Member Reviews

4.5 stars. I’m not completely sure what it is about this book that made me like it so much, there are some new author flaws and it has difficulties due to a lot of the main characters getting to know each other “off-page” but essentially there was something about it that just had me smiling constantly for the first 70% of the book, so I consider it a success.

Lochlan Paige is a closeted country music superstar. One of the few things she has for herself is to write at libraries, in her own little bubble with rare peace and quiet. After her latest concert, she heads to the local College library, where she meets Vanessa, a pre-med student.

After they meet a lot of the getting to know each other takes place via text message and phone calls, which as readers we don’t get much information on, so there are quite a few time skips, which I did find disappointing, but it didn’t change my enjoyment of the story itself. I can understand why it may for some readers though so you may want to take this into consideration.

I enjoyed the fact that the narrative acknowledges who Lochlan is and the impact it has on their relationship. Vanessa has her fan moments but also approaches their relationship from a pretty logical place. The development of their time together, and how it panned out narrative-wise felt believable to me, though obviously it has some sensationalist moments for effect.

My review is probably impacted by how much I loved both of the characters, rather than the writing itself, but I’m often a character-driven reader, so this isn’t much of a surprise. The ending also worked really well for me, again sticking true to the characters.

I was impressed with Grayson’s first outing, romance fans should find something they’ll enjoy in this book and I’m definitely looking forward to Grayson’s next book.

I received an e-ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Vanessa and Lochlan meet in a library late on a Saturday night. Lachlan is a country music super star, Vanessa is a pre-Med student. The two try to navigate a relationship away from the press, while keeping Lachlan’s sexuality, and the stress that entails, under wraps.

I really enjoyed this story. It was a very short read with a captivating plot and had extremely likable characters. There was so much potential, I just wish there were more build up all around, especially in the interactions between the various relationships. I wanted more build up in the romantic relationship and chemistry between the main characters, but I also wanted build up in the interaction between the main characters and supporting characters. That background may provide a more believable rational for the characters decisions and reactions. I think it was probably just a bit too short to be thorough.

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This was a really good book. The author had some good info on how people in the entertainment community deal with fame in the public eye. This is also a very sweet romance that paired two very well written women. I just loved Vanessa and Lochlan as a couple they just seemed so in tune with each other and you could just feel it coming off the page. This author will be on my one to watch out for list. I highly recommend you read this book you won't be disappointed..

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This is a great celebrity romance between a country signer and a medical student.

Despite the difference in both main characters lifestyles, the romance felt very natural, obviously if you have that money and connections.

I loved Vanessa's personality and how she handled Lochland and all difficulties dating a celebrity might have.

This is the first book by B. D. Grayson so looking forward to see what she brings next.

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This is a very promising debut from a new author - in fact, I was surprised to learn it was their first book. It's very well written and engaging, the main characters are multi-faceted and very likeable, the struggles of what it's like to be a celebrity and having to stay closeted were depicted very well and very realistic. What really stood out for me was the chemistry between the main characters - I really connected with both of them and the way their relationship developed felt really natural and contemporary. There are points for improvement - I felt Vanessa was quite harsh on Lochlan at times. The build-up between the main characters was very well written but the sex scenes felt rushed and could have done with a few more pages to do the characters' sizzling chemistry justice. There were also continuity errors (characters went from fully clothed to naked). Having said that though, the slow burn between the two leads was one of the most exciting I've read in ages, let alone from a new author, and I can't wait to see what she writes next.

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2 stars. Lochlan Paige is country music's biggest star. She likes writing in libraries and while on tour, goes to a library where Vanessa Wallace is studying. Vanessa is a pre-med student and when she hears humming, she cannot concentrate and goes to tell the person to be quiet. When she notices its Lochlan, but she still tells her to be quiet. She is star stuck by Lochlan and Lochlan thinks Vanessa is the most attractive woman she has seen. When they run into each other again at a benefit, they start to talk more seriously, and Vanessa wonders if Lochlan is a lesbian and is hiding who is she. Can they overcome how closeted Lochlan is?

The entire book, I felt like the characters were too immature. I thought the characters felt young and their relationship seemed to move at a very quick pace. I thought their declarations of love felt quick for a celebrity like this, and I felt like the entire book their relationship seemed to go too quickly. Boom, they meet and then they are obsessed with each other. The whole book felt very realistic which I did not like at all. It made me not like the book and really did not enjoy reading it. I do not recommend it at all. There are many books which are a lot better than this one. No matter how much I read it I could not get into it. Everything about it seemed dumb and even the drama was just the worst kind, a misunderstanding. Skip this one. read other better lesbian romance novels.

