Member Reviews

This wasn't the book for me. I knew I was older and at a different stage in life than these women, and luckily infertility was not the cross I was chosen to carry, when I chose to read this book. I liked the premise of an online support group as I have (and do) belong to some, but I never really warmed up to any of the women and in the end, well, I hated the ending.

Chapters are dated throughout the 14 days between ovulation and pregnancy test. Each chapter contains the messages on the forum, which are full of internet forum lingo (DH, TWW, etc) and then the story of what is happening in the characters' lives.

As I said, I hated the ending. Toward the end, one of the women tells the others she is pregnant--and we know who she is. The others have all gotten negative tests and say their goodbyes--maybe they'll get together again in two weeks to start another TWW. Then one posts to the forum that she too has a positive test--but no one responds and we don't know who it is. Nope. Not the way I like a book to end. If you are going to get me invested in characters, tell me what happened to them.

I'd like to thank the publisher for making a review copy available via NetGalley. Grade: C

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This novel is about women who are trying to get pregnant and the Two Week Wait that they have after they have ovulated to check if they are pregnant. The book follows the women as they join a forum where women support each other through the two weeks. It delves into their lives outside the forum and their different circumstances and desire to be pregnant. While the premise is interesting, I felt the novel was a bit dull and the characters were not well drawn. The women’s partners were particularly stereotypical. The book is a light, easy read despite the subject matter. Thank you to Matador, The Book Guild and Netgalley for an arc of this novel in exchange for a review.

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The Two Week Wait follows 5 women and their infertility journey. They meet on a chat forum and stick together during the 14 days that lead up til you can take a pregnancy test.

I loved the layout of this book! It's laid out in the chat format with chapters mixed in via each woman's perspective. The topic of infertility is very hard and deep, but I thought the author did a great job of covering the topic with some humor but still showing how difficult the struggle could be. Each woman comes from a different background, and relationship. As the book went on you were really rooting for each woman and I couldn't wait to find out what their test results would be at the end.

My one compliant with the book is that the women tended to be a little harsh toward each other on the forum. I know they were each going through something so difficult, but sometimes I was like wow I'd never talk to another woman like that.

Thank you NetGalley and Troubador Publishing for letting me read the ARC copy.

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This was a really fun concept for a book. I myself have been in the “two week wait” many times, and know the large ranges of emotions that you deal with.

I felt like this book tackled half of what it could’ve. I think it could’ve gone more in depth with the deeper feelings you experience and longing for motherhood. I felt like it was all pretty surface level.

I did not like or really identify with the characters. Most of them didn’t even seem like they were in a good place to welcome a baby into the world and that was concerning. I think all of them could’ve benefitted from some therapy.

I really liked the ending though and the concept of the book overall is something I have never read about before.

Thank you NetGalley for this copy of “The Two Week Wait.”

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I very much enjoyed this intricate multi character story, focusing on the biggest challenge of all - bringing a child into this world. A great read!

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Fertility issues are something I have never considered and this book was really interesting with five different women connecting on a forum to wait their two weeks to find out if they are pregnant. Their perspectives were completely different and I enjoyed all the different narratives. I liked some characters better than others (although there is developments for each character by the end which I appreciated!). A good read overall!

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I really enjoyed the concept of this book. I joined forums when I was pregnant so it brought back memories of that. I was finding myself wishing there was more content in a few places but overall I enjoyed the different stories of each of the women. Loved the cliffhanger at the end, hoping for a 2nd book now. definitely recommended for an easy read.

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I was sent a copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The two week wait follows 5 women who all want the same thing: to have a baby. But things haven’t been easy for them in that department and they find themselves at the beginning of the two week wait and connecting with eachother through an online forum.

I feel this book tackled struggles with fertility in a really good way and it was unique. I can’t say I’ve ever come across a book about that. The characters are all very different women and you could connect with at least 1 of them.

My only problem with this book was that I didn’t find the characters very likeable. I didn’t find myself rooting for them and didn’t care for what they really had to say. But this is a personal thing and nothing that actually reflects on the book itself.

I thought the book was wonderful and written in such a lovely way. I just feel if I had cared for the characters more I would have felt a lot deeper about this book.

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Incredibly whiny. I thought it was going to be such a good story but instead, it was moping and depressing. While the subject is important this is not a good way to do it.

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This book was a unique perspective into the lives of five women struggling with infertility, and utilizing online forums to support each other through the two week wait; the time between ovulation and when you can expect a positive pregnancy test.

While I found that this book had some interesting insight into the struggles of infertility, and how those of us who do not share in these struggles can be more sensitive and thoughtful when talking about pregnancy and child rearing expectations, I had a hard time connecting to many of the characters. I didn't feel that many of the stories were well developed enough to feel invested, or to truly be able to keep the stories straight as far as who was who, and what their specific circumstance was. A couple of the husbands in this story were just plain awful, and in one particular situation there was some significant emotional abuse and gaslighting that was difficult for me to read.

That being said, I enjoyed the forum chats between the women (although they were sometimes unbelievably catty!), and getting to know our leading ladies -- My favorite was Jane. There was some significant growth in a couple of the women, which was fun to see develop over the course of the two weeks. I liked flipping back and forth between the forum and offline portions of their lives and think this story could have been strengthened by less characters with a more in depth look into their off-forum lives that the reader could have connected to a little better.

