" series. It's like stopping by to visit old friends, albeit ones who occupy the grey area of lawlessness and loyalty. I am both amazed and pleased that this series has gone on this long. It gives me the opportunity to revisit these characters I've come to see as neighbors, almost.
I was glad to see some open-ended plot lines from other books wrapped up. But as always, the book is well-crafted, tightly written and gripping all the way through. Ali Vali is one of my favorite writers, and being able to read another Cain Casey installment is comfort-reading at its best!

This is the most sophisticated mob story ever written. The hide and seek, action, clues, ideas are running so smooth that you cannot figure out where the story is going but I know one thing. Cain and family are the target.
The way actions are explained makes this book very fun to read. Now time to wait for another.

Ali Vali writes fast paced, gripping stories and this is no exception, this time its about a family of mobsters, the main character Cain is called Mobster by her wife in case we needed signposting that this is not a law enforcement story. Cain is a bit cod Irish in that she calls her wife 'lass', spoken by no Irish person EVER! Once you get over those slight anomalies the book portrays a complex story of revenge, family takeover and violence. I didn't know when I requested this that it was book 7 in the series and I suspect that I did miss some of the connections having not read the previous 6 books. I really enjoy Vali's writing, she is an interesting author, choses her subjects well, has a great imagination and can also write a good sex scene (which is rarer than you might imagine).
With thanks to Net galley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I really like the Cain Casey series and Ms Vali has done well to keep us reading, through this the seventh in the series (I think eight if you count the prequel?) But I think the real skill she shows is to have us empathise and root for Cain when she is very definitely a wrong’un! We are here with Cain and Emma and their children and the extended clan and at all times you want Cain to succeed. You do not want any of the “family” to be hurt and you are angry on Emma’s behalf when she confronts the FBI about their tactics.
No spoilers here as you need to be reading this with a fresh mind having kept up with the series. Cain is the same rogue with a heart and strong ethical streak even though she is a criminal. Because she is ethical and lives by her own rules, we feel it is ok when she does things that would be abhorrent in other lead characters. This is the magic of Ms Vali’s writing.
I will be looking out for number 8 for sure.
I was given a copy of this book by Netgalley in return for an honest review.

I had every intention of reading all of the books in this series and had taken the upcoming release of this book as the opportunity to read the series, even go far as purchasing them all - then life got in the way. I didn’t want to wait to review the book, so this review comes with a disclaimer. I’m reviewing this, the somewhere between the 8th and 10th book of the series depending on how you count, without knowing anything that happened in any of the other books.
Despite the disclaimer I’m happy to say I loved it. It’s a solid 4.5 star book for me and I hope that I’ll be able to up that to a 5 once I’ve had the opportunity to go back and catch up on the past and how the characters got to where they are now.
Being a mobster, Cain isn’t necessarily supposed to be a likeable character, but I enjoyed her redeeming qualities nonetheless. I loved her relationship with Emma and their children, as well as her relationship with her friends and associates. Cain is a character with lots of depth and is extremely well written.
There were certainly some moments that were confusing for me, because the cast of characters is large and dependent on information I clearly didn’t have, however none of that stopped me enjoying how Vali threads together the narrative and the characters and how everything fits together.
Like most series the introduction of so many characters can mean that the characters you love the most don’t appear as much in the later books as you’d like and I found myself wanting more Cain and Emma - so I’m interested as to whether this will still be the same once I’ve read more.
I can only say I would imagine that if you’ve read the rest of this series, you’ll again enjoy this one, but as someone coming fresh to the series, I’d encourage you to give it a go (perhaps with the first book unlike me).
I received an e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Meat grinder? As the series continues, I am enjoying the development of various characters. Specifically, Abigail, Finley, Kristen, Muriel, Remi, Dallas, and it is difficult not to like Emma's father, Ross. Cain and Emma are the anchor couple that holds it all together. This read takes place three months after the previous book. There continues to be Shelby and Annabelle of the FBI looking to take her down. And, now new adversaries as well as folks that were just mentioned in the previous books are after Cain and her family. Cain's ability to work with others (especially Remi) as she devises plans to deal with folks after her and her family is part of her likeability. Although a mobster, it is her "ethics" of not going after innocents and her creative way of handling challenges that makes her appealing (meat grinder). There are a few loose ends so it looks like there is another in this captivating series. Ohhhhh, yes!!

Might have helped if id read the other 6 books first! But I didn't. The book is full of violence, so if you're into your thriller /action books this one is for you., plenty of criminal activity. I was gripped and found this book a page-turner. There's real chemistry between the 2 main characters Emma and Cain, it bounces off the walls. There's plenty of other characters in the story too that I believe to be in the previous books.
I'm definitely looking forward to reading the first 6 books... which I do advise, as the book might have made a lot more sense.
I give this book a 3.6.

OMG! This series just keeps on giving. What more can I say that hasn't already been said? A must read!

