Member Reviews

Up in Smoke by Annabeth Albert is one amazing read. I Finished it in one sitting. I Could not put it down for a second.
Highly Recommend it to all readers.

This whole series was unfortunately one of my least favorite AnnaBeth Albert series. The story wasn’t bad but the unexpected baby trope is not one I enjoy so should have known going in that I wouldn’t love it. And the third act drama moment definitely annoyed me. Just not for me.

Annabeth Albert continues to show her ability to write emotional masterpieces with this story, Up In Smoke. I love the characters in this story, each one is beautifully imperfect. As with any story Ms. Albert writes your attention is grabbed within the first chapter and the angst builds perfectly throughout the story.
There isn’t much more I can say about this book that hasn’t been said hundreds of times, so my advice is to grab this book and enjoy!!
4 Stars ⭐️

3.5 Stars
This book had its moments for me. But it definitely took me some time to warm up to Shane. In this book.
In the beginning of this book… I was all for it. I thought it was a cute way of Shane & Bandt to meet. I especially liked how Bandt basically picked Shane as his tandem partner. Even when Shane’s sister was trying so hard to get with Bandt.
I was also seriously let down on the end of that chapter. Because we find out Brandt ended up sleeping with Shane’s sister. And that one night got her pregnant. I hated that. And it stayed with me most of the book. I hated how Shane & Brandt were giving each other looks. They had chemistry. Then later that night Brandt ended up with Shane’s sister.
“It was something.” Brandt was looking right at him, like he could see straight through Shane’s layers, strip him bare. And Shane held his gaze, held the moment as long as he could.”
I mean… I think I would be ok if it was some random girl that got pregnant. The fact that it was Shane’s sister that got pregnant… rubbed me the wrong way.
Shane was really uptight. So it took me a while to get into his character. Brandt… I like how he was a more of a go with the flow kinda guy. I also liked how it was a team effort with taking care of the baby.
Overall this was a ok read. I liked the ending. It was cute. And I liked how Shane was more open and relaxed by the end of this book.

This was a little more tame than other stories of the series with MC's that needed a little more finesse to bring out their individual strengths a bit more, but ultimately this was a great story that showed a whole lot of heart, some compromise, solid passion, real men with real issues, and a sense of family and belonging that makes this whole series shine.

I have just adored this series about daredevil smoke jumpers. And while the image of the rugged firefighter does create a level of heat, this author brings so much more to all of her books and characters than just a pretty face and sex appeal.
Up in Smoke focuses on Brandt and Shane. Both of these men never had a stable upbringing or roots, but when songwriter Shane finds his niece has been abandoned with him, he takes her to her father to allow her to have some stability.
Brandt is probably the last person anyone would think of as capable of settling down. He’s wild and nomadic, a sky cowboy going where the winds and fires take him. That is until an RV shows up in the driveway of his rented house, complete with a baby and the man he met a year before and hasn’t been about to get out of his mind in all that time.
Learning how to care for baby Jewel, Shane and Brandt form what they feel is an unlikely family. However, in reality, it couldn’t be more perfect of a union. These two men who both care for this little diva find that their shared interest in the baby isn’t the only connection they have. Even as they both reject the idea of needing someone to depend on, each man is unaware that they truly thirst for a person of their own. Watching Shane and Brandt slowly open up to one another was sweet and sexy and really heartbreaking to know that this was something they never had before.
This story was just beautiful. It was a true romance and showed that family was what you made it. Regardless of how Brandt, Jewel and Shane came together, these were three people that needed one another, cared for each other’s well being, and made each other complete. The plans that they each had for themselves took a drastic turn the moment Shane was left with his niece and Brandt found out he was a father, but these changes were necessary to get them to the place where they were meant to be. Low on angst and high on feelings, I gobbled this story down in record time, and still want more of the music to this couple’s love story.

