Member Reviews

This was a fun book to read. We met a sleepy tiger who isn’t motivated to get things done. Thanks to the help from a new friend they get up and are able to get their day started. As this book comes to a close life for Mula will never be the same.

The illustrations are beautiful with bright colors. I love that Mula starts off grumpy and it takes her a while to get the poses. The fly is patient and teaches Mula how to breathe and encourages Mula to do the poses until she can move the way she wants. I would have liked to see more yoga poses but I think this a great intro to yoga book for young children.

Beautifully illustrated book to introduce children to yoga and to get them moving. This book can be visited many times as the children can also practise their yoga positions. Worth buying your own copy!

This book was cute! I loved the concept of something little as a fly teaching a tiger yoga. I love how it broke down the concept of yoga for young children to understand. Even giving them insight on what poses that Mika did within the story with instruction on how to achieve them. I also loved that it took Mika time to get the concept and to master her breathing. The impossible seems attainable when you are focused and tuned into your heart. Great job author and illustrator…I absolutely loved it!

Someday I will leave everything and just get lost in children's picture books like this!
Yes, the book is meant for young readers and I am supposed to read, review and recommend it. But then most of the time books like this are so therapeutic for me. I am sure the parents, the guardians and the teachers feel like this too most times.
BECAUSE the story is just too cute and the artist nailed the illustrations. Who would have thought of a cute tiger with pink stripes?
The book is quite interactive as well. It's purpose is to encourage kids to do some basic movements and poses.
Playful and clever!
Thank you, Sweet Cherry Publishing, for the review copy.

I read this to my 3 year old and he loved it! Very interesting story line between the tiger and the fly. I loved the illustrations too!

All mula wants to do is sleep. In her dreams she can do all the fun things- tumble, hop, and stand on her head! However fly encourages mula to get up and get moving. This book teaches taking deep breathes and mindfulness. I love how at the end there are easy poses and directions to encourage kids to participate in yoga.

Mula and the Fly is a beautifully illustrated yoga story that teaches children to practise mindfulness to overcome pesky everyday distractions.
This fun and witty story is a great way to introduce young people to basic yoga for a positive mental health and well-being.
There are also some fun kid’s yoga tutorials that go with this book on the author’s YouTube channel Yoga with Lauren Hoffmeier (pronounced “Hoff-my-uh”)
5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Mula and the Fly is a cute and interactive book that is guaranteed to spark a interest of both reading and yoga into young people. The artwork is bright and happy where and the information it portraits is clear and engaging to young readers.
The book itself follows Mula, a tiger who wishes to be able to move the way she can within her dreams and a yoga guru fly. The book features basic steps to teach kids breathing exercises (and why there important) and some basic yoga stretches.
I would recommend this book for all young readers, even those not showing a interest in yoga or sport, as it is quite a inspirational and uplifting book.

Mula is a very sleepy tiger. But with the help of a little fly Mula will learn to wake up, get her body moving, and make her dreams come true!
What I Didn’t Like:
-First off, and this didn’t affect my rating at all, the electronic download comes in out of order. I had to flip around and find the right page to be able to rate it. Not the author’s fault, but steer clear of downloading this one and go for the paperback/hardcover instead.
-Mula has anger. That’s a valid emotion for kiddos to be feeling and I’d like to see that addressed. Sure, a book can’t handle everything, but if we’re going to show her getting mad/frustrated I’d like to see that be something we discuss.
-You become an expert a bit quickly, Mula. I’m always hesitant to give children a book where someone is a beginner on page 1 and an expert 30 pages later. But maybe that’s just me.
What I Did Like:
-Yoga. Adorable to put a story about yoga into a children’s book. It brings the idea of breathing and stretching to kids. I love the concept!
-The idea that you can struggle at something. No one is perfect the first time they try something and I like that this was highlighted.
-The pose explanation at the end of the book was great! I think kids would have FUN trying the Mula poses.
Who Should Read This One:
-Yoga instructors will be reading this one to adult yoga classes, I guarantee it. It’s cute and adults know it’s only a snapshot so the issues about becoming an expert too fast won’t bother them.
-Read it with your kids who like to move or need to move. Talk about breathing and stretching and build in little lessons about anger if you need to. This will definitely help them move!
My Rating: 3 Stars. This one is good and it’s cute.
For Full Review (including what I didn’t love): https://youtu.be/yBwkM_AUWwA

Kids, parents, grandparents, and everyone EVERYONE can benefit from the most basic lesson in this FUN book: Focus on your breathing and Listen to your heart! All Mula wants to do is to sleep and dream about activities. Then the pesky fly nags until Mula listens and tries to do the thisgs that the fly says. And it's Yoga! And she doesn't need to sleep and dream about the things because she DOES them. Great read for everyone with illustrations by Ela Smietanka that are so much fun and colorful that should become a family classic!
I requested and received a free temporary ebook from Sweet Cherry Publishing via NetGalley. Thank you!

