Member Reviews

I really wanted to like this book but it was like reading a middle schooler's creative writing attempt..
The 78 pages felt like a slog to get through as the writing was completely amateur. Not sure what the editors or publishers were thinking...
The book has really NOTHING to do with the boutique, so why make it the title of the book? The writing was so long winded in places, I don't need to know what they ate every time they go out of it doesn't add anything to the story... (And it doesn't...) And do they both always eat the same things for all three courses or are they ordering for one person and sharing the plates?! These are seriously things I considered because the storyline was so boring otherwise.
And why is she so pathetically powerless to ex?! He comes across as slightly rapey and she just goes along with it because of her "carnal urges"?! *insert eye roll*
The only reason I bothered getting to the end of the book is because it was short and even then it was a struggle... I mean everyone saw the happy ending from a mile away right??
**Thanks to the publisher and netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in return for an honest review

I thought I would enjoy this book, but it took me a while to get into and I just wanted to finish it. I didn’t relate to most of the characters and I feel that the main characters fell short.

This was a DNF for me. I made it about 30% in but could not read any further. The plot moved incredibly fast without really providing enough details, but somehow also giving too many irrelevant details. Honestly, it was both hard to connect to and a little hard to follow or see where things were going.
Thank you to the publishers for the opportunity to review.
The review will be posted tomorrow March 14th:

I want to thank the author and Netgallet for gifting me the ebook. I just don't know where to start. I am very confused by this book. It is a very short story and I read it in just 2 hours or something like that. I was very interested in the story, the plot had a lot of potential. But it just falls flat. It is written very odd. I am not sure if this is just a rough draft and there will be more added to it? I have read a lot of short stories but they flow really nice and the story plot was good. I feel like I just read a notebook from the author that had just some notes and outlines for an up and coming novel. The story was rushed, we don't get any details about the characters. The author does go into a lot of detail about food and the kind of clothes the characters wear. The author just rushed through scenes and we just don't get any meat. Don't even get me started on the main female character and her ex boyfriend. All those scenes made me cringe. Also getting engaged after only knowing each other what 2 months? Just fell flat for me.

One of the worst books I have ever read. Just didn't seem to have an actual story, felt more like a rushed magazine article. Had so much potential as I did like the description of the little shop and the writing was at times quite immersive.

I am DNF-ing this book at 20%, I thought I would really like this book but I have so many issues with it just from the first 20% of the book that I have decided not to continue on.
The writing style is extremely odd, each sentence states a fact with very little embellishment or padding to make the sentences flow together. The first two chapters felt like big info-dumps to tell the reader everything they need to know about the character and her life without weaving it into an actual narrative. Due to the story not flowing, the exposition does very little to make the reader care about the main character.
The author does very little to show the passing of any time and just jumps from one plot point for the next which makes the narrative very jarring and confusing. Furthermore there are also mistakes in the text such as typo's and plot holes (when the main character takes her bracelet to be engraved she is told it will be done by the end of the day and then later we hear she is still waiting for it).
Lastly, one of my pet peeves in novels is when the characters don't interact like normal human beings. In this case, the way the main character talks to her friends and people around her is like a barbie skit with constant exclaiming and over-explaining which would not necessarily happen between friends which the author wants you to believe have been best friends for over 20 years. Perhaps the most annoying thing of all is the way the author uses character names, but especially the main character. Character's will continuously use each others name's in dialogue even if they are already in an established conversation with each other.
Overall, due to the writing style and lack of narrative cohesion, I have decided to DNF this.

Thanks to Troubador Publishing and NetGalley for giving me an Ebook version of this book in exchange for a review.
The synopsis of this book drew me in and I was really looking forward to reading it. Unfortunately, I ended up not finishing this book. Because the book is written in third person, it was hard to figure out who’s perspective we were viewing the story through. The book does a lot of telling rather than showing, meaning that it was hard to connect with the characters and the story as a whole. I didn’t feel invested in Liberty’s story as she felt entitled and spoiled and that her whole story was about which man to choose. Overall, disappointing.

