Member Reviews

I read book one in the series and this novel takes the protagonist Cassie Fortune to Greece. Fans of ancient Greek mythology.will enjoy the story, but I disliked Cassie.and would probably not read anymore in the series.

I LIVED for a murder mystery set in Greece. My favourite book series as a child was the Roman mysteries, so this took me right back to an adult version of my childhood favourite. I adored the setting and the history - it wasn't gimmicky at all and the writing was engaging, which was necessary for a complex-ish mystery. Thoroughly enjoyed

I hadn’t realised this was book 2 in a series but the author quickly brings the reader up to speed. I love Ancient Greece so liked the setting & mythical nods. Unfortunately, I found Cassie to be a rather unlikeable character & the other characters to be stereotypes. Thanks for the arc but it wasn’t for me.

loved the use of Ancient Greece and mystery as a setting. This was a really well done plot and the character were interesting. Loved the way the author wrote this and look forward to more.

Cassie is on a mission in Greece which requires more detective work than ambassadorial work.
This could be good if Cassie wasn't so unlikable. She's judgy, holier than thou, very aware of her rank when it comes to Yannis and Helena and the Major. The Greek characters are all depicted as incompetent, until the very end; when everyone turns out to be on the right side, The cause of death for the second guy was really weird as well.
I didn't realize that this was part two of a series (or seems to be), but the author gave plenty of information about what happened in the past that I don't feel the need to read it. I also dislike Cassie enough that I will not read it. I do appreciate how the covers look though.
Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read and review this!

Enjoyable murder mystery with nice mythical touch.
The setting in Greece makes it stand out and the location is used well in the story.
I haven’t read the previous book but this doesn’t affect the enjoyment of the book.

Following the tragic end of Plague, Cassie Fortune is happy to take on the Prime Minister’s mission at a conference in Delphi. But when one of the Austrian delegation goes missing, and a young Greek girl’s body is found laid out on a stone in the old temple, Cassie finds herself investigating. Is it just her imagination, or could Lawrence Delahaye really be involved?
Julie Anderson has written another entertaining story, continuing from shortly after Plague ends, with Cassie still mourning the death of DI Andrew Rowlands. The description of the setting, the area around the European Cultural Centre in Delphi, Greece, helps bring the book to life and the various characters she meets add to the depth of the story. There is even space for a little history lesson, on the political troubles in Greece over the past few decades.
Another great story, with a strong lead in Cassie Fortune.

An enjoyable murder mystery set in Greece. Cassie Fortune is in Delphi to present a talk on tax policy at a conference. She’s been sent by the British PM but her main job is to get a Greek minister to go to London. Then a murder takes place and Cassie is asked to help in the investigation. This is when it would’ve been useful to have read the previous book, I had no idea this was book 2 and why Cassie had experience in investigating murders. It’s not absolutely essential to the story but there are plenty of references to previous events. Other than that the characters are good and the historic location is well used in the plot. Mythical elements like the furies are also used in a clever way.

Cassie Fortune gained the eye of the Prime Minister in her last adventure and is now his personal envoy. She is sent to Delphi to a conference to try to persuade a Greek minister to visit London for talks; she meets the minister who makes it clear he won't be coming. Next day the body of a young woman is found in the temple ruins and the following day another body is found at the foot of a mountain cliff. If Cassie can find out what is going on she may be able to persuade the minister to come to London. One possibility is that Laurence Delahaye - the baddie she brought down last time - may be involved , in which case she will be in danger herself. It's a gripping pacey read, you won't put it down.

