Member Reviews

I Love this Book club guide! It fits so perfectly with the story
The playlist! The paper doll!
And it all ties in so well to the story I love it!

Thanks to the publisher for providing this book club kit, these are always useful to have and the paper dolls are very fun!

This was a great book so the book club discussion guide completes the experience. Some of the questions do lead to some interesting ways of approaching the book themes. Thank you for this companion book club guide.

I loved the book and can definitely see it as a show/movie. This discussion guide is a great resource for a book club.

A simple kit of the volume with images and insights along 14 pages. Nothing important even if it's nice. Maybe if I had been the publisher, I wouldn't have put it on netgalley. The story certainly intrigues me and intrigues me. I hope to be able to read it as soon as possible given both the wonderful cover and the plot that suggests great interest.

A really fun book club kit that Mexican Gothic readers will enjoy! This seems aimed at young adult readers and provides information about the novel and the history it's based around. The discussion questions were a little simple and open-ended. Other fun tidbits include: the Doyle family seal described in the book, a music playlist curated by the author, background information/history, and a paper doll Noemi with multiple outfits with information about the clothing styles.