Member Reviews

Ugh. I loved this.

Going into this I knew I would. I'm a fan of sports manga/anime and this totally checked all the boxes for me. Loveable characters, banter, and just overall great fun.

If you're a fan of Yuri!!! On Ice, Haikyuu, or Free! you will absolutely adore this. Such a fast read.

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Overall this manga surprised me in a good way. First I thought this would be a classic sports manga about friendship and team work and to be honest I would actually have preferred that. I do still think the twist of the story is really cool and I'm interested to see where it goes. I do hope a bit that the focus on teams will eventually come back, since I think it's a pretty sad message, that one has to be an egoist to succeed in this sport. Maybe I just take it too seriously, but my favourite parts about sports manga are always the friendships and that gets difficult in a situation like this.
Still: really cool story, great drawing style and very easy to get into. I hope there'll be more actual football int he future as well, I missed that a little bit.

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4 stars *may change
WHOOOO okay. Where do I begin?
I'm not particularly into sports, but I do consume quite a bit of sports-related anime and manga and this was definitely a huge step away from those. Usually you get your determined (but not very good) protagonist have to learn about teamwork and yaddy-yadda-yah. Yeah, this is not that. Blue Lock sees characters that, for the most part, don't care one bit about working together. In fact, the whole point is that they need to learn how to feed their egos to become the sole winner. I really love that. I'm not big on group activities in general, and while I'm not a complete self-absorbed egomaniac, it is nice to see such a twist in the sports genre.
The art style is also very...weird. There's a definite focus on the eyes of the characters, I think. The faces are very pronounced when they need to be. It does that thing most sports mangas do where the art style is simple and then gets incredibly detailed during an important scene. It has some weird art. But I love it.
Not sure what else to say other than the fact that i need to keep reading this.

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Net Galley Gave me a copy to read and Review Before US Release.

Blue Lock Is a Shonen type Sports Manga revolving around soccer.
The Concept is That Japan is one Super Star Striker away from being able to compete to win the World Cup. So Blue Lock is created. A soccer facility that will train the top 300 High school Strikers in the nation and then whittle them down to the top five through rigorous and sometimes vicious training and competition.
The POV comes from second year high school player Yoichi Isagi who is ranked as 299 and put into the lowest grouping. Isagi's true weakness may be that he lacks the selfish character a true striker needs but is it possible that the monster he needs could be buried somewhere deep inside, will the rigors of Blue Lock and its relentless soccer focused lifestyle be able to bring it out of him?
Being a former youth soccer coach and sports fan the subject matter piqued my interest and I have some insight and experience to draw from not just as a coach but as a fan of Sports Manga and anime.
The art is clean and clear never leaving you struggling to follow the action scenes. The Writing and dialogue is pretty concise its standard Shonen done well. There are several characters and it wouldn't hurt to read it more than once to get the characters established in your mind before moving to volume 2 but not a necessity.
Over all it was a fun read, with decent action and a premise that is not totally unique, its manga tropes that I think Id enjoy continuing to read.
I have no problem Recommending this to: Fans of Shonen, Soccer, Sports Manga, or elimination completions.

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Unlike typical manga centered around sports, Blue Lock isn't all about teamwork and getting together. While that has it's place sometimes I just want to see a ruthless competition to create the best striker in all of Japan, and you never know who will get eliminated next. That's for sure what I get at least in this first volume. The art and action scenes are well-drawn, and like all sports manga you get to know a lot about the characters as you continue. Any fans of Haikyuu would surely enjoy. Thank you to Kodansha Comics and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own,

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This is basically the Hunger Games of soccer (or football if you're from Europe), minus the murder part. 300 soccer players sign up to stay at a facility where only one will be the victor, but six will be chosen to attend the nationals for soccer.

I am no huge sport fan, but I have previously enjoyed other sport manga and anime, and I can see this being just as exciting. So far we meet a great cast of characters who are interesting and some are noticeably nuanced. The main character is interesting too, but I want to know more about him as the story continues. I am hoping the next volume continues with reveals and developments, because this could be a very strong story!

I like that ethics and morals are brought up throughout this because the premise is crazy, and these are teens locked in a facility with almost no adult supervision except for their insane coach. The art was done really well and I found the movement scenes dynamic without being confusing, especially since I don't know the sport that well. Definitely one to watch!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC!

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Being egoist to save yourself is okay.

I read this comic without reading the synopsis and just give it a try. A sports comics or novel is always has a special place on my heart and I LIKE THIS BOOK. It's just basically a soccer survival game. You didn't die when you lost in Blue Lock, you just lose your chance of being Japan's representation on the National Level.

I love Bachira (?) he's so weird and lovely at the same time. I personally don't want it to be a battle that will leave out 1 person as a winner. What if a group (11 persons) as a winner?

Thanks for the chance on reading this comics. I will definitely read the next volumes.

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Arc was better for to review this manga from an absurdist's stance because a school of hard knocks akin to the Blue Lock program would not work in real association football world and would raise alot of ethical questions + complaints. I did like however the questionable ethical side of the program is bought up by the sane cast members, great job on the soccer action shots and obviously the creator has national pride for the Japanese team. Blue is the colour of the national uniform and Japan is one of the best teams in Asia.

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