Member Reviews

I've been trying to figure out what to say about his book because I don't really know how I feel about it.

Barb is on her first vacation in 5 years and the first day she has breakfast at her hotel she immediately has eyes for the omelet cook, Lynette. Barb is intrigued by the other woman and tries to get her attention. Lynette was 12 when her parents moved her to a cult, she spend 12 years there before finally escaping 12 years ago. But she isn't over the trauma and Lynette made a vow to herself to never be vulnerable again. Mostly because of her cult experience, but also the two women she "dated" betrayed her.
This story mostly goes like this: Barb has breakfast, lunch, and dinner at the hotel, chats up Lynette and they might have hot chocolate or share a walk, some inner thoughts, next day, same thing. Maybe they go on a different outing, a boat tour, cave tour, something, or maybe it's all just the same. I understand this process is all there to make Lynette trust Barb, and she does oh so slowly. But I don't understand why it has to be so repetitive. We get it, Barb eats all her meals at her hotel, no need to repeat the exact same thing over and over. The pace for the first I'd say 75% is very slow and borders on boring.
I understand the trauma Lynette is dealing with is a really big deal and I appreciate how it is handled, but somehow somethings are off for me with that as well. The way Lynette is learning to trust Barb and how slow of a process this is, but is it really that slow when it happens in a month when you're dealing with basically a lifelong trauma/ PTSD? And all the time you have to connect are short breaks over hot chocolate and some nights for a couple of hours at most? The reality of it is that it takes time and somehow I do find it believable, even when I take my previous remarks into account.

My main issue with this book is not the story, but something in the writing. The author makes these sort of small time jumps from one sentence to the next. So in sentence one it's breakfast time and the next line, right after the first, it is hours later. It happens a lot and it really confused me, especially because the pace of the book is slow it is confusing, I've done a lot of double-takes to make sure I got it right that we just jumped.

Overall I did enjoy the story, both characters are lovely and it is all sweet and romantic, but the writing style and the pace were just a little off-putting for me. My review is a bit scattered, that is what this book did to my brain...

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Lynette McCarthy was twelve years old when her parents entered a cult in Idaho and she was twenty-four when she made the bold move to escape. Now twelve years later she works in a kitchen at a resort in the Wisconsin Dells. She meets conservation officer Barb Donnelley who is spending a few weeks vacation at the resort. Lynette and Barb end up spending a lot of time together during those weeks and there is attraction between them. However, Lynette has a lingering fear, even twelve years later, that she will be forced to return to the cult. So she is guarded even around Barb.

The day to day details in the book were somewhat of a wash, rinse, repeat cycle focusing heavily on meal time, breaks, and hot chocolate. Perhaps all of this detail wasn’t necessary for the reader to feel that Lynette was growing to trust Barb. The pace of the story did pick up in last third of the book though. 3 stars

I received an ARC from Bold Strokes Books and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Barb Donnelly is a conservation (fish and game) officer and is on vacation in Wisconsin Dells. There she is intrigued by Lynette McCarthy who works in the hotel dining area. Lynette was raised for 12 years in a religious cult with her family before escaping at the age of 24. With the help of an aunt and lots of therapy she is independent and living on her own.

This is gentle, slow burn romance. Because of her past Lynette is slow to trust but Barb is friendly and doesn't push. When she asks her out it is for a walk, relax with a view or a river boat dinner. Lynette is honest saying she doesn't think she can be more than friends. The main characters, best friend and aunt are all fine. But I had issues with how repetative the book felt. Days of spinach omelets and endless treats and hot chocolates. I've traveled in multiple countries for weeks and checked my camera's SD card less than Barb does during her hotel stay. I get the author is showing Barb is earning Lyns trust but the repetitive details bordered on boring.

I like that Lynette has support including her dog, therapist and a group. And the author bringing in PTSD and issues Lyn has reading emotions in others is interesting. But to go through endless descriptions about minutia the payoff felt weak and quick. Thank you to NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Here's the thing. this book is good but I feel like most of it was just " Good morning " " have coffee " then inside thoughts. and back at it again in the same order. Until Lynette finally moved the story a little. its written well. but I would've loved more dialogue than what i got more depth even.

thank you for the author and her team

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Quick read, but not one for me.

I liked the fact that we have someone dealing with PTSD, a topic that's not explored often. I feel like it was handled very well, showing us the amount of support one needs to be able to get through it.

The writing style was off. The minute by minute detail was too much and not needed. The repetition in days and the overly dragging slow burn was bordering on boring.
Lynette trying to deal with the trauma and pain from her past, trying to find the trust in Barb, it's not an overnight thing, i like that this process took time for her. It shows the reality of her situation.

The plot had potential, i just wish it was executed better.

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I received an ARC copy of this book from the Publisher via Netgalley and voluntarily leaving my review.

Lynette as a adult escape the cult that she was at when she was twelve years old. She has help from her Aunt Jen and now she lives ok life with her therapy dog Starr but she still live in fear that the cult leader is going to find her.

Barb is a conversational officer who is on vacation at the hotel where Lynette works. They meet and build a friendship.

Barb and Lynette feels the pull towards each other but Lynette fears of letting someone close when she did before she got burn. This was a slow burn and I enjoy that it was because we got to follow them getting to know each other and falling. I love the friendship Lynette had with Claudia.

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