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4.5⭐️ – This is the sweetest story I’ve read in a while and there aren’t even any puppies.

At twenty-five, Lochlan Paige is a country music mega star. She’s also mega closeted. One evening after a concert, she finds herself in need of quiet to write the song that’s been playing in her head. To the library she goes since, while on tour, libraries are her safe place. That evening, med student Vanessa is working on a paper and all that humming is distracting her. This first encounter lasts less than an hour but that’s more than enough time for a connection to surface. Despite her manager and best friend Jamie incessantly reminding her that she’s putting her career in jeopardy, Loc can’t help wanting some kind of relationship with Vanessa.

I think this is B.D. Grayson’s debut but it really doesn’t feel like a debut. According to the author’s profile on the publisher’s website, Grayson has written a lot of fanfiction so it may be a debut as a professionally published author but not as a writer.

Loc and Vanessa are just lovely. They are so obviously meant for each other, despite how antipodal their lives are. Chemistry like this isn’t something you can ignore. My heart broke for them over and over. For Lochlan and her fear of what coming out could mean for her career and the people who depend on her, for Vanessa who is incredibly patient and understanding and still at the same time true to herself. Grayson does a wonderful job at lacing joy and pain together, at breaking and rebuilding. I know it’s a romance and I knew these two were getting their happy end but damn, I felt for them.

While I’m not overly impressed with the sex scenes themselves (they’re good but not as good as the rest of the book), I love everything that leads to them. From the first words Vanessa speaks to Loc in the library, the chemistry is obvious. I wanted them to kiss already even as I enjoyed the budding romance, the slowish burn, the fact that neither woman was really aware of the instalust they were both obviously feeling. Theirs is the kind of relationship where you realise at some point that it was actually love at first sight, that feeling that colors are brighter, sounds are clearer, the weight of life is lighter.

The dialogue is smart, each character has their own voice, and the balance between dialogue and narrative is excellent. There’s also an interesting cast around Vanessa and Loc. I hated Jamie as much as I understood her intentions. I know she meant well even as she messed up. I like both families a lot and I love Vanessa’s best friends Mia and Ty and Loc’s assistant Spencer.

But an out actress called MacKenzie Daveys? Seriously? There were also times when I didn’t know how much time had passed between scenes or chapters, and there are other minor flaws that I hope Grayson will get rid of in future works, but they didn’t stop me from enjoying this story tremendously.

ARC provided to Les Rêveur for an honest review.

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A good exploration of the pitfalls for celebrities when they are thinking of coming out, especially for those who work in particular genres. Here it’s Country music, which seems to be slow in acceptance or at least that’s the expectation. I like the way the author has shown it’s an individual journey and that we each have our own timing that’s right for us. Often, but not always, as is the case in this story, the right time to come out is when you meet the woman that you can’t live without or lie about. This theme is the main point of the book, but the romance is also nicely done and feels realistic and often rather sweet.

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When I started this book I thought, great, how long without reading a story like this, a star, in this case a music star, on the crest of the wave, who knows an anonymous woman whose she is immediately attracted. There have been different versions of this type of romance, mostly with actresses. But as the book has progressed, the story for me has lost interest.

The name of one of the protagonists is so hard to remember Lochlan, Loc, I did not like it. And the other woman, Vanessa, is blurred. Not that Loc is much better defined. She is a country music star in the closet and not much else. No family, no friends, an ex. So the story is about this difficult relationship that the two of them must be able to fit into their lives without the people around them being too aware of it. They can't meet too often, their schedules are very difficult, Loc with the concert tour and Vanessa with her medical studies. That’s why the book goes from meet to meet too quickly and the scenes are superficial, as well as the issues they have to face and also their solution.

So I'm a little disappointed because I was too excited and in the end it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be.

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3 Stars

“Love’s Falling Star” is a celebrity romance between a mega-popular country singer, Lochlan, and a pre-med student, Vanessa, who meet at a library.

After seeing all the reviews for this I was excited to start reading. However, for me, it fell flat. I do see the potential with Grayson and look forward to reading what comes next. However, there were a lot of my pet peeves that just made me unable to connect with this the way the others seem to have.

First of all, our main characters, Loc and Vanessa, meet and flirt and their next communication is via Twitter and FaceTime. I understand this with Loc being on a tour that this is natural but the problem for me was that there was no way for the reader to see them get to know each other, as we only get snippets here and there. We don’t really see them communicate and get to know each other. Because the author uses time skips/jumps we see Loc and Vanessa have gotten to know one another better, however, we don’t see this progression. That’s one of my favorites about reading a romance; seeing two people meet and fall in love in whatever capacity that is and I just didn’t get that here. It was all telling with very little showing.

