Member Reviews
Being from South Australia and having lived through the fires in 2020, (albeit from a distance) It is estimated that nearly three billion animals were killed or displaced by our devastating bushfires in 2019 and 2020. I was interested to read this one, especially as it isn’t an Australian publication.
I did have a concern with the term, 'eucalyptus forest' on the first page, as that's not terminology I would use. I would refer to the habitat of koalas as 'the bush', but I can't say for sure that 'eucalyptus forest' isn't the correct term.
I personally don't love the illustrations, they are a bit too 'cute' for me, but this is a personal thing, and I know that young readers will love them.
Those two things aside, I think this is a nice story. It does what it is intended to do, and that is to show the world the plight of the Australian koalas that suffered during the bushfires, and how they were helped and released back into the bush.
There are also additional facts and photographs at the back of the book, so readers all over the world will now know how to help our koala population.
True Stories of Animal Heroes: Fluffles by Vita Murrow is the first book in a series based on real-life animal stories. Fluffles survived the bush fires in South Australia. It tells how was rescued by firefighters and they helped Fluffles heal and be reunited with the other koalas, This book also included information with real pictures of koalas who were impacted by the bush fires. As the koalas were recuperating from their injuries, they were placed with another koala because they felt more comfortable holding on to something. It also tells how readers can support and raise awareness for koala rescue projects. I think this story would be great to read aloud as students learn about Australia, wildfires, koalas, and animal conservation. The illustrations are absolutely adorable and students will enjoy seeing the koalas; sweet faces.
This story for children is based on what really occurred during the fires in Australia. Adorable, human like Fluffles is a happy young koala until…a bushfire! How does Fluffles survive? Who helps? Children will be relieved to find out that Fluffles is okay and reunited with her fellow Koalas.
The illustrations in this story are very appealing. Children will love seeing Fluffles throughout the text.
This book also raised the issue of protecting the koalas habitat. The author refers readers to the website
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this title. All opinions are my own.
Fact based fictional tale about one of the many koalas trapped in the bushfires of 2020. Extremely well done and complete with delightful illustrations and a few photos. The prose is simple but affective and there are facts present before and after the story. Can't wait to share!
I requested and received a free temporary ebook from Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books via NetGalley. THANK YOU!
I read an advance copy of, True Stories of Animal Heroes: Fluffles. I loved this very cute, true story about Fluffels the koala bear, who was injured in the fires, in Australia. A great story about persevering.
What a wonderful and beautiful book! I loved learning about Fluffles the koala and her life and journey out of the Australia bushfires in 2020. The illustrations are so adorable and sweet. This would be a good way to introduce children to natural disasters and the importance of compassion and helping others.
Thank you Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books and NetGalley for providing this ARC.
A fun book based on the real life of a koala. The artwork for this book is stunning and its a quick and fun read. The story is interesting and honestly I would definitely recommenfe younger to read.
*Thanks Neygalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Frances Lincoln Children's Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review.
Fluffles: True Stories of Animal Heroes follows a koala called Fluffles during the 2020 bushfires in Australia. The illustrations are beautiful even though the story is sad. But it does have a happy ending! Furthermore, in the back more information is giving about the situation of koalas in Australia and how you can help them (hint:
I enjoyed reading about Fluffles heroism and how hugs made them feel better.
Hmmm... In seeing this series billed as 'true stories of animal heroes' I'd thought we'd get the critters that help humans, that save lives, that travel thousands of miles, that endure and endure and win medals. This launch title has a koala hide up a tree when there's a bush fire. A more accurate title here then would be 'anthropomorphised stories of plucky animals who had no other option'. Added to that there is the fact the artwork cannot help us identify Fluffles from her koala friends when relevant, and you should end up with a book I disliked. But it's actually pretty good fun, and succeeds at what it wants to do. It is, to be honest, as gorgeous as you could wish, with every page worthy of a stroke from a young reader, and when they can engage with the plot it's lively, and wrings every ounce of drama out of the story. So ultimately this is a time when the adult purchaser, librarian or guardian will see this as really quite empty and perhaps not even as billed, but will be more than happy at the response the book generates in the target audience. They'll give it four cuddles, at least. Stars – not cuddles, I meant stars. Or perhaps both.
This touching book two in Quarto’s new children’s series will get to any reader with a heart. Through adorable illustrations and simple text, we meet Fluffles, a darling koala burned in the 2020 Australian bush fires. Fortunately, he’s rescued and given care (salve and mittens for injured paws; another koala to hug), and released to the forest again. A fact section reveals more about these charming creatures — dying in massive numbers due to wildfires and drought — with a link to rescue efforts. Highly recommended for any animal lover!
5 of 5 Stars
Pub Date 02 Mar 2021
#TrueStoriesofAnimalHeroesFluffles #NetGalley
Thanks to Quarto Publishing Group - Frances Lincoln Childrens and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are fully mine.