Member Reviews

This book was apparently first published over 10 years ago and it really is in need of an update. Things have changed so much in that time it might as well be 50 years. There are some good basic tips if you are brand new to self publishing, but do combine them with some more current advice. There are thousands of these books on the market and you can also find this advice free online, but there is some good basic info here.

Publishing Points..
Questions you may have in the world of publishing are answered here in this engaging and often enlightening tool box of a book. Packed with facts and advice. Written in a straightforward and informative manner, it makes an easy read.

I rated this book 2 stars because I was too annoyed to finish, and while I was hoping to find these tips worthwhile, they are extremely basic (Tip #3 Start a blog). Some of them (#94, Your Press Packet) are flat out, incorrect. The Netgalley version of the ARC utilizes asterisks*between*every*word*instead*of*spaces.. I appreciate that the author/publishing house may be concerned about theft, but surely there is a better way to prevent it. The asterisks in lieu of spaces were so distracting that my brain just stopped (like I would with a period) between*every*word. I'd finally gotten the hang of stopping between every word, and then)came)the)parentheses. I'm sure I'm speaking for other reviewers when I say, "aaaaaarggggg!!! The folks who just want to read and review the book (myself included) are forced to adapt to some crazy new style of reading, or give up in frustration. In addition to their piracy skills, the people who want to break NetGalley's digital rights management and steal your work (which is protected by copyright) will surely have mastered "search and replace" to restore the proper spacing. The most valuable part of this book was the appendix, which offered some helpful "don'ts" for publishing newcomers.

This books is a helpful guide to someone wanting to get into writing for an audience. It is dated, and it shows. I would love to see and updated version come out as so many things have changed over the almost 10 years that have passed since this book came out.

Quite an old book with some out of date elements but a lot of the information is still good and useful. Will be implementing some of the advice when I look into publishing myself. Though I would love to read an updated version of this book in future.

This is dated information that I really wish I had found back in 2012 when it was first pubbed, but so much of it still applies today. It’s super short tips telling what to do, including making sure formatting is done correctly. I can’t say the formatting was done great on the book I read, but that could be because it was given to me through Netgalley, so it was very difficult for me to read. The tips were short and non-specific, but makes a good cheat sheet on what to do if you are looking for a book to help. I appreciate Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for allowing me to read and review.

Thank you to 101 Ways (Networlding Leadership Series) and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.
This title does everything just shy of what its title suggests, giving the reader tips to help them succeed in publishing. While some of the information within seems outdated, it is largely helpful and easily works alongside other publishing textbooks.
The tone is informative and the flow fitting of the nature of the text.

I hadn't realized that this book was published in 2012 when I requested to read this. Self publishing has come a long way since then!
That said, there are still some helpful tips among the 101 listed in this book to help you become more successful in publishing. They are categorized, but that didn't make it as easy to navigate as I'd expected.. Tips pertain to blogging, social media, and connecting with readers, among others. Tips are short and not all that detailed, but it does give you some ideas to explore further. Some of the website references aren't active or relevant in 2021. Things should have been updated a bit better.

Old Book, But Some Good Things to Ponder
In internet years, this is an old book, published in 2012. Self-publishing was already well established back then, and the heavy hitters in social media had been around for a few years. This book has 101 tips meant to help you be more successful in publishing. The tips are loosely grouped into various categories like blogging and social media, and these are further divided into subtopics, like making videos and connecting with readers. I would have loved to have seen better organization, as tips about social media separated various tips about writing and books. The tips are mostly short and not terribly specific. I believe they are more meant to make you aware of things you should consider than give you step-by-step instructions about what you can do to hopefully lead you to more success. Even nearly 10 years later, many tips still apply, but you will certainly see references to websites, tech, and more that just aren't relevant today. To get the most out of this book, you should have a basic sense of what publishing is like now, and it has certainly evolved from 2012. Still, this book gives you some excellent things to think about… if you haven’t already.

This book was received as an ARC from BooksGoSocial in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.
As an aspiring author and librarian, I have been asked what is the best way to become an upcoming author and now I have a book to recommend to our patrons. I love books that not only our patrons are interested in but I am interested in as well since I have been working on my YA book and autobiography for many years and now I can feel confident and not waste time searching for a publisher to pick up my book but learn to self-publish to do at my own time and use the social media outlets to market and advertise your book and the next stop will be The New York Times Bestseller List.
We will consider adding this title to our Business collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.