Member Reviews

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for letting me read an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Based on the description, I was excited to try this book, but I found it really disappointing. I enjoyed the writing style and descriptive prose. Definitely gave you a sense of place. That did not make up for a dearth of plot and unlikeable, aloof characters. I struggled to finish this one.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for letting me read an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really wanted to rate this book a bit higher, but unfortunately I feel like I just didn’t quite ‘get’ it. I just found the narrative tone of Isa a bit too cool and aloof to properly feel like I understood her as a character. I did like her, and I thought there were some really interesting moments dealing with her mixed heritage and grief about loss of her mother, but overall I struggled to really know what she was thinking most of the time, even though I was reading from her perspective.

I did like Granados’ writing, I thought the descriptions were lovely and illustrated a world of glamorous partying well, however there was no real plot. I thought that the book was going to go somewhere in the second half, and then it just kind of didn’t? I guess this is Granados capturing the transient nature of the girls’ lives, but it just left me feeling a bit like something was lacking.

I found the central characters of Isa and Gala quite hard to relate to in the party-girl nature of their lives. They are clearly both attractive, thin and enigmatic enough for people they have just met to become entranced by them, even when Gala was often quite rude to these people. Whilst it was fascinating to be swept up in their lifestyle, and I was glad this was contrasted with elements of struggle so I wasn’t just reading about rich people living it up, overall I came away feeling they were both quite pretentious.

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Well written, Happy Hour is a somewhat poetic telling of two 20-something friends and their summer spent party-hopping, socializing and generally leeching their way through New York City.
I found the characters to be quite unlikable. Even though their head-butting personalities and toxic friendship contributes/creates the entire plot line, there was just too much leeching and fake social climbing for my likeness. I would be open to reading another novel by this author, but this book was not for me.
Thank you NetGalley and Verso Books (US) for this ARC!

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I was immediately drawn into the synopsis of Happy Hour. However, the proof was missing letters in a few words every other paragraph. It made it extremely difficult to read. I pieced together what I could as I wanted to read this novel and it was interesting, but I could not finish the entire book. Would love to read this finished copy once it’s released. Thank you to NetGalley and Verso Books.

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What a wonderful book! A coming of age story that brings to mi d Sex in the City Mets Two Broke Girls. A colorful cast of characters led by lovely Isa and Gala, drive a tale of a couple friends living on the edge one summer in New York City. The city itself becomes a supporting character! A joy to read!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Verso Books for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This book follows two young women, Isa and Gala, as they spend a summer living and working in NYC, trying to have a fun adventurous summer. They work, party, fight, and make new friends along the way.

Overall, this was really just a fun book and feels like a modern representation of the roaring 20s. The author managed to capture the voice of a 20 something experiencing freedom for the first time excellently, and you really feel like you get to know Isa and Gala as they romp their way through the summer on a variety of dates, parties, and sweltering days at work.

Really just a quick and fun read, with some nice, poignant moments interspersed throughout.

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As I write this, we are going on a year spent at home due to COVID-19 so the idea of spending months in a new city and mostly just going out and having fun sounds rather enjoyable. This ride through New York City nightlife was a nice escape that transports you to a different, yet not so along, time in the world and stage in life. While mostly just pure fun, there are also some additional themes and layers here that can make you ponder, as well as times where it seems the fun may run out. Overall, it's a solid debut that is a particular nice respite in our current times.

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Isa is in New York. Why? She just is.

Happy Hour takes place from May to September, telling of the summer best friends Isa and Gala move to New York City just because. They're nearly broke and always struggling to find ways to make money (their immigrant status severely limits their options), but with enough beauty, charm, and social connections they manage to stay afloat in New York's social scene.

There isn't much of a plot. The novel is written in first-person, diary-style from the point of view of Isa as she describes interesting moments from the summer and the coming-and-going various people. The book was not mind blowing but still charming and highly enjoyable. It is a quick read and Isa is a fairly likable character. You'll float through this novel as care-freely as Isa and Gala in their New York Summer.

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Unfortunately I couldn’t finish this book as there were too many typos and missing letters in the middle of words - I couldn’t make out the words for half of them and this was happening in every other sentence. I’d love to read this once this has been sorted though as I love the idea of the plot.

