Member Reviews

Because of problems with my computer and e-reader my I didn't read the book and my copy has expired.

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This book is well written and the characters are described well. TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ SUICIDE ATTEMPTS ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️. This book is set in London, England. This is a fast paced children's fantasy book. The eorld building in this book is good. I enjoyed Carmil and Robert's characters. This story keeps your attention from the first page. I enjoyed this fantasy. This ebook is in stores for £3.99 (GBP).

This just really wasn’t for me, it couldn’t hold my attention, I struggled so much to finish this and it’s so disappointing as it sounded so good. It was slow, it felt like nothing was happening at all, it doesn’t even end on a high to make you want to read more, the end is as interesting as the rest of the book. Not for me at all.
Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

This book was really interesting and seemed fun and fantastical. I personally couldn't really get into the story, but I thought it seemed like a good read! This book is perfect for readers ages 10-13.

Okay, so let me start by saying that I really wanted to like this book. The summary sounded intriguing, but the story itself was just ... disappointing. I'm well aware that it's not uncommon for there to be typos or grammatical errors in advance galleys, however, this book wax so ridden with errors that it felt more like a very rough draft. The story was incredibly slow, dull, and nothing interesting ever really happened. I went into this book with the knowledge that this is the first in a series. So I was expecting some sort of cliffhanger or intrigue at the end, a real buildup to keep me interested and looking forward to finding out what happens next. To encourage me to seek out the rest of the series once it's released. Sadly, that moment never came. There really isn't much character development and the plot is so vague and drawn out that you keep reading just hoping it'll either get better, or finally come to an end. Unfortunately, the ending is as listless as the beginning and middle. Very disappointing. If paired with a better editing team and cleaned up the story has potential. As is though? It just falls flat.
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read this.

I am a fan of the lord of the rings and if you are too then you might enjoy this book! The plot is interesting...I mean there is a great war, an ancient key, etc. What else could we ask for? I wish the world building would have been more elaborated but this book is only around 300 pages (that's why it is a 3 stars for me). I found the story interesting and I will definitely read the next book!
Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the the ARC,

I wanted to love this one but sadly I did not. I ended up DNFing it around 25%. Nothing was really keeping me with the story it just didn't grip me.

With thanks to Sharon Ihama and Matador for an advanced reader's copy of this book.
There ae some technical issues with the file, that is worth mentioning here, but will not be present in a subsequent review.
This story follows Mark, a flawed main character with buckets of trauma, who fines himself stepping into a whole new world where is has a part to play in saving mankind.
The world building is pretty, however a little confusing at times I can't be sure but I wonder if that maybe to do with how short the book is. It comes in at under 300 pages. As a portal fantasy that's a very small amount of time to get two worlds built to an extent the reader is thoroughly invested.
It is an interesting and engaging storyline, told through a prose and flashbacks which i found to be a enjoyable way to unravel Mark's character. The pacing is good, nice and quick, and in all i read in in one sitting.
I liked it, didn't love it but I'll likely read the next book should it come along.

I could not finish. Nothing early in the book really compelled me to stick with the book. Further, there were some serious issues with the Kindle file--I think that I was missing pages. I also found it confusing the shift to the other world. The time shifts were confusing too, as it went back to his childhood and then present day. I found the whole thing so hard to follow, so not compelling, and not worth my time.