I have no idea how Ms. Vali comes up with these storylines but I am always impressed and enthralled! This book had old faces and new, with unexpected twists and a suprising cliffhanger ending. I really hope it's because another book in the series will be released in a few weeks, lol. There is something about this book and the rest in the series that is so viscerally awful while thrillingly romantic. This book, with what feels like an entirely new avenue to travel down is almost reassuring because it leaves so many paths for more books in the series. This author truly writes books I can't wait to finish so I can get to the next one while being so mad at myself for rushing through to the end so quickly. This book as well as the entire series will always be a huge recommend for me! I received an ARC of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I've been {impatiently} waiting for another installment in the Cain Casey series for what seems like years! It's the most unusual series in the WLW universe because it's full of mobstering and torturing, but I can't get enough. I would never recommend reading any of the Devil books as a standalone; there are simply too many characters and each has a long and detailed backstory. Let's just say one of our favorite villains gets his comeuppance in The Devil Incarnate, and it's been a long time coming. Several loose ends were tied up in this book, which worries me that maybe there will be just one more to look forward to.

This was another good book in the series. I’ve been having rough reading luck lately, with 4 out of the last 5 books being only okay or worse. I’ve felt like I was fighting off another reading slump so I was very happy to get a little “Devil” in my life. I’m a fan of all of Vail’s works but this series holds a special place in my heart. I read book 1, The Devil Inside, over a decade ago and I still love this series. For an author to hold my attention, on the same series, for 12+ years is pretty incredible when you think about it. I can count on one hand how many authors have been able to do that so it’s pretty rare. And to have the series still feel creative, and like it hasn’t jumped the shark, makes it even more impressive.
I want to make very clear that this is a series that needs to be read in order. While you could skip the prequel (book 0) and start at book 1, you can’t skip any other installments without it ruining your reading enjoyment. There are so many characters in this series, and so many threads that wind all around through all the books, that it would be so confusing if you tried to start here. There are so many players involved from mobsters, Feds, and enemies, which means Vail herself must have a huge character bible just to keep track of everything she is writing. It’s one of the things that makes this series so great is how many balls Vali has up in the air all at once and somehow she never lets them drop and be forgotten. Every loose end eventually gets tied up which is super satisfying for a reader that is series invested. In fact, this book itself closed a lot of loose ends -Cain got her hands dirty a lot- and only left a few threads open for another book. It feels like the next book might actually be the end of the series. I’m going to be crushed to see this series end, but I’m happy to know we have at least one more book left to read.
This book is not all mobsters and violence, there is also plenty of romance to go around. Cain and Emma are the main couple, but many other couples have gotten together throughout the whole series. This book didn’t have any new couples falling in love, but if gave us time to see all the old couples we enjoy, and to see how their lives have changed and grown. My one slight complaint is I would have loved some POV in Remi and Dallas’ headspace. They are two of my favorite characters and I really want more of them. We know how much chemistry Cain and Emma have together so it would be nice to turn the heat up for some of the other great couples too.
If you are a fan of this series, then this book is a must. Like I mentioned already, a lot of loose ends were tied up which was satisfying for us readers. If you are new to the series, take a chance on book 1, The Devil Inside, and see what you think. This series is so unlike anything else out there, in the WLW market, so that it’s worth taking a chance on to see if it might be for you. Yes, there are a lot of books, which is daunting, but this series is addictive so if you like it, you will be happy you have so many books left to read.

This is the seventh book in the Cain Casey Series. As with the other books in the series, it is another thriller/romance. Although if I had to select only one descriptor, I would say this particular book is more of a thriller.
The story begins three months after the last book where we find our favorite mobster trying to outsmart and eliminate all of her enemies. Of course, Cain Casey is finding that if she gets rid of one, then up pops another.
Cain Casey believes family is everything. Her wife, Emma, and their three children are why she is trying so hard to create a safe environment for them. Extended family is also especially important to her. I love how they all come together to create a solid perimeter where they can live safely.
In this book, Cain Casey’s cousin Finley and her girlfriend Abigal, come into the fold and need help. Their story actually begins in another book, Hell Fire by Vali, and continues to unweave. Family is so important to Cain that Finley had once worked for the FBI and now is included in the “family business”. In addition to Finley/Abigal’s problems, Cain is having to outsmart the FBI and the Russian drug cartel. Just an ordinary life story, right?
Ms. Vali writes a wonderful story that is fast paced, interesting, and at times humorous. Her characters are so well developed that you feel like you know them. When Cain Casey is trying to solve a particular problem, you actually feel as though you are inside of her head.
My only suggestion is that you really should read Hell Fire prior to reading this book. It will help with understanding the background of Finley and Abigal. Reading The Devil Incarnate first would cause unnecessary confusion.
I highly recommend this book. Actually, I suggest any of Ms. Vali’s books. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars.
I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

Ali Vali has delivered another fine read in this series with Cain Casey, her wife Emma and their children. It's fabulous to be involved in their lives and watch the family grow through this series. Cain continues her no nonsense approach and again somehow manages to survive attacks on her life but that's the whole point on the book, edge of your seat thriller/action. Vali's books are so easy to read and become engrossed in with the story and characters. A riveting read.