Cassie is back and after the brilliant debut ‘Plague’ was happy to see her and ‘catch up’ and see where life had taken her, this time we are in Greece, Delphi, and a Conference Centre where diplomats and civil servants are gathering for an environmental Conference, Cassie has gone on behalf of the UK PM and is trying to gain the Greek’s favour and to agree to their meeting with the PM
But bodies start to appear and Cassie ( maybe a bit unbelievably ) is drawn into the investigation and she tries to piece together what has happened and why and more importantly who has done the deedz
There is a fairly large cast of characters, some more appealing than others, I enjoyed how the Austrian’s were described…I did feel for Helena ( the translator for Cassie ) as felt Cassie was unreasonably rude almost bullying to her throughout
It’s a good if complexish story and the descriptions of Greece and it’s history and scenery enlightening
An interesting ending!
I loved ‘Plague’ and liked ‘Oracle’ and look forward to Cassie’s next adventure
3.5 Stars

A most fascinating mystery, with an interesting cast of characters attending an international conference, set by a Greek city close to ancient ruins of temples to Greek Gods on a nearby mountain. When a local woman is found dead laid out on an altar, then followed by a missing Austrian delegate; what with thunder and lightning, rainstorms and mysterious lights seen at night on the mountain, there is enough red herrings together with rival vested political interests and different competing investigating entities to frustrate the murder investigations. Cassie who is the UK delegate who has also been charged by the PM with a diplomatic mission with a deadline that will not be completed if everyone is had as suspects. How she endeavours to bring the matter to a quick end could well bring herself to a sticky end too.

3 stars
This murder mystery has a gorgeous setting in the remote Greek countryside, & some fun tidbits of ancient history. The writing is decent, but I couldn’t warm up to the MC, & some of the plot twists felt unnecessary.
[What I liked:]
•The descriptions of the Greek countryside are striking, & the writer seems well informed on the local history & customs of Delphi.
•Ganas was a very sympathetic character, though flawed. I think he was my favorite character.
•Yannis & Meg were great characters too. Nicely complex & ultimately sympathetic.
[What I didn’t like as much:]
•Would a foreign diplomat, with no police training, really take the lead on a forensic examination of a murder victim’s corpse instead of the homicide detective assigned to the case? That seemed odd & hard to believe.
•I didn’t like how Cassie was so judgmental of Helena, & often quite rude to her. She kinda lectured Helena about hooking up with Yannis, which was none of her business, but when Helena expressed concern for Cassie’s safety (Cassie was being stalked by a serial killer) Cassie got all miffed & offended that she was trying to interfere. Cassie just came across as prickly & controlling & a bit condescending.
•Cassie does several dangerous, reckless things throughout the story. She’s either lacking in common sense, or really arrogant to do those things.
•The hostage scenario seemed really unnecessary & not very logical. It felt like it was only in the book to make things more exciting, but since the hostages never felt in any danger it wasn’t even that exciting.
CW: murder, PTSD, attempted sexual assault,
[I received an ARC ebook copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you for the book!]

Oracle by Julie Anderson is a recommended murder mystery and the second novel featuring Cassie Fortune, following Plague (2020).
It has been two months since the events that occurred in Plague. Cassie is still reeling from those events and trying to recover emotionally. In Oracle Cassie has been sent to Delphi, Greece where she is representing the Prime Minister of the UK and is scheduled to give a presentation on tax policy. Her real purpose for attending is to secure a future meeting in London between a Greek government minister and the Prime Minister. The center where the conference is being held on the slopes of Mount Parnassus near the ruins of the Temple of Apollo. Helena, Cassie's interpreter, meets her at the center and the two work well together. Quickly, the narrative introduces clues even before the first murder happens and Cassie is asked to help with the investigation.
At this point the novel takes on the task of melding the tried and true plot device found in Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express with Classical mythology. Storms hit the conference center and phone lines are down. They are all isolated and the weather along with the terrain make investigating difficult. Basics of Classical Mythology are introduced in a visit to the Delphi Temple (so you won't need to refresh your memory). Complicating the plot are environmental protesters, the uncooperative and secretive way those involved in the investigation are behaving, the history of authoritarianism and justice in the area, and the group Golden Dawn.
Cassie is an interesting character and has to overcome a language barrier as well as cultural differences in her investigation. Admittedly, I still have not connected with her as a character after two novels, but I was able to overlook my qualms and enjoy the narrative. The action moves along at a quick pace with clues being provided almost right from the start. Classical Mythology has been a long time personal interest and I enjoyed the introduction of elements from mythology into the plot. I also liked the use of the plot device of isolating the characters. Some suspension of disbelief is, again, required as you follow Cassie's involvement in the investigation. Intermixed in the plot are current social and political concerns the author holds.
Disclosure: My review copy was courtesy of Claret Press in exchange for my honest opinion.
The review will be submitted for publication on Amazon, Google Books, and Barnes & Noble.

