Member Reviews

This book brought a refreshing blend of dystopian and alien . I really liked that this book stood out because it wasn't a typical alien love story or a standard dystopian tale. The combination of the two genres nice. Its only 3 stars for me because in terms of writing, the story seemed to be torn between different directions. While it primarily targeted a younger YA age group, there were occasional moments of inappropriate content that felt out of place for readers aged 12-15. Aside from that I also found myself re-reading certain sections to grasp the reasoning behind these changes, only to discover that some were superficial at best.

This was an interesting book but not entirely for me. The story kept me intrigued and I loved the characters but the writing style wasn’t for me

So I got this book a while ago and even started it but then it somehow disappeared from my Kindle apps and I couldn't find it again until MIRACULOUSLY it appeared on my new Kindle right after I bought and set it up a couple months ago. Of course after that I knew I had to commit to finally finishing it so here I am!
This book is surprisingly delightful! I highly recommend it for fans of Twilight or Lux because it is 100% most definitely an alien love story. One of the things I really liked that was very different from Twilight and Lux is that the aliens aren't just hanging out and blending in with society, the book starts off with a full blown alien attack! This also makes the stakes much higher for the entire book rather than just at the climax and for a shorter book that is a definite plus. It also adds some depth to the feelings of the main characters because they are unsure why they as enemies are drawn to each other.
If you're looking for something unique or mature and sophisticated or something mind-blowing or hard-hitting - this is NOT the book for you. It has some romance but it's not steamy, it's your basic YA Romantasy vibe and if that's what you're looking for you probably won't be disappointed because I found myself thoroughly engrossed. A solid 3.5/5 for sure.

this was a really entertaining take on scifi and aliens. It had a great story with a interesting plot. It was a fun read and the characters felt like real people.

-like many other alien invasion books, not that original
-there were holes in the plot
-the characters didn't feel real to me
-it was enjoyalbe enough for me to finish
-quick and fun read for younger readers just getting into alien invasion books

Thanks to the publisher, the author and Netgalley for this eARC!
This book really had a promising premise. It was definitely intriguing and I felt like I was back in high school and reading a YA book for the very first time. It has its good parts, and I get where the author is coming from but it just fell a bit short of what I was expecting. It might be due to the length of the book and I personally think that if it were a but longer, then the execution could have been better and I would have liked it more.

*I received a free copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
3.5 stars. I initially gave this book 2 stars because the ending left me so unsatisfied. But then I reached out to the author via Twitter and found out that it's the first of a series. I am really looking forward to reading the rest.
Several years ago, I read Page Morgan’s The Beautiful and the Dispossessed series and loved it. (In fact, I’ve listened to it twice since then and purchased the hardcover editions of the books.) And apparently I’ve also read another series by this author (writing as Angie Frazier): Everlasting and its sequel The Eternal Sea. I wasn’t as big of a fan of that one because, although I liked the story, I hated the ending. I had no idea those two series were written by the same author. Just from reading this one, I wouldn’t have guessed she wrote it, too. They all felt very different, not only in plot but also in style. That’s not necessarily a bad thing; however, I do feel like The Beautiful and the Dispossessed is her best series of the ones I have read so far.
Strangely, I liked the alien, Rowan (20?), more than I liked the human, Penelope (18?). Perhaps it was due to the differences in their responsibilities and experiences as a high school student compared to his as a commanding sentinel that highlighted her immaturity. Yet I couldn’t keep myself from wanting something to work out between them, as awkward as their interactions were at times.
The writing was not what I would have expected after reading the other two series. It wasn’t quite as smooth, and the dialogue sometimes felt unrealistic. Not so much from Rowan, as he relied on a translating device that wouldn’t always pick up on the nuances of the English language with which a native speaker would be familiar. His speech was understandable. But Penelope sometimes said or thought things I would never anticipate hearing from a teenager, especially in the face of hostile aliens.
My biggest complaint, though, was the ending. It doesn’t feel like the ending of a stand-alone novel. So much is left unfinished and uncertain. But since more books are coming, I'm okay with this now.
Note: Maybe some swearing. Some sensuality.

Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I really enjoyed this YA scifi romance. Penelope finds herself in the middle of an alien invasion and due to her wit and Rowans fascination with her courage she stays alive. I loved how real and sassy Penelope is portrayed and she doesn't easily give in to her feelings for Rowan. Rowan is a high commanding officer sent to terminate humans for the survival of his race. What we discover is that Rowan is a rebel and his attraction to Penelope makes him seem more human. Awesome world building and solid characterization. Can't wait to read the next installment.

Not going to lie Sci-Fi isn’t really my thing but I liked the the premise so I decided to give it a go. It was an interesting read different to what I normally stick to but I enjoyed it. I enjoyed Penelopes sarcastic humour and the enemies to love aspects of the book. Has it converted me to Sci - Fi ? No. Has it made me want to try and read more as Sci-Fi books? yes.
I know from the ending that technically, this is a stand-alone but I would mind a sequel or another book set in this universe

Had so much fun reading this! An alien-human, enemies to lovers dynamic isn't something I knew I needed until now... and all I want is more. I really hope there's a sequel in the works even though that ending could technically wrap the story up, but I really want there to be more.

I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started this book. I’d read the description, but still didn’t know exactly what to expect.
Violet City is an alien invasion story and a romance all in one. You’d think the combination wouldn’t work, but it does, it really does.
I loved the characters - well, the ones you’re supposed to anyway. Penelope is sarcastic and I love it. She has such an attitude even though she’s scared to death.
Rowan is also quite funny. His manner of speech is hilarious to see, especially when he says certain things. He’s also not quite as keen on what’s happening as one might think.
The book is a quick read and keeps you interested and entertained the entire time. If you like alien invasion stories or quirky romances, this is the book for you.

En general: 3,5/5 estrellas.
Personajes: 4/5
Tensión: 4/5
Trama: 3.5/5
Spice: No
Ingles: Facil-Medio
Violet City es un libro de ciencia ficción juvenil, y más específicamente, sobre una invasión extraterrestre. Se que no es la historia más original, pero la verdad es que no suelo leer éste tipo de libros y por lo mismo, al leer la sinopsis y ver que tenia romance, pensé ¿Por qué no darle una oportunidad?
La historia comienza con nuestra protagonista, Penélope, en un paseo escolar cuando ,ya saben, aparece una nave alienígena en el cielo. En medio de la invasión Penelope se topa con una poderosa arma química y se ve atrapada en una situación donde, si quiere salir viva, tendrá que confiar en el mismísimo enemigo.
Comencé a leerlo con las expectativas bastante bajas, pero me sorprendió gratamente. El libro es corto y ligero, haciéndolo rápido de leer.
Me mantuvo entretenida y no se me hizo predecible (aunque quizás eso se deba a que no leo mucho éste tipo de historias).
Y el romance, no se como, pero me convenció, la autora se las arregló para hacerlo creíble incluso siendo una relación entre extraterrestre-humano, y, aunque fue bastante rápida (ocurre todo en un MUY corto periodo de tiempo) no se sintió como instalove ni nada parecido.
Lo único que le puedo criticar al libro es que sobre todo al inicio, sentí que habian vacios lógicos en la trama, es decir, razones o quizás explicaciones que le dieran un poco más de sentido a la historia y a las decisiones que toman los personajes.
Mientras leía pensaba darle cuatro estrellas al libro porque de verdad lo estaba disfrutando, pero el final no me gustó mucho e hizo que le bajara un poco la calificación (aunque entiendo que la intención de este final era hacer el libro un poco más realista).
Thanks to NetGalley for sending me the book.
Overall: 3.5 / 5 stars.
Characters: 4/5
Tension: 4/5
Plot: 3.5/5
Spice: No
Violet City is a young adult science fiction book, and more specifically, about an alien invasion. I know it's not the most original story, but the truth is that I usually don´t read this type of book and for the same reason when reading the synopsis and seeing that it had romance, I thought: why not give it a try?
The story begins with our lead character, Penelope, on a school trip when, you know, an alien ship appears in the sky. In the middle of the invasion, Penelope comes across a powerful chemical weapon and finds herself trapped in a situation where she will have to trust the enemy if she wants to get out alive.
I started reading it with pretty low expectations but was pleasantly surprised. The book is short and light, making it quick to read.
It kept me entertained and was not predictable (although maybe that's because I don't read these kinds of stories much).
And the romance, I don't know how, but it convinced me, the author managed to make it believable even if it was an alien-human relationship, and, although it was quite fast (it happens all in a VERY short period of time) it did not feel like insta-love or anything like that.
The only thing I can criticize in the book is that, especially at the beginning, I felt that there were gaps in the plot, I mean, reasons or perhaps explanations that would give a little more sense to the story and the decisions that the characters make.
While I was reading I was thinking of giving the book four stars because I was really enjoying it, but I didn't like the ending very much and it caused me to lower the rating a bit (although I understand that this ending intended to make the book a little more realistic).

