Member Reviews

I have been waiting impatiently for the next book in the Cain Casey series to finally be published, and I’m over the moon that it’s finally here.

The Devil Incarnate by Ali Vali is the seventh book in this series (eight books counting the prequel). The story begins about three months after the last novel, and continues the tale of our favorite mobster, her family and friends, and of course the people who would love to see her put away…or dead. Poor Cain not only has the usual drug cartels either trying to get her to join them or kill her, she now has the Russian mob out for her and her family’s blood. Of course we can’t forget Shelby, Annabelle, and the other FBI agents who are always lurking in the shadows looking for any reason to arrest Cain. It is a good thing Cain has a brilliant and imaginative mind. She is going to need it to stay on top with all these folks who are after her.

This novel is a wonderful addition to the series. We get to see all of our favorite main and secondary characters with a few new ones to keep Cain and her friends on their toes. I really liked Cain in this tale. We get to see a bit more of what she is thinking and feeling in this story. She is still the same mobster we’ve come to love in the earlier books, but we get a bit more insight into her character in this novel. The main setting of New Orleans is perfect for this tale, and the plot will keep you riveted through the book. And yes, the industrial meat grinder makes an appearance in the story.

If you have enjoyed the former novels in this series, you are going to love this one too. Just like all the other books, though, there’ll be a few threads left hanging at the end of the story, so I know this will not be the last book in the series, thank goodness. I’m not ready to let Cain Casey go yet.
This is not a standalone novel. You could read and enjoy it, but you would be missing so much history reading only this story. You should begin with either the prequel or the first book of the series, and read them all in order. That is what I did, starting with the prequel. I’ve loved every one of these novels, and I’m sure you will too.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

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This book was given to me as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Cain Casey has got to be the luckiest woman alive. There are seven Cain Casey novels and I think she is seriously injured in at least five. Maybe all seven. She has been shot more times and survived than anyone I know. (More on that later). so for now lets delve into this book and what may be the penultimate Cain Casey novel as far as I can tell there seems to be only one story line to wrap up.

The book starts off with a bang literally because it starts with a sex scene, its fine and stuff but not the way I would like to begin a book. Vali is excellent at picking up a story right where she left it in the previous book. She also did a great job in this book of refreshing our memories to certain characters. If you have not read Hell Fire her short story you need to because this entire book is based on what happened in that short story. The problem here is that VAli has way too many characters in a book so as the reader it is very hard to jeep track of who is who and what side they are on. There could be less characters and the story wouldn't feel so jumbled and rushed. This book is all about Cain trying to find the rogue FBI agent, as well as trying to solve the mystery of who is burning the fields of drugs from some of the people she knows. Cain makes it very clear she wants nothing to do with the drug business but she spends the entire book trying to save Hector's drug business. It is baffling that she helps the drug dealers but then also has a sidebar about how she won't get Pinot drugs because they are bad.

The secondary story deals with another one of Cains cousins Finely and her girls friends who is running from her ex girls friend the head of a Russian sex trafficking ring. I cannot believe that is a sentence I just typed but it is and we are all going to have to get used to it. So the drug trafficking ex girlfriend she spends the entire book trying to get her kids back and gill her ex so that she can raise the kids to be sex traffickers.

The books was interesting and I love the way Vali writes well, she can weave a good tale and she knows how to tell a story so there is no way that the reader can guess what is going on until the very last minute. The problem is that she writes Cain Casey as this all knowing I am better than you super cocky character and after seven books its starting to wear thin a little.

Finally I will say that in terms of women loving women books this one is the mot heteronormative book I have ever ready. IN may life the entirety of it I have never nor have any of my lesbians friends carried their girlfriends or wives around because they couldn't walk in heels on grass. Like who does that. I hate the way that Emma is write she seems so infantile, and Vali does this for all of the spouses. One wife is very masculine presenting and acting while the other one os the picture of stereotypical femininity. She also tends to make the wives all Blond, maybe she has thing for blonds or all her female characters are somehow representations of her current spouse, but it is not something I care to read. Both partners should be strong and capable and I think she writes Emma to seem like a baby.

I would recommend this book there was some good actions and Vali gets shot by a sniper who instead of going into the house and killing the people she wanted to kill she instead confronts Cain and ends up dead. It seems impossible that Cain would survive this long, and I do not believe that she is smarter than the FBI and every other criminal,. Maybe in the last boom she and Emma will both die, or maybe Emma will get a personality. Who knows. This was fine, but not what I was expecting. For as long as it took to write this book I expected it to be a lot better.