Next, Loc’s manager/best friend, Jamie, was a really terrible friend to Loc and later to Vanessa. She seemed to have no care for Loc’s happiness or life beyond her fame and career. Then something happens and all of a sudden, it’s all forgiven and she was “just looking out for Loc”. I could understand it from a manager’s standpoint. But seeing as they were life long best friends, it was really hard for me to grasp her attitude.

There were a few other things that irked me, but I don’t need to delve that far. There were a couple of things I think Grayson did right and I liked those things.

I appreciated how she made Vanessa kind of fan girl about Loc. Too many celebrity romances I’ve read have had the “ordinary” love interest not react to/ignore the fame and wealth and the celebrity of the person they’re with. I think most people would have some sort of reaction if they suddenly found themselves dating a super star. I also liked that Loc knew she was famous and although she wanted to be known for more than her persona, she acknowledged that it’s all a part of her. I also appreciated that although there is the infamous black moment, it’s earlier in the story so the ending doesn’t feel as rushed as when authors use it closer to the 90%.

Overall, I didn’t really click with this story. However, I’m the odd duck here as almost every other review has been positive. Like I said, I see the potential in Grayson and look forward to reading whatever may come next.

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I believe this is the first release from this writer. I thought it was decent showing.

I’d rate this 3.5 - with a round up for encouragement :)

The main characters are likable. There’s enough to keep you engaged and reading. The story moves at a good pace. I think I finished this over an evening.

I would be interested in seeing what this writer puts out next.

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A stunning debut. I fell in love with Loc from the beginning, especially as a bi-woman who has hidden who she is for way too long, and I don't have the stakes Loc does. Looking forward to more books by this author.

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𝗜𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝗯𝘂𝘁, 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗶𝘁!

I love this one so much and it’s a debut book so I’m doubly impressed. What sets the celebrity trope apart from others is the glamour and excitement that comes with either being a big celebrity or dating one. It sounds materialistic but it’s true for me and Grayson gets it. The excitement is infectious and it made me want to scream like a fangirl along with the characters from time to time.

I love how the characters don’t fall into stereotypes. Vanessa is a pre-med student and a bookworm who studies in the library but she isn’t a complete nerd. She listens to music and tweets like a normal young person. Lochlan is a country music superstar (like Taylor Swift) but she isn’t arrogant about it. At the same time, she doesn't hate it nor is she shy about it.

I love their interactions and they communicate so well. I appreciate how upfront Vanessa is at times and how Lochlan responds. This story is evenly paced that it doesn’t fall into the insta-love trap. They text for months before going on a date and this feels so real. At the same time, it didn’t feel like a slow burn which I’d credit this to good storytelling. It doesn’t hurt that they are both very likeable people too.

I love how the focus never shifts from Lochlan’s dilemma about coming out vis-à-vis living out her dreams in the conservative country music scene. I don’t know much about country music to know if it's really a zero sum game, but her dilemma sounded legit and I’d take her word for it. I understand how important it is both to hold on to dreams and to stay true to yourself and how hard it can be to pick one.

The only part lacking is Lochlan’s manager and best friend, Jamie, who never acted like a best friend nor had Lochlan’s back like how Mia and Ty had Vanessa’s. I thought that was a pity because this was otherwise a really well thought out book and I really love it.

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'ARC provided by both NetGalley and The Publisher in exchange for a honest review'

**'A book in my opinion should not be planned out beforehand but as one writes the storyline will form itself to the constant emotional prompting of one's personality..'

When I sit down to read a book, I usually find myself looking for a comfortable spot to start reading. So with 'LOVE'S FALLING STAR' I somehow could not find that comfort zone; for one, I just could not stop reading because the storytelling was just mind blowing. For it to be Ms.Grayson's debut book, the storyline had everything; good dialogue, difficult coming out topic, chemistry, education, songstress, relationship issues, sex, tight-knit families & friends, Love etc.. If there's two things I did not expect from this book, it was the pacing and their (Lochlan & Vanessa) immediate connection.
There was something really charming about this storyline, though it might seems a tad bit predictable -- and by charming I do mean sweet. I liked that Ms.Grayson never let on that there might be a happy ending or either family and her (Lochlan) manager will be supportive.
I would not lie; this is a book that many interested readers won't be able to put down. After devouring it in a day, trust me when I say this, B.D. Grayson delivers an impressive book that will drive you through every possible emotions so too with the characters --- before you get to the ending --- and once you get there, your heart will be sore from their never ending intimacy.
Highly recommended!

