Member Reviews

The third installment of the Dread Penny Society is just as enjoyable as the first two! This one focuses on Brogan, the fun and friendly Irish member of the “Dreadfuls,” who gets to go rogue and take a hit against the criminal ring in their blackmailing and forgery endeavors. There are more terrific characters to meet and more to learn about the society members and the criminals they are up against.
I love the addition of two of the stories from members of this writing society. I love how they are interspersed through the rest of the novel. This is how people would have read them—one little chapter at a time and life goes on while they wait for the next one. These ones each had a bit of the supernatural about them. Brogan’s was especially darkly humorous (that ending, LOL!).
The Merchant and the Rogue is a wonderful addition to the series. It ends with a setup for the next novel in the series. I’m looking forward to it with great anticipation!

This book is a delightful and quick read. Nothing too gory happens and the characters are likeable. Will recommend to patrons who enjoy gentle reads as read with mystery and romance elements

The Merchant and the Rogue is book three in the Dread Penny Society series. You can read it as a stand alone, but I’d recommend you treat yourself to the two preceding books: The Lady and the Highwayman and The Gentleman and the Thief.
This is a series of stories within stories. Following a group of authors who write “Penny Dreadfuls” and have formed a secret society to help the poor and oppressed, Sarah Eden tells a tale of romance and social justice, while including the actual penny dreadful stories as diverting, and enlightening, story inclusions.
I’ve read most of Sarah Eden’s books and this was by far my favourite of her series. I’d recommend it.
I received a free digital galley of this final book in the series in exchange for my honest opinion.

I love reading romance. Any kind of romance really. I haven’t read a lot of historical ones but the synopsis of this stood out to me.
I enjoyed reading this one. I did struggle to get into but after the first few chapters, I really got into the story. I loved the concept of the Dread Penny Society and the overall storyline. There were some areas where I felt like the story was kind of flat but overall, a very enjoyable read.
I really liked the author’s writing. Personally, i think i liked the side characters more than the main ones. I really hope Brogan’s sister gets her own book. I’d love to see the author explore her character more.

I have been anxiously awaiting Brogan’s story and it was as captivating as I thought it would be. Brogan has such a loud, but quiet personality. I love reading about complex characters especially when they are good to the core, and Brogan is good to the core. As always with this series, I love the paralleled penny dreadful installments. I feel like they bring an extra level of suspense to the original and story that makes the main story really shine! I would say there is a little less romance in this than the others, but it fits with these characters personalities perfectly; and the swoony moments that come through are substantial! I’m thrilled to see what comes next with this series. I hope, hope, hope that we get Moirin’s story. I think her tale would be a story worth reading!
The books in this series could all be stand alone, but I think you’ll get more enjoyment reading them in order through the series. Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

#TheMerchantAndThrRogue #Netgalley
This is another installment of the Dread Penny Society. Brogan Donnelly goes undercover to help fight in defending London streets, but he does so at the expense of leaving the society that he loves.
Vera Sorokina, runs a print shop with her father. Having escaped from Russia when Vera was young.. Vera, keeps her love, of reading the penny dreadful novels, a secret from her father, since he doesn't like writers. Brogan and Vera's world's colide when things get dangerous. This story was a delight to read.

I loved this book! It was so much fun. This author is so great at writing real characters with a lot of heart and I loved their journey.

I love this series. This novel focuses on Brogan as he takes on a secret assignment outside the Dread Penny Society to look into the strange behavior of the Russian ambassador, which leads him to take a job at a print shop owned by Mr. Sorokin and his daughter Vera. Like all the entries in the series, there are penny dreadful stories interspersed. I love how the stories mirror elements of the main plot.
I can't wait to check out the next entry in the series as the Dread Penny Society continues to fight crime in London.

