Member Reviews

Whenever I am in the mood for a sweet, uncomplicated romance I know I can pick up any one of Georgia Beers' books and that'll be exactly what I'll get.
The romance between Zoe and Morgan is fun and sweet, their banter and interactions are spot on and luckily the whole Cyrano thing didn't last the whole book, it actually gave the whole storyline more credibility that Zoe wasn't stringing along Morgan's brother Perry since Zoe it wouldn't fit her personality.
Speaking of her personality, even though the whole book is written in first person from Morgan's POV you do really get a sense of the kind of person Zoe is just by Morgan's (sometimes very funny and quirky) internal dialogue. Often I feel disconnected from a main character if it's first person and I tend to not connect to the romance yet Beers shows it's possible to do it right and still give the reader a sense of both characters.
The plot is straightforward with the expected bump in the relationship near the end that makes you think: really? Grow up! The situation that leads to this is not so bad and the response from both Morgan and Zoe are over the top, but hey, it was the obligated 80% mark drama that needed to be fit in.
Anyways, everyone who is into romance without too much complications and wants to lose themselves in a book for a few hours should hurry up and grab this one.

*** An ARC was provided by Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. ***

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My hobby seems to be reading Beers’ books and saying “meh” to them but this one I quite liked. The tone is intimate and quirky, I really felt like Morgan was talking directly to me. I did have some issues, but for the majority of the story I bobbed along in a happy bubble enjoying the story.

Spoilers below!

The story is cute, although the blurb is misleading in the way that the writing as Perry part is over very quickly and never actually goes anywhere.

Morgan and Zoe are legitimately cute together. It was obvious that Zoe is really into her, although it’s difficult to figure out why due to Morgan’s crippling insecurity. We are informed that Morgan is gorgeous but other than exposition, I had no idea what Morgan looked like. She comes across as slightly boyish so I went with that because I’m a huge sucker for butch/femme.

The black moment, which happens super late in the story, brought out the worst in both characters. Morgan is passive and just gives up even after everyone around her becomes her personal therapist/cheering squad. She sits around and procrastinates and feels sorry for herself and never actually does anything.

Zoe did a total 180 which includes the “ignoring the phone routine”. The reason she has for getting so upset with Morgan sounds contrived and I had trouble wrapping my head around it even after Stefan (the fabulously flamboyant gay best friend with all the answers) explains it to me.

This is a nitpick but there was a lot of that thing where the narrative asks a question? Yeah, and then answers it. I don’t mind it once in a novel but after that it breaks me out of the story.

Usually I love epilogues, but this one felt tacked on and didn’t wrap up the story in a satisfying way.

Okay, that’s all the spoilers and whining from me!

Overall, this is a nice, safe read with some tension and sweet moments. It’s not a perfect story, but not traumatizing either.

My rating: four stars

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I am thrilled to get an early peak of Georgia Beers newest novel. Morgan is the office manager of her brother Perry's medical practice. She is good at her job, likes her brother and is very single. Zoe Blake comes to the office as their new pharmaceutical rep. She is friendly, gorgeous and new in town. Perry is interested in asking out Zoe. Morgan helps by coaching him and providing personal poems for his text messages. But Zoe doesn't play for his team and Morgan realizes there is a possibility for her.

Told from first person POV by Morgan I smiled at the stream of consciousness that babbles from her thoughts. She let us know Zoe through her eyes and conversations. I related to Morgan's insecure nature. Zoe's is a strong character with trust issues but I wish I knew her thoughts. Perry is an ass, and creates some drama. If I had a critique it would be that it takes a long time (2/3) before the MCs are together. Also I wish the epilogue was more than a few months out. It tells a fun scene with a potential HEA. I wanted to know more definitive things e.g. living arrangements, did they get a dog, future plans etc.

