Member Reviews

I have had this book on my tbr pile for absolutely ages, and I am trying to clear my backlog as well as get through my newer reads.
I had a quick look at the reviews before starting this book, and to be honest they were very poor and I did wonder whether I should read this or not but decided to go ahead.
I have to say, I think a lot of the reviews of this book is very unfair - it wasn't the best book I have ever read, but I have also read much much worse and it was actually quite enjoyable in my opinion.
Easy to read, and I was expecting a twist to come at the end which didn't actually come.
I have 2 gripes about the story - one being, what is it with the characters consuming loads of alcohol, then getting into their cars to drive?
And secondly I do feel the book was ramping up and up, only for it to literally end. With no real ending of what happened, when there is so much that could have gone wrong for Liberty.

Thank you Netgalley for the eARC. I thought it was a cute read, but I needed more from the FMC and felt the plot fell a little flat.

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

The story itself had potential, but the writing was unpolished and the whole thing read like a first draft that hadn't been refined yet, very telling and not as immersive as it could've been

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This book is set in London, England. This book is well written and the characters are described well. This is a fast paced adult romance. I enjoyed everything about this book. The romance is slow burn. The friendships in this book is well written. This ebook is in stores for $1.99 (GBP). I absolutely can not wait to read more books by this author. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

This checked off everything I look for in a book. Was not disappointed. Really enjoyed this book. I will read more from this author. Must read

DNF. this did not work for me. i’m not sure if it was length, the writing, honestly it could be highly possible that it was both. it’s gonna be a no from me, chief.

This felt like I was read a 12-year old's project for their English class. How did this even make it past rounds of editing? If this is published book, I can't imagine what the initial draft was like.
This book was so short but took ages to read, simply because it wasn't enjoyable. Please do not be fooled by the title, this book has nothing to do with the boutique.
A huge thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for providing me a copy of the ebook in exchange for an honest review.

This is such a cute story! I loved the cover, the characters, the soft romance, and the lovely story.

Lovely romance, but not your usual sweet romance, goes a bit further with the bed scenes.
Would be nice if it continued in another installment

I tried to like this as it sounded so good so I really wanted to like this but I just didn’t. The story was just odd, the characters didn’t click for me at all, sadly a no from me
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

I tried to read this twice and I just couldn’t get into it. The blurb sounded amazing so I was very disappointed that it didn’t live up to it.

I wanted to like this it has very fun promising setting and I love romance and romcom but especially I love enemies to lovers type stories so I really wanted to like this but I just didn’t. Liberty and Daniel’s story was kind of weird and just fell short of the amazing blurb Ana story I thought I was going to read. It’s a pretty short story so maybe I’ll attempt to read it again but I doubt it.

As hard as I tried I couldn’t get sucked in by this book. It wasn’t relatable and didn’t flow very well and therefore I DNF’d this book

The story is about Liberty, a 30something Londoner running a successful gift shop. She meets a handsome and charismatic fellow entrepreneur, Tom, and inevitably they fall in love. But then Daniel, her unpleasant ex-boyfriend, makes an appearance and Liberty will have to learn to draw a line under their relationship. Those of us who like their heroines flawed and with vulnerabilities, may find Liberty a tad too lucky: she is blessed with the wealthy, globe-trotting family, gorgeous looks, a wardrobe that would make Carrie Bradshaw (in Sex and the City) jealous, AND a loyal, supportive best friend. But she is also smart, cultured, hard-working and serious about her business so you can’t really not like her. I found that the book works well if you want to immerse yourself in lovely fluffy escapism -and who doesn’t, especially in these COVID days? It offers a comforting glimpse into the parallel universe where independent gifts shops are making healthy profit, beautiful people are having rendezvous in bars and restaurants and where sex is always good. I felt like I wanted to visit Liberty’s glittering boutique and go for a cappuccino with her. Although I might have visited Tom’s jewellery shop on my way…

A nice story about leaving the past and finding new love. A new relationship a new store and a new life. Makes for a good read.

DNF I tried to read this book 2x and was not a fan of the writing style.
**********************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley**************************

I have to admit that the book cover drew me in, and the summary had a lot of promise. Cherry Blossom Boutique tells the story of Liberty Rossini, a woman in her 30s who successfully opens a gift shop in London. She has the opportunity to meet Tom Anderson, a silversmith in his late 30s, who immediately draws her in with his charisma, but is interrupted by the reappearance of her ex, Daniel, who ended their earlier relationship suddenly and unexpectedly.
The writing for this novel felt rather disjointed and choppy, and the characters didn't seem well-developed. It was difficult to get through as the pages went on as I didn't get invested in the storyline or characters.

I wanted to like this but just didn't connect with it. The blurb was enticing but I found that the story just didn't flow well for me. I only finished this one because it was so short and I kept hoping it would improve.
Thanks to the publishers and Netgalley for the ARC to review.

It wasn’t a bad little read. It just felt very short that it didn’t develop the storylines enough. I didn’t buy into the characters enough. Liberty just seen abit of a 2D character. I didn’t really believe Liberty and Tom’s relationship l. The book did have really potential. We can all relate to the problem Ex Boyfriend/partner.
My review is also on Goodreads