Cassandra Fortune. or Cassie for short, is on her first mission for David Hurst, the UK Prime Minister as she flies out to Greece. It’s only been 2 months since the events of Plague and she’s still recovering from the death of Andrew, a man who might have been much more in her life. Also, her ill-starred involvement with the villain Lawrence Delahaye.
But this is her chance to prove herself again. She’s due to make a presentation on taxation reform at a public administration conference. It may sound dull but her true purpose isn’t. Cassie has been sent there to foster good relations and to bring a major Greek government minister back to London to speak to the PM. The conference venue is high in the mountains near the Delphi temple ruins and she soon gets to know her interpreter, Helena, and some of her fellow delegates.
However, Cassie’s suitcase doesn’t arrive at Athens airport which makes her late at the hotel and when it does appear it has a coded message inside from Delahaye. He’s obviously not forgotten her.
Is he the mysterious person who follows her back to the hotel home one night? But she is determined to concentrate on her important task. However, a couple arguing in the room next door keep her awake and when she complains to the receptionist she is told that there’s no one booked into the room. She has cause to remember this when a local woman; Barbara Doukas, is found murdered, laid out on a plinth like an offering to the gods, at the ruins. Then one of the Austrian delegates goes missing. Are they connected?
But, as a snowstorm closes in and the power and phone signals go down, Cassie is on a deadline to find the murderer. She’s been drawn into the investigation as a neutral person since the police can’t be trusted. Cassie knows that the murderer is among them. Is it Delahaye? But the prize that David Hurst wants her to bring home is within her grasp as long as she finds the murderer before the police. It’s not long before she’s immersed in Greek politics, treading a fine line between the security chief, Iraklides, and the police and realising that the past and its repercussions are never far away. A time when betrayal wasn’t a crime but a choice…..
This is a fast paced thriller and the author deftly handles the different plot strands. Cassie is still reeling from recent events but determined to find justice for Barbara and make her mission a success. The pressure is on as she begins to see that her fellow delegates have their own agendas and are determined to get in her way. And yet the mysterious ruins and their myths and reputations begin to draw her in. What secrets do they hold? I like Cassie as she is a determined and courageous woman and realises that she is in the middle of events as activists demonstrate and an ultra far right group, the Golden Dawn, are lurking in the background.
I liked the way that events from the previous book are alluded to and not conveyed as an infodump. The author’s research really came to the fore and enhanced the plotlines. I felt that I was being given knowledge instead of having it fed to me. Although the plot device of the characters being isolated and stranded has been used often, I enjoyed the spectacular backdrop of the mountains and the ruins and a mysterious scream in the night.
I’m looking forward to the 3rd book in the series ‘Opera’!
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC.

A few weeks after Cassie's horrendous experience in London, the new Prime Minister has shipped her off to historical Delphi to deliver a presentation on tax reform and persuade the Greek finance minister to visit London to meet the PM. Of course, nothing runs smoothly when Cassie is around and soon a woman is found dead in a ritual pose and an Austrian man is found dead at the foot of a surrounding mountains. Cassie is told that if she solves the case then the finance minister will agree to meet with the British PM.
Oh, Cassie.
I love ancient history so the references to Delphi and the different temples and gods and goddesses were charming. I also liked the links to ongoing social issues such as fracking and the environment and how this might have inspired protests.
I just didn't really understand the book, if I'm honest! I don't know if my brain is a scramble but I still don't understand the motivation behind it all or why no one in the justice system in the book actually did what they should do. This may require a reread from me at some point.

