Member Reviews
Thanks to NetGalley and PenguinTeen for this ARC!
I was a little skeptical that I'd be able to get into this book at first, but after the first quarter, I couldn't put it down.
Reading this book felt like watching a really great episode of TV unfold, complete with excerpts of police interviews. The changing points of view and times kept things really interesting, and also kept the suspense building until practically the end.
The characters were real, and flawed, and by the end, there were a few I hated (with good reason). I've always felt that an author is doing something right if they can make you hate someone who doesn't actually exist, and it definitely happened while reading this.
If you're interested in suspense, mystery, or thrillers, this is definitely a book for you!
Trigger warning: sexual assault, pedophiles, and the people who shelter them
The perfect after school job takes a bad turn for Davida and her friends Tim and Viv, who work as SP's (simulated patients) where they act out different parts for medical school students, complete with special effects makeup and scripted lines to use. After a party, one of the girls ends up in a coma and there is video of her taking pills at the party. Another seems to be losing it just before then, ranting and raving while at the med school. The mystery is told in scenes both before the party and after the party. Teens will like the mystery/thriller aspect of this, but I fiound it cringey because of the pedophilia involved.
*I received an ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you both to NetGalley and Penguin Teen!*
Davida, Viv and Tim are Simulated Patients (SP) for med school students to practice on as a part-time med school program. However this Summer job suddenly turns deadly after Viv falls into a coma after taking pills at a party. Many people don't believe it was an intentional overdose, but the truth behind this incident is much darker.
Alternating between different viewpoints and police interview excerpts with a range of characters, Tell Me When You Feel Something creates a feeling a suspense and keeps you guessing. Filled with different twists, this was a really intriguing novel which really piqued my curiosity.
What first interested me in this book was the Simulated Patients premise. It is, for me personally, something I haven't read about before in a mystery and so it provided a really engaging setting which worked well for the story. As a reader I was genuinely interested in the jobs that the three narrators had and I liked that the author was descriptive about what this job entailed.
Whilst the alternating viewpoints and pacing helped to enhance a sense of foreboding and mystery to the novel, I personally felt that the first part of the novel was a little slow so it wasn't until the latter half of the novel that I found myself getting into the pacing of the book. The alternating viewpoints were interesting, they provided information that added different interesting twists to the story however I did find myself preferring certain viewpoints than others and not feeling fully connected to certain character's or their relationships.
Overall, this was a really unique and gripping mystery. The ultimate reveal made sense and was well executed. I can definitely see other readers being shocked by the outcome!
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me an ARC of this book. When a girl ends up in a coma, who is to blame? I can't go into too much detail as this was a twisty, turny ride where the less you know the better. Alternating between multiple viewpoints and incorporating police reports, Tell Me When You Feel Something keeps you guessing and every time I thought I had it figured out, something else popped up. I do have to admit that things started to fall into place about 65-70% of the way through, but the end still had a few surprises!
The story started slow, but once it got going I couldn't put it down until the end. Very entertaining read!
I got an ARC of this book off of NetGalley for an honest review. I truly loved this book. The book synopsis had me intrigued and I knew I had to read it. Once I started I couldn't put it down and spent the next four hours in this world. It is told from four points of view; Davida, a shy girl who is part of a local med school program where she pretends to be a patient to help the med students practice, Vivianne, another participant in the med school program with a hidden struggle of her own, Tim, who was dating Davida and also in the program, and police interviews with various people involved in the coma Vivianne is in. I spent the whole book trying to figure out what happened to Vivianne and the plot twists were heartbreaking. Vicki Grant did an excellent job blending thriller, mystery, and suspense into one book. It had me at the edge of my seat and in tears when it is revealed what happened to Vivianne. I will definitely be looking for more books by Vicki Grant and purchasing this book once it is published.
Book Review for Tell Me When You Feel Something by Vicki Grant
Full review for this title can be found at: @fyebooks on Instagram!
What a fantastic novel! I devoured every word of this book! Everything about this book was great! The writing. The characters the plot. The ending! And it never stopped!
I don’t even know how to review this book besides telling you all to read it. Honestly, this is one of best, more original books I have ever read and I DEVOURED it.
I honestly thought Vicki had clearly made so much effort when it came to her plotting. I felt the mystery, I didn’t see any plot holes and I wasn’t left quizzing everything when the answers were revealed. That’s right ladies and gents, this book made sense!
Also the pacing was just right.
Okay, so I really liked how this was a multi perspective novel and I thought all the characters had their own unique voice. I thought Viv was relatable, Davida was humble and Tim was hilarious. I really enjoyed all of there chapters.
This book honestly was packed full of mystery and I did find myself second guessing at some points. Although I figured out what happened quite early on, the execution was done so well.
I’d definitely recommend!
I received this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
***Thanks to NetGalley for providing me a complimentary copy of TELL ME WHEN YOU FEEL SOMETHING by Vicki Grant in exchange for my honest review.***
After taking pills at a party, Vivienne lies in a coma. Her best friend Davida swears Viv never drinks or uses drugs. BFFs know everything about each other, even if they’ve only been friends for five weeks. Vic’s and Davida’s boyfriends both suspects, are questioned by police as are those from her part-time job as a Simulated Patient SP at a medical school.
The SP program drew me to TELL ME WHEN YOU FEEL SOMETHING. Living near a number of medical schools, I was familiar with programs where people role played illnesses for student diagnosis. I’d never known programs to have the cosmetic application and the extent of physical preparation Vicki Grant described, but that added to the interest of the SP job.
Grant created an interesting cast of minor characters and family set ups, which added dimension to the story. TELL ME WHEN YOU FEEL SOMETHING alternated timelines and points of view. I knew early on many were unreliable narrators, how inaccurate I was unsure. Most of my theories turned out to be wrong.
TELL ME SOMETHING is a unique, interesting mystery that will appear to a wide variety of readers.