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Love this series. Love Cain, Emma, their kids and their extended family. Someone tries to use Hannah’s friend to spy on the family. Meanwhile someone hits one of Cain’s businesses while they are on vacation. Drug lords are fighting to increase their territory. It’s never boring in the Casey family. There has to be a next book in this series because too many loose ends are left in the end.

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It doesn’t get any better than Derby Cain Casey! This is the latest book in a really really good series so I recommend if your not familiar with the Devil series then you start at #1 and just enjoy. This book picks up where the last book left off and the last book was released was so long ago that I should have read it again to familiarize myself with what was going on because I was sometimes confused as to who she was referring to. But I didn’t care because all of the main players were there: Emma, Remi, Mano, Vinny, Lou, etc. I don’t know how Ali Vali does it but the stories stay fresh and exciting! I can wait for the next in the series!

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Returning into the world of Cain Casey is like meeting up with old (slightly dangerous) friends. This book follows up on old enemies, allies and friends and Caine must navigate all the dangers and opportunities to get out on top once again.
I think most readers will at the very least have heard of Ali Vali's Cain Casey series. For readers who have read the previous books in this series: don't hesitate to pick this one up as it's another good read which follows up where the previous book left off.
If you haven't read the other books though I would not recommend starting with this one as a large part of the fun is catching up with everyone and if you are not familiar with the books you will mostly scratch your head at all the names and trying to figure how everyone is connected. You will probably stop halfway through and that means you're missing out on one of the best mob series with a lesbian main character out there.

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley ***

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I was given a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

This is part of a series but can be read as a stand alone.

I am an Ali Vali fan, so my expectations are always high in anticipation of new books, plots and character development.

While this book is set in 'recent times', the atmosphere is strictly mobster 1930's period atmosphere.

Cain Casey is the Irish head of a mobster family. She values family, ethics and loyalty above everything, including her crime organization. Caine's wife, Emma and three children are the light of her life and you do NOT mess with their well being.

This book focuses on Cain's businesses status quo, family growth through love and marriage, ethics of what is acceptable, even for a mobster, justice and doling out punishment as consequences of bad behavior.

Can the FBI finally prove Cain's unlawful transgressions? Can Nicola steal back her wife and children after they have found new love and security? Can Nicola regain control of her family owned human trafficking and prostitution businesses? Can Jerome avenge the imagined wrongs Cain has committed against his career and businesses? Can Cain recover from Nina's murderous attack?

So many question in a well balanced read!

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Another great Cain Casey story by Ali Vali. What more can I say. Carries on the storyline from her previous Devil books. Slipping in another protagonist but not as yet concentrating on ?her/him/them? until she deals with previous outstanding issues. As always keeping the FBI on their toes. Would recommend this and her other books Well worth reading. Looking forward to next one.

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I think the Cain Casey series will always be one of my favorites and this book does a fantastic job of keeping the legacy alive. As the family continues to grow and strengthen, so do the issues and threats knocking on their door. Every time one concern is taken care of, several more pop up on the peripheral. This constantly evolving storyline makes for a great book to add to an an even better series.

Vali effortlessly reminds you of the past to keep your memory fresh, however it still becomes cumbersome at times trying to keep track of all the moving parts from one book to the next. I also wish there were more effort to spread the story wealth to some of the other family members. I love Cain and Emma as much as the next, but there relationship has become a bit routine at this point. I want to see some of the cousins come into their own.

At the end of the day, these books will always be a go to for me. The interwoven story lines always leave me wanting more. This book is just another layer to add the the cake.

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OMG! It was great to read more about Cain Emma their children who are becoming their own persons and the gang as she continues to protect her family from outside sources who continue to test her.

I tend to spoil so just going say it was great especially seeing the supporting characters Dallas Muriel Remi and others. I love this author can’t wait for the next book in this series and I hope we get another story with Sept and Keegan.

I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

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Ali Vali has done it again! The Devil Incarnate delivers!

Cain is back with Emma at her side! We continue with the family adventures, plus a lot of appearances by supportive characters, such as Remi, Dallas, Muriel, and Finley. . My only wish was a few pages could be given to different characters and their relationships. Hint Ali...maybe write a stand alone for Muriel and Remi/Dallas? These characters have beautifully evolved into their own stories. :)

The Devil Incarnate is one of the best books for 2021! I can't give much away other than if you follow this series you will love this book!!!! Please hurry up with the next book! The Devil Incarnate leaves you just wanting more, more, and more!!!!!

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