I felt like this book had a lot of potential to be good and it missed the mark. The plot was all over the place and moved so quickly I had no idea what was going on half the time. The story moved so quickly you didn't get attached to any of the characters. The dialogue was over the top cringe. Too many details were spent on what the characters ate and said, and not enough details on how they felt.

Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. What a lovely, feel good lovely read this was, loved the shop and all the characters. Would recommend

A very subpar romance about a boutique owner the story was just okay for me the writing was flat and not very engaging. I did not care for the heroine or this book it was ok.

I liked the synopsis of this book. However, it read very detached and choppy. Even the starting chapter of the main character Liberty already winning an award. As the reader we have no real investment in being happy for her or even caring. Actually even a chapter in I still wasn't attached to Liberty.
This felt rushed and unconnected at times. Perhaps having an editor help in rewriting ? Also sometimes I wondered if the author's first language wasn't english to try to explain why it was so oddly written.

I just don’t even know what to say. This book fell wayyyy flat for me. It was oddly written and underdeveloped.

Honestly this book was a DNF for me. There are a few reasons why. The plot of this book sounded great to me but it read a bit too formal. The sentences did not flow together very well and time was jumping within a paragraph and I would get lost.
I love books that have an ex try and come back and Liberty was a great character and had a lot of promise to me.

Unfortunately, this type of storytelling just didn't engage me. Liberty is 32 and a newly successful boutique owner and deals with a toxic ex-boyfriend and the quest to find true love. The entire story is written in the 3rd person in a very detached recounting of events. It read like what I would imagine a screenplay to be like where there is a lot of description and a birds eye view of what is going on. Because of this, it was very hard for me to become invested in the characters and the story.

Exes, new loves, back in town, successful new business- oh my! A lot going on to keep you entertained. Light reading nothing deep. Check it out.

This started out strong, but felt like it was a story ready to be written.
It felt like it became more telling without showing and became a shopping list of what a story could be.
I would have liked more of a hook/chaos to overcome.
Daniel didn't really bring much drive to the story between Tom and Liberty.
I think this story definitely has more potential to be teased from it.

This was my first book I got to read on Netgalley and I was so excited when I saw that I was approved. First of all, this was the first time I’ve ever given reading on my iPad a go and I have to say I loved it! It was such a nice change of pace. I used the Kindle app and it was great to see what percentage I had remaining, I will admit I became a little obsessed with that.
The book itself is very short and sweet and I read it in two sittings which is very unlike me. It tells about Liberty who is a successful Boutique owner who drives a Porsche. She meets a jeweler named Tom and they have an instant attraction. The only thing holding her back is her abusive ex boyfriend Daniel who ghosted her after many years together.
This book was not my favourite. The writing lacked flair and originality and I spent the entire book waiting for something exciting to happen and I was really disappointed when it didn’t. It was predictable throughout but it was easy to read and get lost in for a couple of hours. Overall, I didn’t enjoy the book sadly but I did enjoy my first Netgalley experience!

A story about a 32 year old woman who is trying to date again after a bad break up and while she finds a man that could be with him her ex comes back and try to win her . Who will she choose ?
I received this novel from net galley and the publisher as an ARC. Thank you! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Liberty is the owner of the award winning shop Cherry Blossom Boutique in London. Things are going great and she is excelling in her business and then out of the blue her ex Daniel reappears in her life. She has a hard time letting go of this relationship and the way things ended. Liberty also newly has made a new friend in the owner of the neighboring jewelry store, Tom. Sparks begin to fly! Can she manage to let go of her ex and move on with Tom??
This is definitely a short and to the point book! I love the way London is described and it makes me want to book a flight and head to London to enjoy shopping and local pubs! 🍻

I received and advance copy of, Cherry Blossom Boutique, by Brooke Adams. I found the book a bit boring, I did not really care for the characters of Liberty and Daniel.