Member Reviews

This book is a bit of a let-down if you are expecting romance and erotica - there's quite a bit of mafia-like criminal activity, so a lot more action - and it did move along quickly. The intimate scenes were not as well-written as the action parts of the book, and it was interesting enough to check out the second in the series, but again, should put romance and erotica on the hashtags if it's not in that genre.

I had a hard time getting into this book. I gave up around 70%... I really expected more from this book. There was so much promise.
There was very little romance, I expected erotica, but there were only 3 relatively bland sex scenes. The characters were lackluster..
I hate giving bad reviews but ahhh.. I couldnt finish this

I don’t like giving bad reviews to books, but I had to force myself to finish this one so I could review it. The character development and plot are seriously lacking, but have potential to make a great book. The sex scenes are horrible! They read like a bad porn movie. I will not be reading the rest of this series.

Distant and disconnected writing, the voice drones and the story has barely any dialogue. The plot revolves around clubs, a drug scene and mentions of sex repeatedly, but the actual sex scenes are out of the blue and quick. I’m sorry to say that this didn’t hold my attention enough to even care about the character or his story at all.

I received a complimentary copy of Rogue-Angle in exchange for an honest review. The story absolutely appealed to me, and I couldn't wait to get started, Unfortunately, that is where my excitement ended. There was very little romance, and it was all "over the top mafia" type activity which isn't my preferred reading preference. Maybe this book would better received if the genre wasn't listed as erotica and romance.

I really didn’t enjoy this, I found it a bit dull and repetitive. I skimmed through most of it and didn’t get on with the characters.

So I started this book only to found out this was not what I expected at all. So, I'm not interested in the second book whatsoever.

I had a hard time getting into this book.
i was bit disappointed in this book.
I expected erotica, but there were only 3 relatively very plain sex scenes.
There was very little emotion between him and heroine,
The focus was more on his mafia-like business dealings, and I did find that a little more intriguing - particularly when he got involved with Mr. Brain, but it didn't catch my interest enough to read the second book when it comes out.
i have read my fair share of mafia romance and you can live without reading this.
•Character development- 2.5☆
• Story Plot- 2.5☆
• Side characters- 2.5☆
• Flow of the story- 3☆
• Overall - 2.5☆

I really expected more from this book. There was so much promise. I feel like it was a bit of a missed opportunity.
The sex scenes where very impersonal and had very little build up, they came out of nowhere.
The story itself interests me. I have had friends that have been in foster care and had rough upbringings.
I guess even after this book I don't really know much about Drake. There was a lot more that could have been done to endear him to the reader more and elaborate on his relationships with other characters.

I had a hard time getting into this book. I expected erotica, but there were only 3 relatively bland sex scenes. There was very little emotion between him and the (possibly) heroine, for whom he expressed thoughts of a future. The focus was more on his mafia-like business dealings, and I did find that a little more intriguing - particularly when he got involved with Mr. Brain, but it didn't catch my interest enough to read the second book when it comes out.

Drake and his twin brother lost their parents and younger brother in a car accident when they were young. They were separated into different foster homes. Drakes brother was very angry and behaved so badly that he kept getting tossed out of the various foster homes and finally ended up in a group home. Drake had ended up with a great couple and he was very well behaved. He stayed their until he aged out of the system. Drake obtained a home and invited his brother to live with him. His brother had a violent lifestyle with a lot of drugs, violence and continually partying. Their house was constantly filled with people and loud music. Drake knew he had to get away from this. He moved on and a business of hiring ethical security guards to provide bouncers for nightclubs and bars. He encountered an elderly man that helped him out financially so that he was able to open a huge multistory club. He did not allow any drugs in the facility unlike most clubs. This club became very successful and he was harassed by other clubs whose business suffered as he was drawing their patrons. This novel involves violence, drugs, snd power but he also had his good side. It is a good book.