Member Reviews

I’m not a fan of this cover. The girl is beautiful - that’s not the issue. She looks so young, that’s my problem. She looks like a teenager and not someone who can consent to orgies or a poly relationship. Alisha is not an innocent, though she is not as experienced as Caroline or Daniel, she’s not the ingénue on the cover.
I was really hoping that this was going to be steamier than it is. The intimacy between Caroline and Alisha is great. The acts between Daniel and Caroline are kind of boring. Then when the three of them get together, I was expecting more and I felt let down. I think I was expecting more Lora Leigh or Lori James writing and I got Harlequin Blaze. (chuckle)

I don't like this book at all and if I could I wouldn't give it even the 1 star. I didn't really read it though but it deals with something I'm not comfortable with as a muslim so absolutely hate it.

How many work trips end up with everyone in bed (and in love)? This erotic novel takes three colleagues and places them in a fancy hotel in New York for a week and sits back and watches as sparks fly.
This book is a pretty straightforward erotic romance. No real surprises here. I did like that all the main characters are people of colour and that the only man in this triad is the one who wants an emotionally invested relationship above all else.
A fun, easy to devour, sexy story.

This book was not what I was expecting but in a good way. It’s sex positive and shows progression in the world. I’m not sure if I’d re read but glad I read it.

A quick, easy and steamy read. Completely Yours is a great read with likeable characters. I particularly enjoyed the major focus on being sexually positive and empowering. A good balance of spice and plot!

Completely Yours is about Caroline, Alisha and Daniel who work together and find themselves navigating a complicated love triangle during a week in New York while they prepare for an upcoming store opening.
Caroline is the successful boss lady who doesn’t want a commitment or long-term relationship.
She is taken aback by her attraction to her new project manager, Alisha.
Alisha is competent and brilliant and attracted to her two bosses, Caroline and Daniel.
Daniel, on his part, has been a loyal and steadfast friend and business partner to Caroline for many years. He is also in love with Caroline, a love which is unrequited. He wants a lifetime of commitment not a quick tumble in the sack.
the conversation between Caroline and Daniel about the Bronx sounded condescending and pulled me out of the story, amongst others.
However, if you put aside its flaws, this is still a good steamy read about the intricate and sometimes tangled human relationships.
Seeing their relationship progress into a functioning polyamory was beautiful. Worth checking out.
i have read my fair share of polyamorous romance and erotica's so i would recommend to give it a read if you want to.
•Character development- 4☆
• Story Plot- 3.5☆
• Side characters- 3.5☆
• Flow of the story- 4☆
• Overall - 4☆

Caroline is the bomb-diggity. She is at the top of her game when it comes to business. She owns her own company, Black Goddess, and is in the process of opening another location in New York of all places. Although she is linked romantically with her business partner, Daniel, all is not as it seems. All in all, things are looking good for the pair. What could possibly go wrong? Glad you asked that question. What is done in the dark will usually come to the light. And boy, do things pop up for Caroline, Daniel and their new project manager, Alisha. This story has intrigue and romance. The characters are written in such a manner that you will find yourself routing for one or all of them one moment and totally disliking them shortly thereafter. I enjoyed reading this book. It was something a little different and offered some diverse relationship and characters. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

I received a complimentary copy of Completely Yours in exchange for an honest review, I've dabbled into a couple of polygamous relationships novels, and have found some to be better then others. I really liked the plot set up of Caroline owing a business and traveling to New York with two employees, Daniel and Alisha. What a great way to naturally introduce a three way relationship.
Even with the great introduction, it was so hard to develop a kinship with the characters. Caroline was a self centered individual that only cared about her own self gratifications. Daniel was a pushover. He had strong feelings for Caroline, and sacrificed his own self worth to get whatever he could from her or whomever was willing to show him any attention. And Alisha, being a newcomer, should have run as fast as she could. She had no vested interest in staying employed to Caroline, or exposing herself to Caroline's dysfunctional lifestyle and lack of morals and empathy.
This would have been so much better if Caroline and Daniel were in a committed relationship and Alisha was introduced and welcomed into their circle with open arms.