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What an amazing story and debut from this author. Lochlan Paige is a mega star country music artist that unfortunately has to stay in the closet due to the music genre she is in. (Imagine Taylor Swift as a closeted lesbian).She knows she’s been a lesbian since she was 11 years old but keeps her true self hidden due to the responsibility she feels to her family, the people that work for her and her fans. If the public ever found out she was gay everything she has worked so hard for would disappear and keeping up this facade has been easy until the day that she meets med student Vanessa Wallace in a public library.
You know it’s so sad, especially in these days and times, that an artist, actor or sports star has to remain closeted because they are told they would lose fans and endorsements because of who they happen to love. I love that this is a story that tells what happens when they are fed up with all the lies and ready to be their true selves.
I could not put this book down and of course I was up late to finish it. Highly recommend!
I received this ARC via NetGalley and publisher for an honest review. Many Thanks!!

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I've tried to find out if B. D. Grayson has written more books, I couldn't find any. This is a terrific debut, I actually can't really believe it's a debut. The book is well-written, the trope a well-known one, but done wonderfully for this story.

Lochlan is a country music powerhouse, she seemingly has it all since the day her debut was released. All she lacks is someone to love in her life. One night after a concert of hers Lochlan heads to the library to write some new music. The library is her safe place on the road to write. Vanessa is a pre-med student who spends a lot of time at the library when Lochlan disturbs her quiet library time with her humming they get to chatting. Lochlan instantly trusts Vanessa and against all odds, they form a friendship. Lochlan leads a very closeted life and when the friendship eventually morphs into more it's hard for Vanessa to find her place in that world. And Lochlan needs to find a way to have love in her love and accept herself mostly as well.

The inevitable big drama you see it coming, but I didn't expect it to happen the way it did. I didn't expect it to play out that way and for so long either. I think it happens at about 70%-75% of the story, so it's earlier than in most of these romances, but with the book being rather short (about 200 pages) I do feel like the time in the last quarter of the book passes way more quickly and events are shorter and more glossed over. This to me is the only downside of this book, there is so much happening in that last 25%, and it's all very interesting and life-changing for the characters, but we don't really experience it. There is one storyline that I would have really liked to see explored more that was set up and "handled" in the last 25%, I won't say what it is because I'd be spoiling it, but you'll recognise it when you'll read it. Overall the characters are well thought out and likable. Both the story and characters show a good development, something you don't often see from a debut author.
I'd like to have had a couple of chapters more, also because I enjoyed it, so maybe a tip for the next one.

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This is a beautifully crafted romance between Lochlan Paige a famous closeted country superstar and Vanessa a medical student. The story flowed smoothly and was relatable. The main characters had amazing chemistry and were witty. I enjoyed the secondary characters as well. I recommend 5 stars.

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books via NetGalley for my honest opinion.

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Country music superstar Loc loves to write music in libraries when she is on the road. Late one night after a concert, she finds herself in the stacks of just such a place. Vanessa is a med student studying at a table near Loc when the star’s humming disturbs her. When Vanessa, who is not overly impressed with Loc’s fame, shields the woman from being recognized, Loc realizes there is definitely something special about the student, something that draws the pair together. However, with Loc so deeply in the closet and terrified of coming out what chance do they have for a chance at real happiness?

This debut novel is just wonderful. It was far too easy to care about and become emotionally invested in these characters. They are perfect together and I couldn’t help but want the best for them, feeling happy when they were and cry a bit when things go so horribly wrong. I loved the easy going feel of the writing and thought the flow of the story was spot on, not too bogged down in details yet lacking none. This is one of those tales that will stay with you long after you finish reading it. This is an author I will be keeping an eye out for as I am sure she will get even better and better!!

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I enjoyed the book more than I thought I would only because I have read this type of story before but Loch and Vanessa were great characters to get immersed in. The story flowed well and I loved the secondary characters. Well written

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This was a lovely romance to spend my weekend with! You'd think it's a cliche with the closeted music star meeting the ' average' person and falling in love. And ofcourse it's something that has been done before, but when it's done the way Grayson did it; with extremely likeable main characters, beautiful writing and keeping a smile on my face during most of the book then it's a cliche worth spending time on.

For anyone looking for an easy romance to escape everyday life, be sure to read about Vanessa and Lochlan. It's not a very long book, but since there are some time jumps it didn't feel overly rushed. That being said, for me, it could easily have been 100 pages longer as I wouldn't have minded more interactions between the mains, but also between the Vanessa/Lochlan and their friends. Nevertheless: loved it.

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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