One of my all time favourite series. I always want to read more about the Casey clan; Cain Casey is just the best mobster around. So this book couldn’t fail to delight me, and sure enough it didn’t disappoint. All the key characters are there, from the baddies to the goodies and most of all the ones that are in between (the Caseys and the Jatibons). The FBI are still watching from their van, yet more have gone rogue, and Cain is still spinning plates and loving Emma. There’s also a wedding and some loose ends to take care of. I love it. This book is not the best of the series, but it adds more to the story and I want them to keep coming so that eventually I can read about Hannah and who she falls in love with.

I can not tell you how long I have waited for the continued story of Cain and Emma, and this book does not let me down! For anyone new to the Devil series you have to read the prior 6 or I will say you will be lost in this book 7. This story does continue with Fin and Abigail's problem so I also would recommend reading their story just so you know about them and what got them to where they are now (Hell Fire)
There are some new players in this book and of course all our old favorites. And once again Cain has a million things going on she has to keep track of, so just like her prior books in this series, yes you do have to pay close attention to keep track of all the players, but dang is it worth it! From page 1 Ms. Vali doesn't let up on the gas, I mean even page 1 was freaking hot <smile>. There are some things that do get their ending, but like all of the Devil books, there are more things that open up. Since this is book 7, plus and off shoot with Fin, I really am hoping in book 8 ( I assume there will be one) finally wraps up the series with a nice bow on the end. As much as I have loved this series, my only negative is that the theme is getting kind of repetitive in that Cain seems to always have someone going after her, just the characters change. Again, I LOVE this series and Ms. Vali as an author, but in my humble opinion I just think it is getting time to finally give Cain and Emma their due peace. I can see bringing them back in every so often with stories of Sept or other characters she has created in other books, but I just want to finally see Cain and Emma, get the peace and quiet they deserve and by default giving Remi and Dallas some peace as well.
Thank you always to Ms. Vali for bring us another chapter in Cain and Emma's life, the characters surrounding them are rich and wonderful, the location of NO is always beautiful, can't wait to visit there again in real life.
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this author on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it is under CC-Another beautiful chapter

Stop! You cannot read this book without reading the other six books in this series first. It’s an absolute must, not only because of the storyline, but also because these books are good.
Cain is a mobster who does anything for her family, those by blood and by choice. This book picks up where the previous one left off. It picks up a few newish side storylines and some branches of the main storyline. Since it is part of a series I won’t go into detail on the storyline. I appreciate that the side storylines are mostly wrapped up, but I also expected for a major part of the main storyline to wrap up. I was a bit disappointed it didn’t.
It’s good to catch up with all the couples and the Emma and Cain’s breed. Ali Vali does a good job of showing growth in the children but also in the couples, even if they only have a minor part in this book. As mentioned I would have liked some parts of the story to have found closure by the end of this book, but I am also weirdly ok with it being left unresolved (for now). I do think maybe the author should leave Cain uninjured in a book. She gets injured so much it is becoming a tad unbelievable. I do like Emma’s part in this book, she is growing more into her role.
Overal I did enjoy this book. It took me a little while to get back into this story, but it is worth it.

I received this ARC from net galley in exchange for an honest review.
I requested this ARC not fully realizing that this book was part of a series- the result was me reading all seven books of the Cain Casey series in a week.
I’m gonna start this off by saying that I do like this series, I was never one for gang or butch stories like this but something about Cain Casey had me trapped. In this particular book of the series however the plot started taking its exhausting hold on me. There’s only so much I could read and care about the gang rivalries and enemies of Cain Casey. I found myself grasping for another moment between Cain and Emma, or even Remi and Dallas.
However that could just be that Cain Casey is all I’ve read this week as I live an breathe. My minor problem with this book would have to be the names, god there are so many names to remember that if you scroll too fast you’re gonna get confused. So it’s safe to say that this book for me wasn’t a casual read but one I had to focus one. For the author I’d recommend more personal moments with the main or relevant characters in this series. I get the main characters are Cain and Emma but it would’ve been nicer to know how previous characters we met felt about/ in certain situations.
I’m giving this book 4.5 stars simply because despite my wants and needs this book, as well as most books from Ali vali, is good! It’s well planned out and written well.
Something that I don’t recommend is reading this book as a standalone- I highly suggest reading the whole series. Not only does it make the plot/characters easier to remember but it gives you that connection to the characters
If you loved the previous books in this series then to be honest this one was just as good. I wished we saw more of Muriel and Kristen that we didn’t get in book 6 but the ever loving couple and family of Cain and Emma filled that void.

Yes, Yes!!! Its finally here and I'm over the moon. This is the seventh book in the series and Ali Vali has done it again. What an amazing read about my favorite mobster Derby Cain Casey, Emma and her beautiful family immediate and extended. Without giving anything away, It was a joy to see her getting to tie up some lose ends and doing whatever it takes to keep her family safe. Cain as usual is still keeping the FBI on their toes. This is a must read. I will definitely be reading this again when my copy arrives in the mail. I impatiently await the eighth . book. I strongly recommend. 5 stars well done!!
I received and ARC from the publisher Bold Strokes Book Inc through NetGalley for my honest opinion. Thank you