Oracle is the second book in the Cassandra Fortune series. Cassie is now in the employment of David Hurst, the British Prime Minister, and she is sent to Delphi, to a multinational conference, in the vicinity of Mount Parnassus, where he wants her to engineer a meeting with the Greek Finance Minister, and persuade him to visit London. As cover, Cassie will be giving a speech on taxation.
When Cassie arrives, the conference centre is surrounded by a mob of protestors. She spends a restless night, being disturbed by noise from the room next door. The receptionist however, tells Cassie that the room was unoccupied all night. When Cassie goes to breakfast, she is informed that people are missing, and she is asked to help with the murder enquiries as the body count climbs.
We have some lovely tourist introductions to Delphi, the Temple of Apollo and the Delphi Museum, and as the events shift to the mountains, we explore the myths of the Erinyes, the furies that dominated this temple and due to a night of pyrexia, we meet the snake, the wolf and the seer , all of whom drag those guilty of blood crimes to Hades and eternal torment. I found this part fascinating and cursed my poor knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.
I was disappointed that there was a sense of menace suggesting that a previous protagonist, Lawrence Delahaye, would be making an appearance, but that was not to be. We had a note in a suitcase, and the suggestion that he was stalking Cassie, but it all fizzled out, perhaps in book three?
I do like Cassie, she is headstrong and capable. I also rated the interpreter Helen Gatakis very highly. The male roles fell short of their female counterparts, the Police were corrupt and lied, and there was always the essence of sexism in their attitudes. This novel tells of the importance of listening to family history, as startling events were revealed. Historical facts and mystical legends were skilfully employed.
This book was good, in a different way to Plague, more mature and the characters are becoming more confident. I an so looking forward to the next book, Opera?
I will leave reviews on Goodreads and Netgalley. Thanks to Claret Press for my ARC, in exchange for my unbiased review. I rate this as a four star read. When the libraries reopen, I will be recommending this series of books.

This has an interesting plot written by a prolific, talented writer. The MC and the plot are sufficiently complex, and this has pretty good pacing. I missed Plague, the previous book, so I'll have to circle back. I look forward to her next tale.
Thanks very much for the ARC for review!!

Thanks NetGalley and claret press for an advanced copy of oracle. I was so excited to read this book following the great success of the plague. However, disappointment set in right from the start and the more I read the more disappointed I got. The story line is unbelievable and I could not understand why the author included references to the previous villain other than to set up another sequel. Sorry for the bad review - I so wanted to like it

Delphi makes a wondrous setting for this book, the second in the series. It is known for its mysterious ancient ruins, history and myths but for a few days it is also known for murder. Secrets, atmosphere and getting lost are all part and parcel of this novel.
Cassie Fortune, the UK delegate to the European Convention, is not a stranger to politics. Her mission is to get the Greek financial minister to go to London to speak with the prime minister. She is introduced to several dignitaries and an historian and prepares to give a presentation the following day. Environmental lobbyists throng the area and the day after a body is found, and it is not exactly alive. Her interpreter from the British Embassy, Helena Gatakis finds herself immersed in the crimes along with Cassie Yes, crimes. Plural. Are they part of some sort of weird ritual? Not only are the crimes tricky with a skeleton investigative staff but language is a barrier. What are the native speakers really saying? What secret does the Temple of Delphi hold?
This well-researched book is fascinating...I adore visiting Greek ruins which added another layer to my reading experience. The author's notes at the back are excellent. I love when authors write about personal experiences, research and inspirations.
Mystery, Fiction and Women's Fiction readers alike ought to read this book with mystery elements knit together seamlessly with historic elements.
My sincere thank you to Claret Press and NetGalley for the privilege of reading this wonderful book...it really takes me back to wandering ruins in a nanosecond!

Book Review for Oracle by Julie Anderson
Full review for this title will be posted at: @cattleboobooks on Instagram!