This is a well written, formula book and I enjoyed the Cyrano trope. I liked the poetry also as it wasn't too complex for my brain and fit the plot. I cared for both the MCs and wanted them to be happily together. Thank you NetGalley and Bold Strokes Books, Inc. for an ARC ebook in exchange for a honest review. (4.5 stars rounding up)

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Haven't really read any of Georgia's other books, but I will now. I adored this book and its characters. Thanks for the ARC NetGalley.

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I loved this book. to be honest I like most of Georgia Beers books. so I did not find it surprising or odd that i liked this as well. the author gives the reader a depth in characters.
there was some parts were I thought it deserved more depth and unfolding like Perry situation, but overall, very enjoyable and easy read

Highly recommended for anyone who likes romance and need something light .

grateful for the author and her team for the free copy

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I loved the secret poet. The book is told in 1st person from Morgan's point of view and I thought this worked really well, Morgan struggles with insecurity and that is clear throughout the book, as usual, we are our worst enemies and I could relate well to that.

We get to know Zoe from Morgan's eyes and she is a wonderful person, apart from superhot, so I was drawn to her as much as the Thompsons.

Although not a fan of poetry myself, the poems were easy to read and some of them were funny.

Overall a great romance.

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Georgia Beers does it again! The characters were were in-depth and just awesome. Each of Morgan’s friends were supportive and caring. Morgan and Zoe were deep characters who got each other and provided each other a place to feel safe and loved. That is exactly what happens when you meet someone that you connect with. Perry was an ass. That about sums that up. My only complaint with the book is that we spent almost half of it in Morgan’s head, with her thoughts, and not enough interaction between the characters. Because when they did start to get together the book is almost 2/3 done and the rest feels rushed.

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So I love Georgia beers. Whenever I’m looking for a basic cheesy romance novel I look at Georgia Beers and this book was exactly that. Though definitely not my favorite of her books it’s was an okay read.

This book follows Morgan, a single woman who works with/for her brother at his practice while also helping him get girls. Behold one day he sets his eyes on a girl and enlist Morgan’s help to get her. Unfortunately for him the girl in question, Zoe doesn’t play for his team.

My criticism is with the stream of consciousness of Morgan. Maybe it because I haven’t read a first person point of view in so long or maybe miss Beers missed with this one. At times it seemed... I hate using this word to describe things but it was cringey. For example I don’t know if it’s just me but when a character introduces themself I just cringe.

Then there’s also the lackluster chemistry between Zoe and Morgan. Like all in all they were a good couple and I liked them together but maybe more passionate and intimate moments could’ve made it better, also the dialogue between them was sometimes awkward and seemed a bit forced.

I’ll also admit that even the drama was a bit dry. Would’ve love to see Morgan actually confront her brother in a bigger way.

I recommend this book if you’re looking for a good casual read on a busy day, maybe in between zoom calls and work! But if you’re looking for something deep and serious then not only is this book not for you but probably most of the author’s work.

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Heavy Sighs
Morgan is the office manager for her Brother Perry’s busy medical clinic. She loves her family, her cats and writing poetry. She’s a bit lonely and insecure but hides it well. Zoe is a pharmaceutical rep and one of her new clients is Perry. She’s outgoing and friendly and shares a connection to Morgan from the start. Perry, who is divorced and a bit shy with the ladies is also smitten with the lovely Zoe. She begs Morgan to help her impress her and she reluctantly does. As Morgan gets to know Zoe better, it gets harder and harder to bury her attraction and help Perry but when the truth comes out, Morgan is the bad guy in both Zoe and Perry’s eyes. What’s a woman to do?

This story full of emotion. Just reading it, it’s obviously a Georgia Beers book. It’s sweet and gentle, beautiful with enough conflict to make it interesting. I really liked most of the characters but would gladly have punched Perry in the nose if I could. Morgan and Zoe are lovely together and I loved watching them fall in love. They are so cute together. I enjoyed this fun and flirty book very much. This is a perfect book to read with your feet up and a cup of tea, but be warned, you may want to read another Georgia Beers book right away!

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