Shane Travis is an up-and-coming country singer, if only he wasn't always derailed by his impulsive sister. This time he's up and left him with his baby niece, Jewel, disappearing into Canada to work some music festival and with no intention of returning to motherhood anytime soon. Shane has commitments of he own, and he hasn't had a decent night's sleep in days, so he does the only thing he can do: hunt down the unwitting baby daddy and see if he can't get Jewel a family she deserves.
Brandt Wilder is all his name suggests, a free-wheeling, free-loving adrenaline junkie that smoke jumps in season and does parachute jumps out of it. He'd met Shane and his sister, Shelby, when they did a parachute jump for Shane's 30th birthday--round about 10 months back. Well, it was a fun night for sure, but he never imagined a child would come of it. He's mighty suspicious when Shane turns up on his temporary doorstep, but agrees to take them in for a spell--at least until they can work out a paternity test. Because Brandt is not a deadbeat dad--at least he won't be if little Jewel truly is his daughter.
While these unlikely babysitters await the testing and results, they also get acquainted. Shane is waiting for a callback to a reality singing show and Brandt's between shifts in the field. They spend time co-parenting, and connecting in ways Shane had wished for the first time he'd met Brandt. Of course, he's got prospects in the music industry, but he's also got some down time, and he's spending it mooning over both Brandt and Jewel, writing new lyrics for songs that he'd never imagined before. Brandt's life hasn't gotten less dangerous, but he's got commitments he can't escape, no matter how itchy his feet get. And, well, Shane is the kind of guy that worth being stable for, isn't he?
Of course there are lots of complications, but there are also late night bonding sessions, and shopping sprees at the thrift store, and errant mothers turning up and making drama. I loved how Shane and Brandt built a connect between themselves, as well as with baby Jewel. They're so sweet, and so sure that they are messing everything up, while trying their hardest to be good caregivers. Their attraction is hot as a wildfire, even if Shane's afraid to make any moves--Brandt's a big dude and he already knows the man likes women. Turns out, though, that Brandt is...open...to having sex with men, and though he doesn't specify his sexuality in actual terms it's clear that Shane yanks his chain in just the right way.
Their attraction simmers and then rages, but it's still hard going for these guys and their little miss. But Brandt and Shane are going to do the right things to make sure that girl lacks for nothing in life--not even a mama. It's a totally sweet story with a great HEA.

Great end to a wonderful series.
I loved the variety in this series. Younger characters, older characters, first times and second chances. This one hit all the spots for me. Baby, uncle, dad (surprise!), making a family, sister in need of help, finally having a family and what it means.
Shane & Brant's connection was there from the beginning and it only grew better. Their exploration together dealing with a young baby, becoming a father/uncle, building a relationship on top of that was wonderful. Also, their physical connection? Sparks. 🔥 That one scene? Smokin’!

This is part of the Hotshots series – but you can definitely read them in whatever order you want. Previous couples from earlier books are often featured though. Up in Smoke is all about musician Shane Travis and smoke jumper Brandt Wilder. During a one-night stand with Brandt, Shane’s sister ends up pregnant and gives birth to a little girl. Only a few months old, she leaves the baby on Shane’s doorstep, and unsure what else to do, Shane tracks down Brandt.
I really loved that while freaked out, Brandt is willing to get a paternity test and steps up when it comes back positive. Shane sticks around while the test happens, and then to get his niece settled, but of course, things change when the two men start falling for each other.
Shane and Brandt are really cute together, and I liked how well they worked taking care of the baby. I will say that there’s a lot of detail about getting settled and the baby before anything happens between the two guys, and I kind of wished that would have been cut down a bit. Also, besides the two learning to take care of a baby, there’s not a ton that happens plot-wise. It’s not a bad book, and I love the overall series, but this wasn’t my favorite of the series.

3.5 stars
This book is not my favorite in the series. I liked the MCs fine (although Shane was a little uptight and not my favorite), and I appreciated that the story was relatively low angst (no long-term separation, miscommunication, or undue drama).
But I loathed Shane's sister (and hated that Brandt had slept with her, because WTF, dude, maybe screen for crazy a little bit better) and completely overdosed on baby stuff.
I have children, but I've never loved babies, and while the constant mention of baby puke, diaper changes, and sleepless night was realistic, it wasn't interesting or romantic.
The ending was cute though (a definite HEA), and Brandt's eagerness to get fucked ... OH HELL YES.
If you're not a baby person, stay away. Otherwise, give this low-key story about a fire jumper and small-time country singer a try.