VIOLET CITY by Page Morgan is one of my favorite sci-fi reads in recent years! It's just so fun and fast-paced, and the banter between Pen and Rowan is (insert all the hearts!!!!!!). If you like a hearty dose of romance in your sci-fi, I can't recommend this one enough!

I liked the premise of this book, however, the execution feels flat to me. I feel like there's a lot of parts in here that should've been cut and/or rewritten in a more concise way because it feels like the author did everything to make one scene be the longest possible version of it, and then to that to every other scene. The characters did not have any personalities as well. There's a lot of telling instead of showing, making me feel distant and not caring about anything that happened in this book.

I loved this book, and the base behind it. The plot is interesting, and the characters I absolutely fell in love with. One of my friends' birthdays are coming up, and this is the perfect plot for her. I love it, and I def. recommend to people.

Thank you so much to BooksGoSocial for providing me with an ARC for an exchange of an honest review.
I haven’t read a dystopian novel in a really long time so it was quite an experience reading this book. This book definitely was a trip down memory lane about my YA dystopian phase when I was in middle school, and considering I haven’t really delved in dystopian novels since then, it was interesting to see how the genre has evolved. I do think that this book, with it’s alien-invasion theme, wasn’t necessarily any more unique than any other dystopian novel, but I still enjoyed it.
This book has a lot of action for people who like their books to be more fast-paced and plot-filled than character-driven. I typically like a healthy balance between the two, and at times I felt like there wasn’t enough development between characters. There was definitely more focus on the plot twists and action sequences. I also felt like conflicted about whether or not to even treat this as a YA dystopian because while the themes were very similar and the writing style matched the styles of typical YA books, some of the content was slightly more mature than typical YA novels, so I’d recommend this for older YA readers. I did like the romance, and I think with more releases Page Morgan will become an excellent writer.
I’d recommend this book if you’re into the dystopian genre and are looking for an action-packed story!

This book is not flawless. Not at all. Nor it's the most original story I have read.
Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the ride. The author made me care for the characters and eager to know what will happen in the next book (there better be a second instalment after that ending!).

This book was ok. I believe others could like it more but it wasn't quite for me. I found the writing to be a little "wattpad-ish" at times which took away from the story. Overall the story was lacking. I feel as though everything needed to be devoted more, from the characters to the world building.

This was my first book by this author, It was pretty enjoyable. I would give this book a 3.5 star rating! It was a pretty Quick and easy read!

This book was a fun and easy read, but it didn't necessarily feel special to me. I have read other alien invasion books that felt like they had more meaning and plot to them than this one. It wasn't a bad book, per se, but it just didn't live up to my expectations. It falls under the category of "good but unremarkable."