Member Reviews

I have decided given my own infertility struggles that I am unable to read and review this title to protect my own mental health. I appreciate the publisher for giving me the opportunity and should I find myself in a place to read it in the future I will update this review.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic copy to read in exchange for an honest review.
I don't know why I waited so long to read this book. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. As a mom who was very much like Jane's sister (pregnant easily) I try so hard to be sensitive to those two are TTC. This was a really good inside look at what that TTW can be like for some families. I love the format of this book as well - snippets of chat rooms and story. Brilliant.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

This has been on my NetGalley shelf for over a year, and I still haven’t picked it up. I've tried, but it just isn't for me (right now). I hope other people enjoy it more than I did.

The Two Week Wait follows a group of women who are embarking on a journey of trying to conceive. I was intrigued by the style of writing and found it an engaging quick read.

This was the first book I've read from this author and I didn't love it. It was hard for me to get into and I kept putting it down from boredom.

Took some time to get into - the many POVs were a tad confusing, plus most of the women weren't really likeable or sympathetic at first - but then when you get to know who's who, the story flows. Hard to imagine all this happens in just 2 weeks, but it's a heck of a ride and you get to see a whole spectrum of emotions and feelings and just life in general. Really enjoyed the ending for all of the characters - it wrapped up nicely without feeling contrived or forced

I received an advanced copy of this ebook from the publisher for an honest review. This book is well written and the characters are described well. This book touches a very tough subject that happens everyday in vitro fertility treatments. I enjoyed this book and would definitely recommend reading this book to anyone and everyone. This ebook is in stores for £2.99 (GBP).

I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. The cover is cute. Fun romcom novel. You might just want to check it out.

As someone who struggled with infertility, this one really hit home for me!
I really liked the chat room element. When I was going through treatments and waiting, I found an online source where we could have penpals and send one another care packages. They were my "trying to conceive sisters", and those people I met still mean so much to me.
I appreciate how carefully this topic was handled, and really enjoyed this read!

I loved this book! 5 Stars!
The cast of characters was great and I loved getting to know each of the ladies more as the story played out. Emotional, funny.... this book captured a variety of different struggles when trying to become pregnant, and I liked how different each of the characters situations were.
I loved the final twist at the very end too. Highly recommend.

So relatable and utterly heartwarming. The perfect thing to read if you're starting this journey or even during your two-week wait.

Not a realistic representation of the struggle of infertility and whilst it was written well, it was a complete kick in the face to someone who has been going through this for 7+ years. I'm unsure if the author has experience in this, however it doesn't come across this way and makes the book come across as distasteful

I was drawn to the cover of the book. Loved the colours and was interested in what the story could be about thought it had something to do with pregnancy before reading the blurb. I felt like the story was at bit slow at the beginning but when I was about 30% in the book. I really started to enjoy and there was certain characters I warm to more than others. Really liked Star, Mandie and Jane was unsure on Fern and didn’t really like becks. I found the storyline interesting and how hard it can be on people trying to get pregnant and the two week period they have to wait. It give me insight in how all these women were feeling and how much they wanted baby and what they go through. I had thought what would happen in the end but I was totally wrong and don’t want to give it away. I quite like the ending was different to what I thought . I liked the little twist at the end I hope the author does book 2 because would love to find out what happen to all the characters s couple years later.
Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this book.

I felt drawn to this book as I went through my own series of two week waits, in which I sought support online and went through emotional roller coasters at times. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to form connections with these characters. I found that the author played into their frustrations a little two heavily, causing drama where there did not need to be any. Their personas felt too stereotypical, and their chats did little for me in the way of plot.
As I went along, I realized that the premise of the story was actually one of the most boring plotlines I have read to date, as they spend chapters just waiting and getting to know one another. There was very little to grab onto emotionally, and the women spend lots of time bickering with one another online. It felt unusually distant to say the least

This book is a fast read which I found to be repetitive in certain sections. Not usually the type of book I would read but I did enjoy it.

THE TWO WEEK WAIT tackles such a tricky, nuanced topic of infertility and fertility challenges. While I haven’t struggled with this personally, many people I love have, so this hit close to home for me. While I enjoyed the story and the characters, TTWW missed the mark for me a bit with some over-dramatization. Based on other reviews, it seems like some women who have struggled with infertility have really enjoyed this story, though, so I would guess it varies based on the reader. Overall, an enjoyable read.
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this book which I received in exchange for my honest review.

This book was interesting to me. A good balance of funny and heartfelt. Didn’t love it, love it. But would be interested in reading more by this author, as I enjoyed the writing style!

(actual rating: 3.5/5)
'The Two Week Wait' follows a group of women as they embark on their personal journeys in order to attempt to conceive. Emotions run high, and as the waiting period draws to a close, each is closer to happiness - or heartbreak.
Having never before read a book about the struggle of fertility issues, I was quite intriguied at the concept of this book and jumped at the opportunity to read it, and for that I'm really glad. Disappointingly enough, fertility issues don't show up in media that often (at least in my experience), and reading this book was extremely eye-opening for me regarding the issue and emotions surrounding it.
The book itself is actually a fairly quick read. It doesn't feel too dragged out, though it can be a bit repetitive at times. Much of the story is actually told through the TWW chat room that the women share, making for an insightful book that never feels forced.
Some of the characters I liked, while I others I was more ambivalent towards. In particular, one of the women, Starr, made me take a double take at me screen when some of her actions were revealed. On the other hand, there was Mandi. While I did like her as a character, I felt that her character was based on some stereotypes that weren't necessarily true - and could potentially be harmful. That being said, all of the characters felt like different characters (rather than just melding into one big personality) and were reasonably well fleshed-out.
It was interesting to read about the daily life and struggles of each of these women, and the book as a whole really brought to light this specific situation which many people go through, and which I hadn't given much thought to prior to reading this book.
Overall, this book was a tasteful blend of fact and fiction, while also bringing awareness to an issue that is often not given much spotlight. I'd recommend this book to others who are looking for a story told from multiple perspectives without blurring the narratives from which the story is told, or the relatively bittersweet stories of these women and all that they go through in the span of two weeks.

I've never struggled with fertility, nor have I had the desire to be a mother, so, while I couldn't relate to the characters in the story. I could empathize with them. I can't imagine the heartbreak of trying to conceive when your body is set against it happening. I think the author did a great job of humanizing the characters so that we could feel for them and with them.