I've sat on this review for over a week. It gives me no pleasure to review a book negatively, but I'm hard pressed to find anything positive to say, other than the fact the writing was solid.
I guess my biggest issue was the characters. I couldn't connect with any of them. Caroline was one of the most unlikeable characters I've ever had the displeasure of encountering, Daniel was a wet blanket, and Alisha wasn't much better.
I wasn't a fan of the politics or the comments that were stated as absolutes. For example: White people were always excused—and sometimes praised even—for their unconventional ways of life.
As a bisexual, polyamorous, white woman, I find the comment offensive. Not once have I been praised for my lifestyle, it's why I don't talk about it in real life.
They are many more things I saw as slurs, but they are likely to not even make a blip on another readers radar. One example - It was unfair how society always held Black people to a higher standard.
Again, the word 'always' really bothers me here! There are bigots and racist everywhere, but the world is changing, and comments like that are damning - in my mind.
Rather than pick anymore, I’ll leave it at that.
I’ve given this three-stars as I appreciate the hours of work that go into creating a story, and because there are way too few FFM books available.
Copy received via NetGalley

Thank you to Netgalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for my review.
I really wanted to like this book, however it just wasn't what I was looking for. While the sex scenes were good and well written, I felt that the character's dialogue just fell flat. Rather than being excited to finish the book, I felt like it was just something I had to do. While some of the writing was done well, I just wouldn't recommend this book to someone.

Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book in exchange of an honest review.
I was curious about this one when I read that it was a black LGBTQIA story, but once I got to read it, it felt flat and badly written for me. The characters weren't charismatic at all, and although the sex scenes were pretty good, the way the author chose to resolve their relationship was a bit rushed to me. It definitely lacked a bit of character development, which made me not like it. I managed to read through the end because I do not like to DNF books, but man, it was hard not to drop this one. Disappointing.

So this is very much an erotic book and one has to go into it with that in mind. There is plenty of sex throughout and I was fine with that since I knew what type of story it was. My issue was that I never quite felt like I knew the characters. The way the story is told, Caroline is the sun and Daniel and Alisha, her lovers, just orbit around her. I think if we knew more about Caroline, other than that she loves sex and lots of it, this could have worked. Instead the only quality she seemed to possess was being insatiable sexually. As for Daniel and Alisha, he was pining after Caroline way too much and Alisha came off as very young even though I got the feeling she was older than she seemed. That brings me to my other issue, how do these people look? We literally have no idea other than the fact that they are Black, That's great but does not tell us what they look like. What was their skin color, hair, eyes, etc. I never had an image of them in my head so it made it quite hard to picture them. I could have done without the conflict that is a good chunk of the latter half of the story. I would have been more interested in learning about the characters. Having this take place all within one week was definitely a hindrance because it left no room for us to learn about them. Which is weird since this is over 300 pages. Why limit it to that short span of time but make it so long? Should have been half the size and it would have worked better for the story being told. Despite all of this, I enjoyed the sex scenes which is why one would read this sort of story. I did find the chemistry between the characters believable.

I just couldn’t like this book. It’s about three people, Caroline the head boss, Daniel her business partner and Alisha the new employee hired. They are all attracted to one another and tip toe around those feelings until Daniel pushes Alisha towards Caroline, the woman he loves and is ready to leave the company for rather than stay around and be hurt. This book is supposed to be about the three characters but the relationship that developed was mostly between the women. Daniel was the third wheel and doesn’t get any action until the end of the book. I felt sorry for him throughout the book. One never got that the other two wanted anything more than sex from him. He’s the one who helps the two get together, he’s the one who offers to take the fall for Caroline’s actions, he’s the one who confesses his feelings and then has to sit around and watch Caroline and Alisha together, and he also lets Caroline have anything she wants in the end, just so he could be around her. This is a book about being “true to yourself” but you always get the feeling Daniel isn’t but rather doing everything to be around Caroline. Alisha just seemed a too childish and Caroline- well she was unbelievably selfish. It was all about her. She’s supposed to be “oh so amazing” that the other two will sacrifice their careers, reputations and inhibitions for her but you don’t see what is so special about her and you see her do nothing for them. It was all me, me, me.

This book wasn’t for me and before I get into why major spoilers are in this review.
So what attracted me to this book was the black queer representation, as a Afro-Indian queer person myself. It’s safe to say I had high expectations but this book just wasn’t for me.
Writing- at times felt very child like which is something that as a writer you have to be really careful about by adding your own personal touch. The view didn’t give much insight into the characters itself. The sex scenes were fine but scrollable and at times cringy
Now when I said this book wasn’t for me: I meant it, the book ultimately shuffled around the idea of a polygamous relationship until the final chapters where they characters agree to that kind of relationship. I have nothing against polygamous relationships and I’m also not against the idea for myself but in this book there wasn’t much there for me when it came to one of the parties ie Daniel. He felt like a third wheel and the way the book was written had me sure Caroline was more interested in Alisha which in return had me hoping for their ending together. The attraction between them and Daniel was purely sexual where his attraction for Caroline was more love.