This book was quite different than the first three books in this series. That made me love it all the more! The author wasn't afraid to branch away from the previous main focus of how the firefighters and their future significant others were handling the challenge of being a firefighter, injuries, etc.First and foremost, there was a baby. There definitely wasn't a baby in the other three books. And watching these two men who had never been around babies, since one spent much of his life in foster care, and the other spent much of his life being moved around and having to take care of himself, it made it heartfelt and fun. They had to learn everything from how to diaper and feed her, to what to do when she got sick, to how to love her unconditionally, and figure out how to best take care of her legally. But they didn't really question it, they just did it. They didn't make their focus on what could go wrong, but how to make it all right.They each had their goals and ambitions, yet once that sweet little baby came into their lives, and they were determined to work together to care for her, those goals shifted. They didn't change completely, just shifted to accommodate the addition of a little one who needed both her daddy and her uncle. And still that wasn't the main focus of the story.The focus of the story was simple, two men, one baby, all falling in love with each other. Learning about each other, and about themselves with the others in their lives. My heart nearly couldn't take it. It was happy, it was sad, it was funny, it was heart wrenching. But in the end, I truly loved it.4.5 pieces of eye candy

I didn't realize that this was a series, but I didn't feel like I was missing anything from not reading the previous books in this series.
I really enjoyed Brandt and Shane's story and loved that there was a baby involved. I love baby surprises and surprise pregnancies and things like that, so this was right up my alley.
I liked that there wasn't a lot of unnecessary drama and conflict in this story. I was rooting for Brandt and Shane to get their happily ever after together.
I'm definitely going to go back and read the other books in this series.

I didn't love this one as much as the first books in the series, but I enjoyed watching Brandt and Shane negotiate parenthood. The challenges they faced were very realistic, especially Brandt's struggle between his growing love for his daughter and the reality of his very dangerous profession. The chemistry between Shane and Brandt was off the charts from the start and I liked the way their relationship developed. The looming tension of Shelby in the background was a little heavy-handed at times, but ultimately, I liked how it was handled. It felt very realistic.

This was another great installment to Annabeth Albert’s Hotshots series. It had an interesting twist with surprisingly low drama and angst – given the situation that both characters found themselves in.
The story opened with Brandt and Shane’s first meeting. There was a strong attraction then, or at least Shane thought so. Turns out that he may not have been as far off as he first thought.
These two guys both had to give up part of their lives to take care of Jewel, but there was no doubt in either of their minds or hearts. Even though Jewel was an central part of the story, another real focus was how she brought these two men together. Shane’s sister was always in the background, sometimes even when she was there. I wasn’t a fan of Shelby, so I understood Shane’s animosity toward her. What I did like was how Brandt interacted with her in comparison.
It didn’t take long for this unlikely trio to become a real family, but the progression was perfect. I love books that include kids, especially when they’re an integral part of the story in a believable way. Up In Smoke definitely accomplished that and more.

The fourth book in the Hotshots, Up in Smoke is a mm romance, with sexy smokejumpers.. I liked Shane and Brandt grew on me but some of the support characters I didn’t warm to at all. I really like this series but I have to say this one was not one of my favs although still an enjoyable read. I would recommend you still pick it up and give it a go as this is just my opinion.

Thank you to the publisher and @netgalley for a copy of this book. I read book 3 of this series previously and loved it and was excited to read more of the hotshot series. I devoured this book!! I love hot Brandt and Shane met and each made a lasting impression on a quick meeting.
When Shane shows up with a baby and claiming that Brandt is father, that Shane was so mature about the situation. I love seeing their growing attraction turned into love and how they defined family. They were both so supportive of each other and love all the steam in this book.

