Member Reviews

I like a lot of what is happening in this book, in terms of world, concepts, queerness, but found myself confused in execution. Not sure if this gets resolved in the second book.

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I am beyond confused and also I have got literally no idea in the slightest about what's going on. What did I read? DNF as I could tell it would be a. waste of my time with how much I was struggling

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I really liked the Ace rep, the main protagonist, Lorena, and I really enjoy Miller's writing style however about a third of the way through the book, the plot/story got very convoluted. What I appreciate the most about Miller is her ability to draw the reader in to the world she creates by showing, not telling - through interactions the characters have with one another as well as the surrounding world. I understood the concept of the magic system - Noblewrought (life) vs. Vilewrought (death) but I felt like I needed an appendix to fully understand everything about the world. The side characters are some of my favorite and wouldn't mind a book centering those characters (or an origin story for Creek?) I would recommend for anyone who likes their fantasy complicated and gory.

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I wanted to love this but it didn't work for me. I didn't get into the story, I was confused more often than not and I did not feel anything the mc was feeling. I didn't connecct with her at all and so it was hard for me to care.
And yet, since I have read and loved other Linsey Miller books before, this will not keept me from reading more of her books. It just was a miss for me... Maybe I wasn't in the right mood for it. Probably just a me problem tbh...

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A haunting yet romantic dark tale, What We Devour challenges the dichotomy between god and follower, between eater and thing to be eaten.

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I forgot to leave a review for this, but I really enjoyed it! It's been out for ages, so I won't say much more than I need to for my star rating. <3

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I wanted to love this book because I love Miller's writing usually but something about this just fell short. The prose still felt beautiful, I still liked the characters, the plot was a good idea but just the pieces were an odd fit or something and something vital was missing that I just couldn't pinpoint.

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rep: asexual protagonist

content warnings: depictions & discussion of self-harm, murder, mass murder, depictions of sacrifices & executions, child abuse & death, blood & gore.

'if you can't tame your demons, set them free.'

What We Devour is about ancient gods, magic, rebellion, and sacrifice. It is about doors and monsters that demand blood sacrifices and unknown monsters. Lorena needs to repair this weakening magic door that is holding back the evil monsters. It's a very interesting and complex sacrificial magic system. It's about a fight for power and for freedom and while our protagonist made some bold and questionable decisions, she is also kind. A must read for magical fantasy readers.
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I was really hoping to enjoy this book more than I did. That being said, I did like it. It just wasn't what I had hoped it would be.

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What in the fudge just happened!?!


I seriously must’ve missed some important context because that ending…made no sense to me, in terms of the MC’s motivation, let alone chain of events.

I actually really enjoyed this book for more than 75% of it! I love the world—the vile rot and all the other different kinds of magic-users—and the way they can sacrifice just about anything (memories, voices, etc) to make deals with their monsters!

I didn’t much care for either of the love interests…or really the MC either now that I think about it 😅

But that ending, or at least my interpretation of it is unforgivable! 😅 I legitimately feel like I’m missing the last few chapters or something… Ahhhh!

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DNF at 18%. Unfortunately, I just couldn't bear to spend my time finishing this book. It's really not the vibe I thought it was going to be at all. Everything feels very flat and like I've read it before a thousand times. This one just wasn't for me and I can't think of many people I'd recommend it to.

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A wonderfully dark and wild ride. What We Devour totally encompasses the "eat the rich" mentality. The worldbuilding and magic system was a wee bit hard to follow at times but I did still enjoy it and do recommend it.

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Great concept ruined by mediocre writing at best and absolute blend character and obnoxiously weird attempt at a charismatic brooding mysterious love interest who just came off as...weird

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By now it doesn’t come as a surprise that I live Linsey Miller's writing. Her fantasy worlds are always very engaging, and most of all I love the always-present queer representation.

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This was such an interesting concept, it took me a while to get into it but I ended up really enjoying it!

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This book is interesting and dark and intense but also quite confusing. The magic is unique as the bearers must offer sacrifices to these magical entities in order to get them to act. This is sometimes memories and feelings but other times blood and flesh. It's unique and interesting but very dark. Basically every transaction is weighing your wellbeing and memories in order to achieve some other goal. Probably a hit or miss for readers.
Full review on YouTube

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A twisting tale of a normal bad-king fairy tale. But then it twists, and twists agian, until it is hard to know what is good or bad. And really, what is best for the country's survival?

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I so wanted to love this one, but it moved slower than Christmas! The concept was so neat, but I really had to trudge through it due to it moving so slowly.

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A dark fantasy set in an isolated world where blood and sacrifice are bound to one another.

Lore is one of the wrought, people who carry a piece of long-departed gods within them, though she has kept the extent of her abilities hidden to secure her freedom. When the Heir to the crown shows up and nearly hauls off her father figure as a sacrifice, she makes a deal to come work for him in exchange.

What We Devour is a book with a LOT going on. We’ve got the wrought who can sacrifice blood, bone, the deaths of others, and even memories in order to achieve all sorts of magical effects. They are bound by the crown in a myriad of terrible byzantine contracts that spell out the only ways their magic may be used, and if you think that’s terrible, congrats! You’re right.

The world Lore lives in also kinda…sucks. At least if you aren’t a councillor or of the peerage anyway. They can bribe their way out, or find healers to ensure they are never maimed. But normal folks are routinely killed in accidents at work, or by being sacrificed to the door.

Yeah about that.

There’s a door in the basement that holds back all the Vile (capital B baddies) from escaping back into the world at large. The catch being it requires sacrifices in order to hold the line. And it’s appetite has been increasing exponentially until we’re looking at the en of the line.

With so much going on it sometimes felt more like the opening to a trilogy or duology than a stand alone novel. It introduced a vivid world but I wish it’d had a bit more depth, or a clearer through line.

That being said, I still REALLY enjoyed this read. It was dark and bloody and had tons of great snarky scenes. Lore was a super relatable character, and the discussions about power, corruption, and sacrifice were well done.

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It's no surprise to anyone that I loved What We Devour. I'm a huge fan of Linsey Miller's and have told her for years I would read her grocery lists if that's all she released (to which she sent me a photo of her grocery list to be funny). What We Devour was hauntingly beautiful and I loved it so much.

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