Member Reviews

this had what I was looking for in a horror novel, the characters were great and the plot made me scared a couple of times.

I am an arachnid lover and i try to read all books with spiders in them. This book did not disappoint and honestly gave me a nightmare the first might reading it and i actually own spiders and tarantulas. Loved it though. Definitely recommend. And prompts for having it about a black character, male and being on the front cover

What a fascinating story this turned out to be. I really enjoyed it from beginning to end. We get right into the meat of the story when it starts, so to speak, which is that Darnell has a long prison sentence ahead of him and he is offered a reprieve to go home if he participates in a study with an experimental drug. Of course, he says yes so he can get home to his wife and child, and that's when his life takes a turn. I really enjoyed how this story was told. It wasn't overly grotesque but there was enough description to make my skin crawl. I thought having him deal with becoming a part of society again but also navigating the strange things happening to his body was brilliant. My only critique was that it ended and I wanted more. It's a quick read but more than worth my time.

I adored this Novella! As a lifelong born arachnophobe who overcame through aversion self-therapy (Fiction and non-fiction), I must caution current arachnophobes and readers opposed to genetic engineering, you'll encounter plenty of both! I found the themes quite exciting (especially the science) and author Justin Key superbly understands his characters inside and out. Truly, I thought I was standing right close by observing the progress of the story.