Heartwarming and sweet.
Brandt and Shane first meet on a skydiving excursion. There are sparks between them, but nothing comes of it.
In fact, things go in an entirely different direction. Mainly, an unexpected niece on Shane’s doorstep - who also happens to be Brandt’s daughter.
Yeah it’s a bit of an odd situation, but hey families can be weird!
Also, kudos to the author for portraying the mother, Shelley, in a compassionate light. Things happen, and sometimes the hardest decision can be the right one.
From the get-go, I adored how devoted Shane and Brandt were to little Jewel. They did what needed to be done, even if it all happened very suddenly.
This is <i>definitely</i> a very baby-centric story. A lot of the interactions and page-time revolve around how the two men adjust to coparenting. So beware if that’s not your jam!
That’s not to say that the romance plays second fiddle - Shane and Brandt’s connection and pull towards one another is the big elephant in the room. And the two find it harder and harder to resist.
When they finally give in, sparks fly! A+ for experimenting and being open to new things.
And on top of that, the two men just clicked. They were mature and communicated openly, and they were willing to make space in their lives for each other and for Jewel.
This isn’t an overly angsty or drama-filled read. Some major life events happen, but overall it’s a fairly low-key book. I liked the easy pace.
The story did drag a bit in the second half, but then I think it was just because of my personal preferences. Shane’s music career storyline just wasn’t particularly interesting for me.
However, the HEA and epilogue were lovely. Everything was tied together perfectly with a bow on top.
If you’re looking for an easily enjoyable romance about two men and their unexpected baby, give ‘Up in Smoke’ a try!

This was not my not my favourite in this series but it was still a solid story about the human propensity to love even the midst of upheaval and I liked the relationship development within the story.
Another plus was that it had no drama, which was a pleasant surprise given its premise and had very good writing as is to be expected from Annabeth Albert.
The major issue I had with this book was the pacing. It started off great and ended just as well but somewhere in the middle (which unfortunately was most part of the book), the story got weighed down by the minutiae of navigating the new baby so it dragged the pacing of the book. This made reading boring at some points especially since there wasn't any firefighting excitement to balance out all the baby stuff.
Also, this was the most isolated book from the other stories. Sure, all the other books were standalone but this was even more so and I don't know, but coupled with the slow pacing, it affected my enjoyment of the story.
I don't know if there is another book going to be released for this series but if there is, I pray it's more exciting than this was.

Wow. Second time in a week with "it's not you, it's me." Sorry folks. I want to give you the 4-1-1 on this book so you can make an informed decision about reading/not reading it. Unfortunately, there really isn't anything great or not great about it. Two leads fumbling, bumbling their way to more than a friends relationship. Instalust. A baby - the result of a one-night stand one of our principal characters had with the sister of our other principal character. Um. Yuck. Partners who are nice to each other, and scared of raising a child because of challenging upbringings who somehow figure out how to be THE BEST SINGLE BUT NOT SINGLE PARENTS EVER and get over their mutual hangups about relationships and bad origin stories.
Look, there's nothing to object to here. Just, I mean, come on! PARENTING IS HARD AS FUCKING SHIT AND PARENTING A BABY YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU HAD AFTER THE BROTHER OF YOUR LOVER SHOWS UP ON YOUR DOORSTEP has got to be WAY MORE FREAKING DIFFICULT than this book makes it out to be.
Okay, okay "it's fiction. it's a romance. let there be happy, joy, joy in your fictional romance novels em!" Alright. No problem. But then you should know I couldn't just go with the flow on this and my mom brain couldn't shut off and that's distracting and why I wouldn't jump to recommend this one. That said, if you are an Albert fan and you don't care about idealized - REEFREAKINGDICULOUS - depictions of men with shitty childhoods and carefree single lives who ACE THE OLYMPICS of parenting...go for it.
Oh and there are some steamy sex scenes that happen at convenient nap times. There's that too.

Up in Smoke is the 4th book in the Hotshot series, and I've been fortunate to read them all. Each book has a different slant and their own unique story and tone. Annabeth Albert continues to be one of my favorite M/M Romance writers.
Brant and Shane are both dynamic characters, quite different from each other. But, they are both passionate and loving - desperately needing each other. They have an important, shared interest- an innocent child. They have a lot of potentially conflicting obstacles to overcome. But the fire that burns wins the day.
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.