Member Reviews

I love Amy Harmon and will read anything she writes. The Second Blind Son was a phenomenal sequel to the First Girl Child. I absolutely loved it. My only complaint, if it can be called that, is that while It’s wrapped up at the end, I would have loved more than just a short epilogue to see how Hod, Ghisla, Baydr , and Alba are doing.

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After listenign to The First Girl Child last year and falling completely in love with it, I jumped at the opportunity of reading an ARC of this one and revisiting the beautiful magical world created by Amy Harmon. I loved going back to Saylok, meeting old and new characters and seing some of the events that occurred in the previous book through different eyes and new perspectives, while also experiencing the stories of the two protagonists and their journey. I really enjoyed this book: the romance, the struggles of the main characters, the magical elements, the norse mythology references... It was truly captivating. I hope the author continues writting books about some of the other characters and expanding the story, cause I can't get enough of this world.

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Thank you netgalley for this e arc.

I recommend The second blind son to any norse mythology fans. Great book.

I loved book 1 and this, book 2, was the same story but two different MCs. I really like the MCs in both and so I recommend reading both perspectivesabd stories.

Thank you again for this arc.
Amy Harmon, you are a fantastic writer!

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The Second Blind Son by A. Harmon is book two in the series The Chronicles of Saylok. The previous book is The First Girl Child. Every book can easily be read as a stand-lone. Anyway, I recommend to read this fantastic books in order.
TSBS is Baldr and Ghisla's story.
Like always with her books, this outstanding author managed to amaze me with the storyline, the characters and the writing.
Both storylines are set in fictional Saylok in a highly emotionl, breathtakingly beautiful story, a true piece of art I greatly enjoyed.
Every time a new AH book is announced, I'm giddy to get my next fabulous read.
I highly recommend this book, 5++ stars.

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I fell head over heels in love with AH's 'The First Girl Child.’ It's such a unique take on Norse mythology, with really compelling characters and such a heartfelt slow-burn romance. So I was ecstatic to hear AH wrote a sequel novel set in that world. And this is everything I loved about the first book.

Contrary to the title, this novel seems to focus primarily on Ghisla. It was so rewarding to get to know her story and background. Similar to the first book, this story spans over a decade, so the romance is once again the slowest of slow burns. But its sooo sweet to see how Ghisla and Hod try to stay connected over the years and distance. I found both them and their goals easy to root for.

I also like that this technically can be read as a standalone without hindering comprehension. It takes place during the same time and events as ‘The First Girl Child’, just with different characters, showing a new perspective of the world. The thing is, I cannot for the life of me remember Hod from the first book. Ghisla yes, Hod no. lol. I will have to go back and check to see if that's my own failing memory or if he truly wasnt mentioned. Regardless, I do think it would be worth reading the first book first, just to get a better sense of the world and bigger picture, but it's not necessary.

Overall, this is an excellent addition to a stunning series. I have my fingers crossed that AH decides another book set in this world is worth writing.

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Quando você acha que a Amy Harmon já é insuperável, ela mostra que estávamos errados... Ela conseguiu! DE NOVO!

Foi maravilhoso voltar a Saylok, dessa vez acompanhando Ghisla e Hod.
Romance, magia, lutas e um casal protagonista inesquecível: ela, que tem em suas canções o seu maior dom, e ele que apesar da cegueira, consegue "ver" tudo e todos a seu redor.

"I blind you"
"Yes... And yet... You are the only one who makes me see"

Agradeço a NetGaley pela cópia avançada.

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I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Review can also be found on *Milky Way of Books*

The first book of Amy Harmon's "The First Girl Child", introduced us to a Nordic-inspired world where runes are real and a curse that makes the island kingdom of Saylok suffer from the decrease in births of children. That story was focused on Alba and Bayr and it has its own trials and emotional moments so before continuing to this review as this is a book set to the same world but follows another couple I would recommend reading the first book, before reading this one.


Nothing prepared me for the excitement I had when I was pre-approved for the ARC. I thank 47North for this and NetGalley. The first book had gutted it me with its emotions the messages it passed and the agony the characters felt. This book was also amazing.

The story is set closely in the same timeline of The First Girl Child and it follows Ghisla, a young child whose songs bring also a taste of magic in them. Running away from her destroyed village in the Northlands she becomes a stowaway in a ship which brings her to Saylok and she is saved by Hod, a young blind boy who has the name of the same blind God in Norse mythology too. As they bond together they both realize that her songs can make Hod actually see and her powers of singing bring her attention to the guardian of Hod who tries to get rid of sending her to the clans, posing as a 'daughter of Saylok', changing Ghisla's name to that of Liis of Saylok.

The story and the plot overlap some events from the first book too and as Liis grows up so does her love for Hod who also experiences his won journey through a world torn by war and politics.

I enjoyed seeing characters I loved again like Dragmar and Ghost the rest of the Daughters and Alba along with Bayr and at least for me what I would love to have would be a series of books about all the daughters. There was a scene with Elayne and Aidan which I would like to experience more.

Again I was torn by Dragmar's love for Ghost and her own torn feelings and I cried over the deeply emotional way Amy Harmon fleshed out these characters so masterfully. Words can not describe how beautifully written this book was.

I can not wait hopefully for another sequel in this series and I would love to see one!
Definitely recommended as Amy Harmon is a masterful writer of making us live through her characters.

