Member Reviews

Hey all! Today I have a review for you! This one is on a massive tome of correspondence that any Pagan or Witch will find helpful!

Like the blurb from Goodreads states, this has a TON of correspondence - look at that list up above! I find that the one that I refer to the most is the plant section. It's broken down into Trees, Herb & Garden, Misc. Plants (spices, over the counter medicines etc.)

It's absolutely amazing, and while I haven't read every single entry in detail I have no doubt that should the need arise I'll be able to find whatever I need very quickly! The animal section is amazingly thorough and even includes mythical animals from classical civilizations as well as Celtic and Native American mythology.

I have no doubt that every type of Pagan and witch will find something that has been cross-referenced in this book that will help make their path a lot easier. While I have an ebook version, I really think that having a hardcopy will make finding correspondence even faster, but that just might be me being technologically unadvanced.

Another part I really like is the cheat sheet right in the beginning - it lists out an intention and a quick guide to what falls under that heading!

Excerpt (Example)

anger (to soothe, control, diffuse)

Zodiac: Aries
Solar System: Mars, Uranus
Element: Fire
Tarot: Devil (express)
Colors: Black, Red (provoke), Violet, Yellow (green)
Trees: Holly, Juniper
Misc. Plants: Saffron, Wormwood
Herb & Garden: Catnip, Chamomile, Gorse, Lavender, Peony, Valerian, Vervain
Gemstones & Minerals: Amethyst, Angelite
From the Sea: Murex Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Carnelian, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Garnet, Howlite, Larimar, Moss Agate, Peridot, Sapphire, Topaz (blue)
Goddesses: Durga, Hera, Nemesis, Sekhmet
Gods: Aegir, Ares, Mars, Nergal
Bird: Chicken (rooster)

Whew! Isn't that something - there are tons of these, which takes up the first half of the book and I just can't even imagine how much work that must have been to compile all of this information. I really think that this section alone is worth having, if you're someone who does a lot of spellwork.

Do you have a need for such a thorough book? Do you do a lot of spellwork? I'd love to hear from you!

I did receive this for free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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