Member Reviews

Not sure why I've even done this. Now I absolutely can't wait to read this book fully!

Characters that we all loved are coming back, oh Nina and Hana...

Intrigued about the princess, she will have to choose between family and friends, this exert is great way of giving a warning of whats coming from "Families" side.... Loads of political drama by the looks of it... Can't wait!

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Amazing description of Nina, Nikolai, Ehri and Zoya. I am grateful to Netgalley for this opportunity.

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Please note: My review at this moment in time is for the sampler only (first three chapters). Upon the book’s release, I’ll post an updated, more thorough review here and on retailer sites once I’ve read the entire book and will adjust my rating accordingly if needed.

Thoughts on the sampler: I read a three-chapter sampler courtesy of NetGalley, and I need more. The story grabbed me right from the start, and I quickly became invested. It provided the perfect glimpse into the upcoming book, but I almost regret it because I want to keep reading. It felt like I was reuniting with old friends, and I’m beyond curious and excited to see how this duology will come to a close.

I’m going to bide my time until release doing an entire Grishaverse reread, which will refresh my memory and get me even more amped than I already am for the upcoming Shadow and Bone show.

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Rule of Wolves is such an exciting read - I was disappointed when I got to the end of the third chapter. It looks like war is coming to the Grishaverse. Leigh Bardugo continues the saga started with Shadow and Bone. Her writing is excellent, putting you in the midst of preparations for war. Can't wait for the full book to be released!!

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This excerpt of Rule of Wolves was intense, The threat of war is coming closer, the main characters are having to face the upcoming challenges, and I think I'm in love with Nikolai. I can't wait for the book to be published!

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Leigh Bardugo's latest novel looks just as interesting as all the others. I look forward to reading the rest of this book as the opening pages drew me in and have me eager to know what happens.

Many thanks to Macmillan Children's Publishing Group and NetGalley for the early look at this title.

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Thank you for the sampler! I really enjoyed the intensity of the plot and it really gets me excited to continue reading. I will admit that I am not up-to-date with this duology and all the other books in this series, so some of the vocabulary was hard to follow. However, I do like the author's writing style and am interested in starting from the beginning.

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This sample makes me want to read the book immediately. All the intrigue I'd definitely heart stopping. I look forward to reading the full book at the end of March.

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Great sampler for Rule of Wolves. I wish it was longer, but I will have to wait for my pre-order to arrive to see what Bardugo has in store for this last book in Nikolai's story. I am extremely excited to read more about Nikolai, Nina, Zoya, and get more of the Darkling now that he is back.

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So very ready to read more after having the first few chapters. I just reread all the other books to prepare for this one and the show. I’m sure it will be amazing!

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An all too short and tantalising glimpse of what is clearly going to be another magnificent novel by Leigh Bardugo. We start from the perspective of a foreign queen whose sister has been sent as a bride to Nikolai Lantsov - a queen who stole her throne from her sister and now plots against Ravka and Nikolai. We also meet NIna Zenik again, now undercover and in disguise in the household of her mortal enemy Jarl Brum and his family.
All the familiar Bardugo ingredients are here combined with her first class writing. If only there was a way to time travel to 30 March so I can read the rest now!

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This sampler was amazing! March 30 can not come fast enough. I love these characters so much. I can't wait to see how the new characters will play into the story and how the different parts will connect.

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This sampler was the perfect tease and has me even more excited for Rule of Wolves! I thought I’d need to re read King of Scars but diving into this sampler brought back the scenarios of book one and my excitement for Nikolai and Zoya!

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Can one be incredibly happy reading a Sampler? The answer is yes! absolutely!

To return to this world and with its characters full of joy and fills me with enthusiasm. Reading these advanced chapters have made the wait seem stormy while I wait for the book. I really want to read it now!

The test was excellent and obviously I want more!

Darking please, he's going to kill me. I can see it coming.

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The start of Rule of Wolves does a great job at hooking the reader back into the story, with a strong start taking us back to where King of Scars left off. Following several characters in this extract, the set up for the action and what is to follow is well done, keeping the pace up while also not being overwhelming. I'm really looking forward to reading the rest!

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Only three pages in the sampler- GROAN! Those three chapters re-introduce the main characters and sent me back to re-read KIng of Scars before Rule of Wolves releases. As always, Bardugo's writing is crisp and perfect. Her charcters are vivid.

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The small sampler of this book has me hooked completely. Best sequel of 2021. I’m not sure how many stars to give a sampler but 5⭐️ Already for this book!

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I was already super excited about this book, and this 3 chapter sampler just kicked that excitement to a new level. How do you expect me to wait for the end of this month to finally read this gem. Predicting from now, this is definitely going to be a 5-star read and one of my favorites this year. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this sample, it truly made by day. Though it was just a 3 chapter sneak peek, we get to see all our characters and what they're up to. Nikolai is still the charming and sarcastic man we fell in love with, but also a king battling with himself and the invading forces to protect his kingdom. Nina our strong heartrender that deserves the world and all the happiness. And of course, Zoya a force to be reckoned with, she could step on me and I'd thank her.

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Thank you to Netgalley for this advanced teaser of RULE OF WOLVES. I am super excited to read the entire book!

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I loved King of Scars, but had mixed feelings about the ending, so I was excited to get the opportunity to read this sampler of Rule of Wolves to continue the story and find out what happens next! After reading these three chapters, I am hooked! I loved being able to see what Nina is up to and the situation that Nikolai has found himself in. These chapters gave me just enough to see what problems all the characters are about to face and ended on a cliffhanger! I'll definitely be picking up Rule of Wolves when it comes out on March 30. It is definitely one of the most anticipated books I am looking forward to reading this year.

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