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The second Blind Son is book two of Saylok chronicles by Amy Harmon. I've read her historical fiction and loved it but was unsure, how fantasy would play out of her pen, but...she blew me away!
Now, I hadn't read the first book, and after checking a bit, decided to read it directly, and I can vouch there is no hindrance to the story at all.
The Second Blind Son is a tale of love, longing and magic. The norse references of Loki, Thor, Odin were a part of the reason why I loved the book. The love story between the 'songr' Ghisla and blind boy Hod...the clash between the clans.... the all powerful Banruud who's the king ( kind of reminded me of Viking kings)...the keepers of the temple and all unfolds in a cursed Saylok!
That, though, is the tip of the iceberg, the real magic happens with the skilled weaving of words which Harmon excels in. Its her vivid imagery and knack of binding the reader to the tale that are extraordinary.
If you are a lover of fantasy and norse mythology its a no brainer that you read this one😊

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Every review that I do about Amy's books always starts with this sentence: I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE DOES, BUT SHE DID IT. AGAIN. At the anounce of each new book, the expectations are still growing strong and higly.And in a Incredible and unexplicable way, She goes beyond What my mind can Imagine what we'll see. And well, this one was not an exception.

I loved so bad to return to this Saylok universe, cause I find pretty interesting the norse mitology used as inspiration, and Amy goes further and makes it look better than the general stories that We use to know in pop world. This fictional one, the story ,is super well imagined and expanded(to those who have read The first girl child before). Once again Amy wonderfully build this narrative.

I have to say that,this book fits perfectly that lack of time that happens in the previous book of this saylok world when We haven't seen about what have happened with the main characters by the passing of time. It was a good surprise that We can look back, on those moments from Alba e Bayr's story by the point of view from new ones main characters. And It also was fantastic to meet again with Our loved ones from the other story as well.

The culture, characters, government, the magic system, the society itself was one more time perfectly executed in a believable way to connect everything and everyone, with each other inside the story, and outside, to those whose are reading about them.

So I finish saying the same: I don't know How She hit Our hearts, and had made Us emotionally involved by thoses worlds of hers, but then again, SHE DID IT.And I loved every page.

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I read “The First Girl Child” a while back, and was immediately and entirely drawn into AH’s lyrical prose and unique world based in Norse mythology - it was a 5 star read for me. After reading it, I had wished fervently for more books in this universe and was ecstatic when I heard “The Second Blind Son” would be expanding upon the events of the first book.

The events take place concurrently to those of the first book, so some scenes are similar to both (which may seem repetitive at times), but they remain crucial to the story. I loved being able to see the events take place with new perspectives from Ghisla and Hod and was entranced with their romance and each individual’s storyline and growth. I would have liked to see more of the two characters because I adored them so much. This is a story of resilience, love, and fate vs free will.
Immersing myself back into the characters’ world and their adventures in Saylok was an utter delight.

Thank you to 47North and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely amazing story!

I read the first one, Bayr and Alba's story, and liked it a lot, but I think I like Hod and Gishla's more.

This story is set in the same world, and at times in the same time period as the first. Saylock and its kingdoms, the chieftains, the temple and its keepers—all things we already know. Good men are few, especially the ones in power, as so many seek gain for themselves and don't care about much else.

The connection between Gishla and Hod blew me away in its simplicity and depth. They become each other's best friend, something they need so much, and they teach each other the things they need. When Gishla is forced to leave, Hod connects them through a powerful rune, which transcends place and distance.

I really liked seeing the characters from the first book from another perspective, and how they contributed to this story. Loved the epilogue!

Hod and Gishla are the kind of characters that make an impression.

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.

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Thanks to the publishers, author, and, for allowing me to read an ARC of this book.

I must admit, I goofed up a little on this one. I totally missed it being a second book of a series, but aside from that mistake, let's go on. I couldn't get into it. I read until about halfway, and it was just not holding my interest. Aside from being a second book, I guess it could probably stand on it's on its own as a novel, but I honestly just have no desire to finish this one. Perhaps if I go back and read the first one my interest would be bettter.... but I do not know.

I have read other titles from this author, and have enjoyed them. The stories she writes are very involved and at times I felt as if being dragged into the actual story. Unfortunately, this time that did not happen. The writing was great, very understandable and descriptive. I think it was just maybe the actual story that just couldn't grab my attention.

#NetGalley #TheSecondBlindSon

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Man... talk about a book hangover. I feel like I need to just sit quietly and ponder this book for awhile. I have to get a review out first! Because I have to gush about this book! It was so good! My favorites of Harmon's are her fantasy's but she has blown me away with so many of her others. I liked The First Girl Child but felt something was off. This ties up all my questions and made everything just amazing! It also ended the series so well! She could write more from this world, but this just tied everyone's story up with a bow! It was beautiful and haunting and perfect! I loved Hod!! I loved Ghisla! The characters were so amazing! You learn so much more about everyone in this world. Harmon's style is to torture her poor characters to near death, teaching them and us along the way and showing us what is possible.
READ THE 1st BOOK FIRST!!! This would not be the same without it. It give the whole first book away.
This is an adult book. It would be R in the theaters. This had more romance and sexual scenes then the first. Harmon is a master when it comes to giving you emotion, and love instead of lust with her characters. She also does an amazing job of making the sex about love and feeling instead of about mechanics. This was probably one of her more detailed sex scenes in this one, but man it was probably the best sex scene I have ever read. There was also an attempted rape, and many sexual innuendo's. In a land where the woman are few and far between the men are animals. There is violence and killing but it is not too detailed. There is lots of blood tho, the magic is connected to blood and that is in here tons.

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