Sarah M. Eden is a favorite author and I tend to love everything she writes. This series has been a fun departure from her Regency era romances and I give her kudos for this creative series. This story was somewhat different for me as a reader.
There are three stories in one in this book. The main story involves Brogan Donnelly, a less prominent member of the Dread Penny Society. He’s always been on the sidelines and views himself as a follower more than a leader, but he has a deep desire to help the poor and wants to make a meaningful life for himself and his sister. The two other stories are Penny Dreadfuls written by the members of the Dread Penny Society. One called The Dead Zoo is written by the main character Brogan and the other story is The Merchant and the Rogue written by Mr. King, from which the book derives its title.
The main story revolving around Brogan was my favorite of the three. This involved a beautiful Russian shopkeeper named Vera, Brogan’s feisty sister Moirin, some street savvy urchins, fellow members of the DPS, and the evil mastermind of the previous books, the Mastiff. Brogan obtains a job in Vera’s shop at the bequest of the Dread Master to find out more information about a supposed plot involving Vera’s father. At the same time, a group of thugs are terrorizing the merchants on Vera’s street. Are they connected? I enjoyed the romance between Vera and Brogan, but wanted a little more. Both characters are cautious and this made for a slow developing romance though they are both instantly attracted to one another.
The two penny dreadful stories included were enjoyably gothic. The Dead Zoo is a creepy story about a museum full of taxidermy animals that have been mysteriously disappearing. There is no sign of burglary and the flummoxed museum keeper decides to hire an investigator of self described great intellect named Amos to find out what is happening to the dead animals.
The Merchant and the Rogue is the story of Tallulah O’Doyle, a candy shop owner who moves to a new town and is threatened by a malevolent squire wearing a red cape and hat. She finds support in Royston Prescott, a charming haberdashery shop owner who has the reputation of a rogue. I liked The Merchant and the Rogue much more than The Dead Zoo. I felt like I connected more with the characters and found it a more compelling story.
There is a main theme woven throughout each of the stories. It is basically that we are more powerful when we stand together. In each one, when the characters work together they are able to overcome the problems plaguing them. The Dead Zoo is the exception and more of a cautionary tale of relying too much on your own intellect.
I enjoyed this latest version in the series. It could be read as a stand alone, but would be more meaningful if read as part of the series as there are reoccurring characters and situations. Having three stories in one was almost a little much. It felt like the main story needed more detail and the other stories were fun creepy tales, but not as compelling as the main story. All in all, it’s a creative gothic read that really captures the penny dreadfuls of the late 19th century. My rating for this book is 3 1/2 stars.
I received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions are my own and I was not required to give a positive review.

This is the third installment in the Dread Penny Society series, and most certainly the darkest. And it’s awesome! Vera and Brogan struggle with honesty and trust, but their blossoming love for one another is strong. I can’t wait to see where Sarah M. Eden takes us next on the evolving adventure series.
I received a copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

This isn't your typical historical romance. There’s a mix of pseudo-suspense with fantasy elements. I found that there was just too much going on in this story of a secret band of authors of penny-dreadful stories who also work together to protect the poor and innocent from the bad guys in 19th century England. I haven’t read the first two stories, but I was interested in the set-up of this story of a Russian immigrant family who had fled Russia because of involvement in the Petrashevsky Circle of reformers who were arrested and sent to Siberia.
I was hoping that the book would go into a bit more detail about that aspect of Vera’s background. This was the group that Fyodor Doestoevsky had been involved in and he was sentenced for execution only to have his sentence commuted at the last minute to banishment to Siberia. Why use a real episode in Russian literary history without expanding just a bit about what happened?
The central threat in this book gets resolved rather easily. I would have liked more about the actual mystery at the heart of the book.
I didn’t really enjoy the excerpts from the Penny Dreadful stories that are interspersed through the story, but others might enjoy those. I’m not a fan of the supernatural elements in one story and one never got resolved.
I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

I requested this Arc because it popped up as a historical romance on the search section. Would I call this book a romantic suspense? Or maybe a story about good people doing good things with lovely little romance. In short this is not what I think of as historical romance.
When I figured out it was the 3rd in the series, I read the first book and I enjoyed it a lot. So the main characters in this series are Penny Dreadful writers who are members of secret Dread Penny society which is basically a group of vigilante do-gooding authors. I had no idea what Penny Dreadfuls are. They are horror stories with paranormal or ghostly elements that normal book sellers wouldn't exactly publish.
The main stories in the books (This particular one is set in 1865's London) are interrupted by short chapters of Penny Dreadful stories. There are some parallels between the main story and the tales in the Penny Dreadfuls. In this book there are two Penny Dreadful stories. I liked the stories but they pulled me out of the main story every time these other two stories popped up. I think the point of flanking the main story by penny dreadful stories was to supplement the narrative but it didn't work for me.
Main characters Brogan, a grown Irish street urchin, and Vera, a bookseller, did not receive enough page time together to call it a romance book because of the detail-heavy main suspense plot and two full sub-stories.

