Member Reviews

This book written by Evelyn Searle Hess, contains five separate stories of groups of people working together to protect the environment, support their communities, fight for equality, and help those in need. Hess has written two previous books about her leaving “civilization” and living a modest life off the grid in the woods; but this book is more focused on supporting grassroots organizations that help people and the planet. The book has five main chapters, each chapter telling the story of a different organization or group of people that were able to work together to bring about positive changes.

The first chapter is about the Blue Mountains Forest Partners, a group made up of both conservationists and timber interests. The second chapter describes the struggles of a rural community in the North Fork Valley area of Colorado, as they fight against oil companies. The third chapter is about different legal battles that the younger people are fighting to protect the environment. The fourth story is also about a collection of different groups coming together to fight against oil and gas companies in Oregon. The fifth chapter discusses a group of people that working together to promote a more sustainable lifestyle, while also fighting against social inequality and resource depletion.

The stories weren't very long, but they were a good introduction to these groups that were all working together for positive change. The book is fairly short at about 200 pages, and it was easy to read through quickly. I was impressed with the lengths that some of these people went to fight for the well-being of other people and even other species, and I appreciate the author spreading these messages.

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