Member Reviews

I apprecitate the publisher allowing me to read this book. I found this a really interesting read and the characters are quite engaging. it kept me reading until the end. I highly recommend.

I think I get what James B. Miles is hoping to achieve with this book. I think the purpose was really to get us to start challenging our entitled mindset that we, as humans, are more than our ancestors of a more primitive nature. I think we were supposed to be humbled by this book, by Darwin's unfinished proposals, and to take a step back and accept that we may be more primitive and built upon such primitive values than we, in our pride and percieved success, would prefer to admit.
That part I like. I think it's interesting and hasn't really been challenged that much before, and certainly not with evidence to support it.
But, this is not an easy book to read. It is a real slog to work out what the author is getting at, a lot of the time. And the writing really feels more like an outdated textbook that needs some help, rather than a readable paperback you'd happily relax with at home for the pleasure, rather than necessity, of learning.
I like the idea, not so sure about the execution.
ARC provided from netgalley in exchange for an honest review.