Member Reviews

Finding Jesus in Every moment is an important Devotional. For quiet growth daily in spiritual walk this book can be of help. Beautifully written by Anne Cetas and needed innthis world.

Beautiful book and wonderful devotions. As an electronic copy one needs to have a journal for that part but I enjoyed reading the devotions. Anne Cetas is a talented devotional writer and author and my expectations were high for this book and it did not disappoint. This is one I would gift for certain.
Thank you NetGalley for the advanced reader copy provided for my honest review.

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. Highly recommend for Christian's. Would be reading again.

I received a copy for free so I would right my honest review. I really enjoyed this devotional.I really enjoyed this devotional book. It is one that you will want to continue using it year after year.

I love starting each day by reading a devotional for reflection and inspiration. Anne Cetas' Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments is the perfect book for both. In each chapter, Cetas shares a story and biblical passages along with Jesus Moments, inspiring and key words, prayers, and actions. Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments will be a devotional book I will keep and return to many times to help with my spiritual journey.

What a great bible study book. It is not for the faint of heart or those looking for a quick one page read before setting out on their day. It is very good to start a 15-30 minute bible study. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Absolutely adorable. I love that you can record your thoughts and reflections within the pages of the book. And it is so pretty within the pages.

I really liked this book. It spoke to me. Many topics all people can relate too. A great addition to any inspirational reading collection. A fresh look at topics that impact us all. Very pleased with this book.

I received an ARC from Our Daily Bread Publishing, via NetGalley. This review is my personal opinion.
With an accessible approach, Anne Cetas want us through this devotional one us to go deeper in our relationship with Jesus in our daily life. Each day we find a specific bible verse, a small reflection, and several questions to help us to spend more time with the Bible while journaling. Although these devotions are short, which is great if you are busy, you can do a daily devotion, if you have more time, you can easily work with more than one. Also, I think this book could be a great gift for new believers who wants to start studying the bible but find the idea overwhelming, this book could be a great start.

For each day of this 100 day devotional, the entry includes a Bible verse, a short story about the day's topic, the lesson for the day, in large print and surrounded by a box so you don't miss it, questions for you to reflect on, along with blank space to fill in your answers, and closing quotes, which may come from Scripture, a hymn, or something similar.
The subtitle of this book states that it is a devotional for women, but I think men could get just as much out of it as women. The devotional covered a lot of the common tenets of Christianity, mostly Jesus-centered. The questions were good for reflecting on how to make sure you are living your life in a way that honors Jesus. It ticks off all the boxes I would expect from a good devotional.
Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book.

I usually don’t review books if I haven’t finished them and especially if I only made it a tiny bit through but since this book is a devotional I thought my review was still valid. This is a 100 day devotional journal and I only made it through Day 12. I don’t think that the devotionals were relevant to the daily scripture and they definitely weren’t very relatable. They were mostly just examples that felt outdated and most of the ones that I read had to do with things children said which, while cute, doesn’t help me grow my faith at all. This was especially disappointing because the introduction to this devotional raved about how this person digs deep into the hard questions and I found that to be completely untrue. There was a couple of days that touched on grief and suffering but it didn’t answer anything and as someone who has felt grief deeply I didn’t gain anything from it.
There is also a journal aspect of this devotional and this part really felt like someone phoned it in. The questions were very basic and broad and coupled with a devotional that brought nothing of value it felt like I was having to do all the work. Which I guess you could say is the point of the journal but for me I prefer where I learned a scripture and had someone relate it to my life and then I can expand on that for myself. Rather than here is a scripture and some words that mean nothing to me and oh yea here are some questions you can answer. When really the author of this book should have answered those questions and I could maybe have gotten something of value from it.
This is clearly something that I don’t recommend and it has made me more hesitant about trying out something from Our Daily Bread Publishing in the future. This book really comes across as something that was thrown together in a short amount of time with no intentional thought or caring put into it. Thankfully, there are more really great devotionals out there and I will just concentrate on the ones I’m currently working through before trying anything new.

Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments
100-Day Devotional Journal for Women
by Anne Cetas
Our Daily Bread Publishing
Christian | Religion & Spirituality
Pub Date 06 Apr 2021
I am reviewing a copy of Finding Jesus In Everyday Moments: 100-Day Devotional Journal for Women through Our Daily Bread Publishimg and Netgalley:
Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments takes us through a hundred story driven, Bible Focused devotions, you will be reminded that a personal relationship with your Creator changes everything. Popular Our Daily Bread author Anne Cetas invites you to wrestle with the peaks and valleys of life. “Jesus moments" journaling prompts you to draw near to God and reflect on His presence during everyday moments.
Finding Jesus In Everyday Moments reminds us that every loss leaves us with an empty space that only God’s presence can feel. It is pointed out too that we should never measure God’s unlimited power, by our limited expectations. We are reminded too that peace reigns when Jesus rules our heart. It is pointed out too that Jesus wants us to come to him throughout our lives.
The author Anne Cetas goes on to remind us that the more we love Jesus the more we will talk about him. We are reminded too that Salvation was given to us, it cannot be earned. It is pointed out too that the next person w meet May be our mission field. It is pointed out too that discipleship demands disciple. It is pointed out too that Jesus is the image of the invisible God. It is pointing out too that those who have their eyes fixed on heavily, will hold loosely to the things of the earth.
Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments reminds us that faith in Christ is not just a single step, it is a lifelong walk with him. The importance of looking up when others let you down is also pointed out. We are reminded too that Christ’s Words Make Us Safe, while God’s word makes us sure. We are reminded too of following Jesus as our guide if we are looking for guidance. It is pointed out too that we can never praise God enough. We are reminded too that. Heaven is a place prepared for a prepared people.
It is pointed out too that talking to Christ about others gives us a passion to talk to others about Christ. We are reminded too to love people and not things, as well as to use things and not people. We are reminded too that we live because he lives. It is pointed out too that a false front can disguise a true faith. It is pointed out too that God has never wanted us to best the burden of worrying. We are remind too that Jesus wants us to walk with him and focus on who he is. It is pointed out too that the risen Christ will come from heaven to take his own to Heaven. We are reminded too that Christians stand stronger when we stand together, and that walking in the light off truth will help keep us out of life’s darkest corner.
Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments that through prayer we have instant access to heaven. It is pointed out too that that there is a longing in every heart that will be satisfied with Jesus. We are reminded too that compassion helps to heal the hurt of others.
Anne Cetas reminds us too that Christ’s death is the measure of God’s love for us. The book goes on to encourage us that with God behind you and his arms beneath you you can face whatever lies ahead. We are reminded too the importance of looking at everything through the cross. It is pointed out too that our desire to please God should be our greatest motive for obeying God. We are reminded too that the only permanent covering for sin is the blood of Christ. It is pointed out too that Hope is the anchor for our soul. We are reminded too that Jesus gives us the rest we need.
Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments points out that in order to escape sin’s curse, we need to run to the cross. It is pointed out too that the choice you make today will determine your tomorrow. We are reminded too that Our Hope is Anchored in Jesus. We are reminded too that we need to go to the Bible for our protection, correction and direction. It is also pointed out too that the name of Jesus is the heart of our Faith and the foundation of our Hope. We are reminded too that the love of God frees us from the prison of fear. It is pointed out too that our greatest freedom is freedom from sin.
Anne Cetas reminds us too that we are not faced with temptations because we are evil, but because we are humans. We are reminded too that a healthy heart beats with love for Jesus. It is pointed out too that Only Christ, the Living Bread, can satisfy our spiritual hunger.
In Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments we are reminded too that God has great concern for little children. We are reminded too that if we truly love the Lord, you’ll want others to love him too. It is pointed out too that in order for us to feel the worth of the anchor we need to feel the stress of the storm. We are reminded too that nothing can compare to the love of God.
I give Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments five out of five stars!
Happy Reading!

I loved this devotional; it was very unique. I read it as an ebook through netgalley. It was unique in the sense that each devotion is a story about different people and their relationship with Jesus. I also liked that each devotion had a prayer, song or action included in it.

I really enjoyed this devotional. I have many daily devotionals but I loved that this does not correspond to specific dates and could be started at any time. However, what would have been amazing is if this could have been 365 days so it could be used for an entire year instead of just 100days. Honestly though, this is simply because I enjoyed going through these daily devotions so much and would have loved for it to last longer.

I loved this book, and will be buying it in hardback, I have it currently as an eBook. I am newish to study Jesus and the Bible, and how this is perfectly broken down daily is exactly what I need. If you are new to learning about the Bible, this step by step, book is wonderful. There are daily passages from the Bible, with stories, or quotes, and the icing on the whole thing for me was the reflection questions and space to journal (which is why I want to start this book over again so I can journal in it.) I feel that even if you have done studies before, this will still help you in your daily reflection of God's word,

Each chapter begins with "The Context," giving the Bible passage being looked at. Includes a Bible verse, story, thought, "Jesus Moment" with a reflection question and space to journal. Chapters end with either a list of Bible verses, lyrics from a song, inspiring words, additional questions, a prayer, or action steps.
At two pages, this would make a good daily devotional book.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced copy! The first page immediately drew me in with the real story, room to journal and "Key Words from the Word". I enjoyed how this devotional followed that pattern throughout the whole devotional. This would be the perfect introduction to someone who is looking to grow a relationship with God but not sure where to start. I could see how this devotional might not appeal to everyone in terms of some of the verbiage but I think it achieves the objective of creating a timeless devotional to strengthen your personal relationship and discovering Jesus Moments in the ordinary.

“Finding Jesus in Everyday Moments” is everything I need and love in a daily devotional. Real life stories, scripture, prayer and a place to make notes, make this a wonderful addition to daily devotional time. Anne Cetas brings her impressive background, experience, and many blessings to this faith-filled book, creating a timeless and beautiful devotional that you will surely enjoy.

I have mixed opinion on this one. It wasn't like it was terrible. But I can honestly say that this authors writing style isn't for me. And some of the words that was used, seemed a little old-fashioned for me. To me it was skim the surface devotions and some examples that wasn't relatable to me. Not all the days were like that, but most of them. This is certainly a devotion designed for a older generation of Christian women, which is okay. But just not for me.