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Remember those parties that Gatsby used to throw at his place in The Great Gatsby? All pomp and glitter but no real warmth- that’s exactly what Isa and Gala’s adventures seem like, to me at least. They are always on the go- every night at one club or other, one party or the other with a whole bunch of people who are acquaintances of acquaintances, for the most part. While the book blurb explicitly states that at 21, Isa and Gala had already realised that the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life, I could hardly stand the party after party after party and fleeting appearances of all these different characters, and the diminishing finances. Yes, I know they are all of 21, we must give them a break, but these girls cannot survive on alcohol alone. About halfway through, I was on the verge of giving Gala my mindful for her recklessness. Isa is the more sensible of the two, and more likeable as well, but that only shows how much Gala got on my nerves as I had to try my best to like Isa herself. The last twenty pages were the best, I’d say, because finally h there seems to be some change in their situation. The rest of it seemed to me to be quite wry.

Thank you Netgalley for the free copy.

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Oh boy... reading this made me feel like I was 23 again! Two young women in New York City, it's the perfect backdrop for this story. These two women work through personal and financial trouble while learning so much in the process. Great read!

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Firstly, I want to thank Netgallery for this arc. Unfortunately this book didn’t do it for me. I personally thought the writing style was amazing and so were the descriptions. I truly felt that I was right there in New York with Isa and Gala but, I couldn’t relate to the characters and I felt as if there was not a good enough plot to continue reading. I simply couldn’t connect to the story or characters. It wasn’t my cup of tea but I definitely think there could be other readers out there who would have loved this novel.

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Happy Hour was a fun enjoyable read about being young in the city! It brought me back to my college days, and this will be a great summer read.

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An absolutely sublime read, following the two twenty something charming grifters Isa and Gala through the oppressive heat and immense opportunities of NYC in summer. Although there’s no typical plot, the wry and compelling writing makes you feel as though you are there, feeling their freedom and the untold possibilities for a bright young thing in a big city. For an older reader there’s something so deliciously carefree reading about young women with all the opportunities and advantages of a big city at thirty feet. Whilst it without a doubt romanticizes the abject grimness of being broke in NYC, you become carried away with the story, all the time rooting for the next party or contact or job that come their way. The characters were well developed, all flawed but each had enough vulnerability or charm to give them depth and complexity. I’ll be buying this for my girlfriends to enjoy.

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I was interested instantly but as the story continued I got bored has potential though. Great writing style.

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thanks to netgalley for the arc.

this was an enjoyable read! the writing was pretty okay and the story as well. it just had something missing. maybe because it’s been a while since i read a contemporary, but i did enjoy it enough for what it was.

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I really liked this book, and found myself reading it with great interest. While there were many characters introduced, I felt like I got a pretty good sense of who they were and their role in Gala and Isa's lives. I loved the carefree-ness of the story and how adventurous it was. I envied the people who crossed paths with them and envied their ability to enjoy the present, meet and bond with new people, and their sense of priorities. This book challenged the narrative that young twenty-somethings need to be in post-secondary creating a career and life path, and instead suggests that it is okay to go day by day - things will still be okay. I also loved the author's style, there were many lines and sections that I found myself underlining and rereading because they were so beautiful, which I rarely do when I read fiction. The only aspect that troubled me was that at times it felt a bit unrealistic - the way the girls continued to run into people they had met across the world, or that they would manage to always get the attention or support of wealthier/well connected people. These were very fun aspects of the story that kept it exciting, but sometimes I thought "there's just no way!". Being from outside of the country and without income is very challenging and while those challenges were acknowledged throughout the story, I have to presume it won't always work out so smoothly.
Thank you for the chance to read this wonderful book!

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Very fun and interesting read. Personally for me, I didn't get connected to the story but I can see other readers really enjoying this!

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Didn't finish it...
The was in a dire need of editing, the writing felt like it was done by a teenager who doesn't know how to express herself.
The storyline was laaame .

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I wanted to like this book. The writing is interesting, descriptive, and really evocative of being young in the city in the summer. But there just wasn't as much substance as I would have liked.

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