Member Reviews
this was a fun thriller novel, I enjoyed getting to go through this story. The characters were fun and I enjoyed trying to solve this book.
Nothing new here but nothing bad. Another one of the frequent, dram-roman-thrillers, where it seems like the author tries to put in a piece for everyone.
Having now finished reading Night Rain, Tokyo, I have more questions than answers. What's the point is one. The novel is about business, mostly steel, and pipelines. The simplistic idea that a cross-country oil pipeline would be more acceptable if they doubled up and made a water pipeline to go with it evades multiple environmental questions. Is it cost effective? We never find out. The family relationships of the main characters are simply all over the place. The twins relationship is quite confounding as i seems to turn so easily. And then we have the protagonist, the business executive. He seems to be the most consistent player, so why wasn't he the more interesting character? His relationship with the Night Rain of the title is left in one of the odder positions imaginable. I don't think I will read the sequel to find out what happens with the two.
Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC.
I really enjoyed Night Rain, Tokyo, and high recommend it. It is a well written story, with interesting and relevant material. I was not a fan of the lack of separation between sections/conversations. The conversations jumped too much and too often between characters that I had to spend more time figuring out who was talking. It was an easy read and just not my style of writing.