Member Reviews

Like all Leslie North books, this one is short and easy to read. This book starts off in Rome where a young lady is traveling to an arranged marriage with a king (that she has never met). She celebrates her last night of freedom and literally stumbles into a young man that she endless up spending the night with (both of them using fake names). She discovers the next morning that he is the brother of the king - and she also discovers the king is already married. The prince she spent the evening with is in charge of the solace’s PR so he spins a story that he is courting her - although he admits to her that he does not want a wife. Will he change his mind?

I was provided a copy in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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The Sheikh's Fake Courtship by Leslie North did not disappoint. I was drawn into the story right from the beginning and I was hooked. The story is about Chadil and Raina. They are faking a courtship so they don't tarnish the kingdom's name, but in reality, they are falling in love. They balance each other out and make a perfect pair.

ARC Provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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Leslie North always gets a request from me!
The books are easy to read with a good storyline and this one was no different.
Raina is due to be married but turns up to find he is already taken. So she settles for the brother ... I mean, why not?! They enter a fake courtship to not draw attention to why she was there and slowly love blossoms between them ... but will it last?
Thank you for the opportunity to read this book.

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Leslie North consistently brings great characters and passionate romance to life. As a big fan North's, her name provokes an automatic one-click from me. I am always entertained.

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This is the second novel that I read from Leslie North. A very light book that you can finish in one sitting.

Just a pure romance between a Sheik and a American commoner who met at Rome.

From a fake to a real relationship and from Rome to Middle East. It makes me want to travel again! 😊

Thank you to Victory Editing and NetGalley for the ARC!

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Leslie North books are available all year round. There is never a lull and I've wondered if it's a collection of writers spinning out various genres (SEAL, Billionaire, etc.). North does write a lot of Sheikh ones and this was my 1st foray into this genre. Sadly, I have not been converted as a fan of this harem of romances.

The story was flat, the complication that helped seal their deal (view spoiler) was convenient for them to get to their HEA. I didn't feel the chemistry, wasn't courted by the romance and felt no woo in their whoopie. 1.5 stars.

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This is a short read — approximately 1hr 30 minutes for me. The writing is fun and the characters are enjoyable to read about along the way. It’s about ..well, a fake courtship and trying to bridge cultural differences/expectations and personalities with two people who are to be….married…..

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This was a wonderfully written book with a great love story at the heart of it. Chadil is caught up in all the expectations of being a prince until Raina, an American nurse spins his views quicker than the press can spin a story about them. You’ll fall in love with not just the main characters, but the supporting ones as well,

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The Sheikh's Fake Courtship
Halabi Sheikhs #2 by Leslie North

Raina enters into an arranged marriage to clear her families debts. Raina and Chadil met in Roma and had a steamy interlude under assumed names completely unaware they were arranged to marry as set up by his aunt.

A well written book second book in the series. I liked this book better than the first. The characters have real emotions and the story is a little more believable. This book also covers the situation of a relation with the start of dementia beautifully.

Quick enjoyable read not to deep with a bit of humour thrown in.

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This is Chadhil and Raina’s story. They had one hot anonymous night in Rome. The next day she was on her way to get married Her family had contracted her to marry in the old tradition. It turns out she was to marry his brother. His brother is already married. Chadhil asks her to pretend that they were courting. She is learning how to act in high society. They find out she is pregnant. Everything falls apart. She moves in with his aunt. There are many twists and turns in their relationship. I loved the story and can’t wait for Danny’s story.

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Chadil's aunt unintentionally mentions that he and Raina are in a courtship. This causes some issues because of a previous issue with another brother. There must not be a scandal. So Chadil suggests a fake engagement until he can figure out a way out, but love wins out. Raina calms Chadil down and makes him more calm. Good romance from this wonderful author

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Second in this series. At the beginning, I thought “here we go again, same ol same ol”. This story redeems itself about a third of the way, it becomes interesting. The angst,drama, sweet romance and steam is a great finish to this book. Add to your TBR list.

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3.75/5 stars!

When an aunt brought the intended bride of his brother, the hero went to get her and the heroine. The heroine and the hero spent a night of illicit pleasure under false names, so when they met the next morning, it was a surprise. After the hero told his aunt about his brother's marriage, the three returned to the palace to meet the paparazzi, in which the hero proclaimed that he was entering a courtship with the heroine. And under this auspicious start, the two began to fall in love.

This was nice Leslie North book. I liked the independent heroine and how she acclimated to the hero's family circle. It was also enjoyable to read about the hero's attempt in babysitting of his nephew. They were a great couple, though I liked the first couple in the previous book more. As a personal preference, I would have wanted more details in this story. Overall, this is a nice addition to the series and I look forward to reading the next brother's book in the future.

**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the review copy.**

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I like how real Raina is. She tried her best to adapt. Chadil had to learn to bend a little. I enjoyed reading, The Sheikh's Fake Courtship.

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