Member Reviews

Larry is known to and loved by many. He is the cat at Downing Street. This title with many cat words (pawtrol, clawful, meowsic and more) is adorable. The illustrations add to the experience of enjoying this title..
Find out what Larry does as he meets his many responsibilities. Watch his reaction when that interloper Dilyn enters the family. See how they work out their relationship.
The story is cute and has a nice message of learning to get along with others. I think that kids will enjoy this one and so will their adults.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this title. All opinions are my own.

4.5 "Meowlicious" stars !!
Thank you to Netgalley, the author and illustrator as well as Matador for an ecopy in exchange for my honest review. This book will be released Feb 2021.
The illustrations in this book are so delightful and they garner a full five stars for me. They are adorable, whimsical and hilarious for both adults and children.
This is Larry, the cat that lives with Boris of the UK. Yes that Boris with the crazy Andy Warhol hair.
Larry is wanted by Queen Lizzie to be her mouser but he is devoted to Boris. Larry is also super competitive with other elite cats and is horrified when Boris also gets a puppy who eats sausages.
Oh no Larry won't have that but you have to see what happens !!
The language is full of kitty talk and the little ones will giggle with glee. Suitable for everybody but especially children aged 4 to 6 !!
So sweet, so fun ! Miao Miao Miao !