Member Reviews

There are so many facets to this book and some of them hit uncomfortably closely to truths we perhaps don’t want to acknowledge. The writing style is tight - it’s a long book but no word is wasted. Perhaps some of the characters could have been fleshed out a bit more so their motivations could be better understood, but that is a very minor criticism. This is a book which will appeal to fans of thrillers, political “fiction” and international intrigue.

This was an unexpected pleasure a well written, thoughtful and well informed geo-political thriller about a myserteous charity, Peace International and their attempts to thwart and being to public attention a new chemical and biological weapons research and production centre that is being built with Chinese support in a remote part of Iran.
The action is non-stop and the characters well drawn and depicted. There is much about the internal politics of Iran and how they circumvent global sanctions.
The book is long and sometime sit is hard to remember exactly who is who but the attention span required is rewarded by a lush and satisfying read.
Highly recommended.