What a phenomenal story!!! I absolutely loved how the author addressed so many cultures and historical elements into one story! Four, actually, if you count the penny dreadfuls woven throughout. I absolutely loved the interspersed tales that paralleled the main story, allowing me to stay grounded while offering something fantastical on the side.
Vera and Ganor are such wonderful souls, despite the secrets they are keeping from one another. Especially the one surrounding Vera’s father and his aversion to writers and publishing, despite owning a print shop. The solutions to their problems didn’t come easily and I was literally gripping the book in longing to jump through the pages to help them and their struggle for justice. So awesome!!! Already looking forward to the next book the author will write in hopes of seeing more of these characters!!

I love Sarah Eden as an author and love her other series. This book fell a little flat to me. While I really enjoyed book one, two was ok, and then this one I struggled with getting into. I enjoy the multiple perspectives but the story line has started getting similar and predictable. I do enjoy the unique way this series has been told and the fun knowledge Eden brings in. I do know a lot of Eden readers will enjoy this book.

Installment 3 of Sarah M Eden’s Penny Dreadful series does not disappoint! You get to experience some Irish and Russian immigrants and their struggles with escaping trouble as Brogan Donnelly helps Vera Sorokina save her neighborhood from a dastardly villain. My favorite part of these are the intermittent Penny Dreadfuls throughout the main story. Sarah’s ability to write 3 different but intertwining stories is mind boggling! You definitely want to read the first two before reading this so you know the other side characters that make appearances. You will be on the edge of your seat waiting to see if the Dread Penny society is able to finally catch The Mastiff, and if we finally get to know who The Dread Master really is!

Another fantastic installment in the Dread Penny Society series! The characters are endearing and their stories are compelling.

Always an amazing read from Ms Eden! I loved the storyline and characters throughout the book. She always has a way of making me feel like I am there and part of the story! You will not regret reading this book! Enjoy!

The Merchant and the Rogue, the third book in Sarah M. Eden's Dread Penny Society series, has a lot to offer when it comes to intriguing characters, Victorian culture, Irish folklore, and London street smarts. Although I found the story very compelling, it took me a while to get into and I found myself taking a lot of pauses. The addition of two dread penny serials was a little much and seemed to interrupt the story instead of adding to it. The romance between Brogan and Vera fell flat. I had hoped for more, especially from two very lovable characters.
Although this particular book left me disappointed, I think it is a mark of Eden's talent that she can create worlds and characters that feel so real. I will keep reading and looking forward to her books!

This is the third book in the Dread Penny Society series, but also works well as a stand alone. I haven't read the first two books, and I was able to easily follow the storylines and characters. That being said, I will definitely being going back and reading the other books in the series. This was such a fun read and the author did a fantastic job at immersing the reader in the setting of London in 1865. From the vocabulary the characters used to the two penny dreadfuls that were interspersed in the story, this book was so creative and engaging. I do find it interesting that it is labelled as a romance when for me, the romantic storyline wasn't the main focus. Though it could appeal to romance readers, I also think readers of historical fiction and mysteries would enjoy it as well.

The Merchant and the Rouge is another amazing book by Sarah M. Eden.
Brogan is the Rouge (look out for the 2 different meanings of the word), who as every Dreadful fights his own battles and struggles. Same does the female lead. While they are both trying to overcome their struggles in every day live, there are suddenly far more pressing dangers to fight.
His sister was a delightful side character as was Vera's father.
Again as the prequels this book contains two penny dreadfuls which are written by Brogan and Mr. King. The wonderful thing about this is, that for one, we get three stories instead of one, and Eden even manages to give each of the Penny-Dreadful-Authors their own writing voice.
And again, this book has a very open ending leaving lot's to the following books...
Generally this book was slightly darker and sadder than the prequels and the romance was less in focus, which I found a little disappointing.
Main Characters: Clear Backgroundstory, Locigal Actions
Side Charactes: Funny, Adorable, Clear Backgroundstory
Writing Style: Very good
Content: Clean, just kissing
Violence: Medium, non graphic descriptions
Would recommend: Yes, absolutely but read the prequels first.
***Thanks to Netgalley for an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.