A book with a sweet message.
I liked the characters in this book, they were really sweet and had a good dynamic. The story seemed a little disjointed and didn’t appear to flow in some parts, but the message of the book, to promote yoga, was very clever. I’ve not really seen any other books that do this, in this genre.
Many thanks to the author and NetGalley for gifting me this arc in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

A fun book about Mula the tiger who just wants to sleep and dream the day away.Till a pesky fly wakes her up and teaches her that dreams can come true. With colourful illustrations my son really enjoyed this book especially when it was his turn to practice the yoga moves.
Thanks netgally for the free arc in exchange for a honest review

What a fabulous bright, colourful book and a great way to encourage the children to move and stretch following Mula and her yoga poses.
This book has bright and colourful illustrations that will grab the attention of any child looking at the pages. The characters are expressive and clear that you are able to understand roughly what is happening on the page without the words. So for example, if a child is looking through the story independently, I think they would easily be able to retell the story in their own narrative, using the illustrations to prompt and remind them.
The story itself flows well, it uses lots of describing and action words and lots of similes. It is fun and I think any child would find this story laughable in places. I think the children will be eager to attempt to make the poses that Mula makes during the book, and I like how it can go on to be extended at the end of the story, to be come an activity where the children practises the poses themselves.
What a lovely, interactive story! A must-have for any child’s bookshelf, I know it will soon be finding a space on ours at my setting!
Thanks Natgalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to read and review a copy of this ebook.

Who would think that a teensy tiny fly could teach a ferocious tiger something? That is exactly what Little Fly has done! Little Fly has taught Mula something that she thought she could only do in her dreams. When Mula realizes she can tumble, hop, and stand on her head she is exhilarated. When kids realize they can do the same things Mula can they will be exhilarated too! One of the best parts of this book (and there are so many best parts!) is that the student becomes the teacher when Little Fly tells Mula that she can teach her friends Yoga too!
I love this silly, entertaining, informative book. It is so fun to read and has a great message. It is a gender neutral read, which is awesome! I love when books are equally appealing to both girls and boys.
The art in this book makes me feel like Mula; WILD, AWAKE, and FREE! My favorite is Mula's colorful whiskers and how they ever so slightly change from page to page. If I could use emojis, this review would have 1 million heart-eyed emojis!! That is how the illustrations make me feel.
There are so many wonderful layers in this book. It can be enjoyed again and again and again. Great for at home, in school, or any story time, it will be a sure fire favorite.
Thank you #SweetCherryPublishing and #NetGalley for an advanced copy of #MulaandtheFly for my honest opinion.

A cute easy to read story that encourages children to relax and unwind, with easy to copy popular yoga poses at the back.
Lovely illustrations with some endearing character animals featured in the story of the fly and the tiger.

Mula and the Fly: A Fun Yoga Story is a story about a fly who teaches a tiger how to relax, focus on breathing, and do the moves they never thought they were able to do. It is a vibrantly illustrated book and is mostly engaging. At the end, Hoffmeier provides a sequence of yoga positions for children to try. This book would be good for many elementary students.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sweet Cherry publishing for providing me with a copy of Mula and the fly in exchange for my impartial review.
This book aims to introduce yoga to young children and I’d say it hits that mark.
We read this before bed and it was perfect as a wind down activity.
Mula is a sleepy grumpy tiger dreaming of fun and playful actions that she believe she can only achieve in her dreams.
A friendly fly is on hand to show her how she can master her breathing and focus her mind to achieve her dreams.
The book is brightly coloured with beautiful art work and the flow of the book kept my child engaged, often stopping to take deep breaths or mimic Mulas roar.
I loved the focus on the breath and it’s importance in yoga and at the end of the book there is a step by step of how ito achieve the yoga poses Mula tries out in the story and this leads to a great activity with your child.
All in all it’s a lovely story with a purpose and introduced the concept of yoga to my child well, He can’t wait to see Mula again tomorrow!

This story is such a cute way to teach kids yoga and how to calm themselves when struggling with hard emotions. I would definitely incorporate this in my house with my future children. It is such a fun and cute story that children won't even realize that they are doing yoga!

I would never have guessed this was a book on Yoga. The fly keeps landing on Mula disrupting her dreams of tumbling and standing on her head. The fly tells Mula if she does yoga she can accomplish these things. This story really works. It was a fun read if a tad long, but the illustrations are so vibrant and colorful that you don’t mind. You want to keep reading to see what happens next.