Overall, it was a quick, fun read with some helpful insight into the realities of infertility; I appreciate the author for giving this topic a platform in literature.

Thank you to The Book Guild Ltd for providing me with an ecopy of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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Honestly I just didn't like the writing style of this book, much of it was written as posts in an online forum style which I found irritating. The story was interesting but much more superficial than I expected. It was however an easy read for a sunny day and I finished it in one sitting.

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The concept of 5 woman wanting to become mothers, starting a online chat group to be able to talk with others going through the TWW, was interesting. But, for some reason, I really could not connect to any of the 5 woman doing the TWW. Each one comes from different cultures, ages and hopes....not one of them were relatable to me.
Overall, I enjoyed the story but, did not love it. Maybe I couldn’t relate as I have not gone through fertility issues.
Thank you to NetGallery, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest opinion. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This book was a quick and easy read. Even though there were five main characters with separate lives to keep track of, it was easy to follow each woman's story throughout the book. The Two Week Wait can be agonizing but I felt as though Lewis brought light to this sensitive subject as well as hope for those on a similar fertility journey to those in the book. I really enjoyed how this was written as a combination of prose as well as forum messages. This book may be triggering for people who are current experiencing issues with infertility.
Full review will be available at the links below on March 8th.

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I was interested in this book to see how these 5 women came together during the 2 week wait of waiting for a BFP (+ pregnancy test) but I was not a fan of reading so many different view points and it made it difficult for me to follow along. I wanted to like this book as I am interested in fertility/family planning due to work but I was just not a fan.

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Well i have to say, i did enjoy this book

Ive read something similar to this years ago.
This book certainly rings true with the thoughts and feelings of women (and men) who are going through the TTC (Trying To Conceive) process and it it true that the 2ww is the hardest part of it. Emotions are running high.

The only thing that was missing from the 2ww was mucus (i know), believe it or not when things get desperate then you start looking at everything and mucus is top of that list, is it fertile or not. Oh and forgot to mention the tearing apart of the test and holding it up to the light, which happens normally from day 6 onwards for those of us without willpower and cant wait the full 14 days. Im sure many women have been there.
There also seemed to be argumentative moments between characters, im sure this is to show how emotional and desperate the characters are, but its not something ive come across personally.

I did enjoy the switching between each individual character and the forum posts, it gave a deeper insight to each of the private lives of the characters.

The book was a lovely quick read, well written and the short chapters meant i read it quicker than id planned too. It was funny in parts (heart breaking in others) and it covered a lot of the characters that you would come across online on a baby forum. It was also left open ended?? maybe a sequel coming??

I would definitely recommend this book and try others by this author

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I would like to preface this review with I have zero concept of what it feels like to want something so badly that my body cannot give me. However, I know several people who have faced this struggle, and my heart hurts for them. Knowing that, I was excited to read the Two Week Wait because I had hoped that I would feel the strength and hope that these women have.

We are introduced to the five main characters at the beginning of the book. I loved how all the characters were in different parts of their lives, from trying for almost 20 years, to people who are just recently married at 19 and are having a child because it's what is required of them. It shed a different light not only on the different struggles of women (endometriosis, fibroids, ruptured fallopian tubes, male infertility, etc.) but also how mental state plays an important role as well. This book was an easy read, and the shift between narrative of each character as well as the dialogue in the forum really helped the book move smoothly.

The biggest issue I have with the book, and the main reason that I have given this two stars, is that I felt the writing was basic, but not in a good way. While the sentences flowed, I felt like the writing either didn't really give a ton of emotion to some characters, while it highlighted a number of negative aspects of other characters. I know the TWW is a very sensitive time, but the transition between the different mental states of the characters didn't seem like character development; it came across as very choppy and superficial. There wasn't anyone I was really really rooting for, and there wasn't a single character that I really loved.

The storyline and concept were beautiful, and I felt could have been done more justice by writing that was more passionate.

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I read this in two days!! This never happens! These two weeks in this were unbearable to the point of me having to keep reading. I usually find thrillers are my page turning go to books but this has turned me. So dam good!
Thank you!!!

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This was a cute book. As someone who has experienced the TWW many, many times, a lot of what was written hit home to me. If you are someone who has ever been on a message board and grew relationships with friends in that manner, you may enjoy this story. The characters were easy to get to know and enjoy. This book was given to me as an ARC for my honest review. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this opportunity.

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Really cute book about women waiting two weeks to find out if they are pregnant. You cheer them on as they explore their reasons for wanting this and the decisions they make.

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The Two Week Wait was a particularly fast read. I really enjoyed the format that vacillated between forum posts, journal entries, and prose.

Initially, I had a tough time liking any of the characters, but as you get to know them, you begin to appreciate them, flaws and all. You root for them, their relationships (or the ending thereof), and get happy/angry on their behalf. There were even some surprises which allowed the characters, even ancillary ones, to have dimension.

There were a few times through where the organization got a little confusing. As though something was left out. I had to go back and re-read to be sure I hadn’t missed something, so that took away from the experience somewhat. I also felt that there was a bit of a bias against women being single moms, which put me off some. That is something that happens more and more and not something that I think needs to be glossed over.

Overall it was an engaging read.

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