Member Reviews

Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Me encanta el libro "Cantoras" y estaba sorprendide y feliz de ver que hay un kit de club de lectura en español aquí en net-galley. Algunas de las preguntas son un poco simple o aburrido pero la mayoría son preguntas que me inspiran y lo bueno de un kit como este es que cada grupo que lo lee puede usar solo lo que quieren usar - no hay obligación de responder a cada pregunta y hay preguntas suficientes para charlar un buen rato, quizá mientras tomas algunas mates con tu grupo. Como docente creo que sí lo utilizaría para un clase si tengo la oportunidad de hacer un plan de estudios que incluye el libro Cantoras.

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Once I get better at Spanish, I'll definitely be reading through this and using the discussion questions. Unfortunately, when I requested this, I missed the part saying it was in Spanish

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Fantastic kit for use in book club meetings. We struggle with discussing the book (we usually say a few worked about it and then start chatting about anything in general) and this will help us to stay on track.

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Short and sweet discussion guide. It was refreshing to see a guide in Spanish because I don't typically find that.

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This is a REVIEW ONLY of The BOOK CLUB KIT for “Cantoras,” a Spanish-language feminist literary novel by Carolina de Robertis set in 1970s Uruguay about five women singers with limited freedom of expression in their lives, art or love. This very short three-page e-book is filled with discussion questions about the novel to stimulate insightful two-way conversations among reading groups. It will be especially useful for Book Club Leaders, Librarians, as well as readers themselves who want extra insight into the background of the book and author. ❇️ As complex and interesting as the topics covered in the book, it would be nice to see graphics, art, songs, maps, recipes, clothing, bookmarks and other visual effects to create the Uruguayan world represented in the novel. ❇️

TheBookMaven graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Carolina de Robertis, and Publisher Penguin Random House Library Resources for this Advanced Reader’s Copy (ARC) for review.

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Not much too it, they had questions but that is it. Give me a book mark or an interview with the author... something!

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Whoops, did not realize this book club kit was in Spanish! While this made for a more challenging read than initially anticipated, this kit was super helpful in leading a book club discussion on Cantoras!

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This is such a fun, engaging book club kit! I love reading interviews with authors, and hearing about what inspired them to write their novel. The included discussion questions are perfect for encouraging deeper exploration of the book's characters and themes, the kit is easily printable/accessible and I loved how Netgalley began including on their sites. Will definitely use in the near future with my very own book club.

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This book club kit for Cantoras is in Spanish. Luckily, I read it! It contains 15 well thought out discussion questions. I wish there were a few more items included, like an author interview.

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This Book Club Kid is in Spanish. It is very handy if you want to have some discussion questions ready for your book club meeting. It helps to pick up important points and keep the conversation flowing. I in general, can only recommend these book club kits!

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Immediately after finishing Cantoras, I craved to talk about it. I went directly to the friend that initially recommended it to me and we sent 3-minute long voice messages back and forth. I read the article Carolina wrote about the process of translating her work from English to Spanish, and it pulled on my heartstrings. I also speak both, and I'm currently planning on rereading Cantoras in Spanish.

This Book Club Kit touched exactly on most of the topics I most wanted to talk about and explore once I finished reading the book. If you are looking for a guide for those conversations I believe anyone that reads this book will want to have, this is an excellent place to find them.

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Once I get better at Spanish, I'll definitely be reading through this and using the discussion questions. Unfortunately, when I requested this, I missed the part saying it was in Spanish. Oh well, though, that's my fault!

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I hadn't realised this was a bookclub kit and not the book! I haven;' yet read the book but the description certainly is intriguing,.

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