Member Reviews

This is a beautifully narrated book where the narrator reads the letters sent by the writer to her friend during her stay in the beautiful city of France.
The narration is awesome which brings the letters to life.

I received an advance reader copy of this book to listen to in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
Dear Paris is a beautifully narrated book where the narrator reads letters sent by the author to her dear friends during her time spent in the beautiful city of Paris.
Although this version is audio and doesn't have the stunning artwork that is visible in the physical or pdf version of this book (which I have previously read and reviewed), the narration is fabulous and really brings the letters to life!
This book would be fabulous to listen to at the same time as reading the physical copy to enjoy the stunning artwork within these letters as shown in the book itself.
A delightful listen that made this book even more beautiful!

I loved the intermixed letters/postcards, with the narrative and explanations that went along with them. Helped paint the picture for each postcard!

Lovely read for those that France and Paris in particular. The city will always hold a piece of my heart so loved reading more about the location.

This is an escape into the Paris of our dreams, full of quaint cafes, blooming flowers, and leisurely strolls through the city, and not a journey depicting the reality of the city or the diversity of its inhabitants.

i picked this book up on the only day i had off from office hectic schedule and planned to spend the whole day as a self care and self exploration day. i hit the national museum and plugged my headphones in with this audiobook.
my oh my what a day and experience that was. this book the letters the scenery described the feeling it truly wraps true love in every chapter. paris has always been my one and only dream destination and in this tough time of quarantine and everything this book made me feel like im in paris and im experiencing everything along with her. the season change, becoming a citizen their by heart from a traveler, getting familiar with serene and the artsy vibe paris always inspire got right through my heart
A beautiful time and charming ode to one of the most romantic cities in the world, Dear Paris is for anybody who wants to escape (virtually) to the city of light–and beyond–through the whimsical brush strokes of a true artist and the heartfelt/relatable words of a pen–two of MacLeod’s talents coming together while bringing on wonder and wanderlust. I honestly can’t say which letter/illustration is my favorite– because all of them, collectively, create magic (and it would be like choosing a favorite child!) Romantic and heartwarming–utterly charming and highly recommended.
•Character development- 4☆
• Story Plot-4☆
• Side characters- 3.5☆
• Flow of the story- 4☆
• Overall - 4☆
but i will give it 5 star from the sheer love of mine for this book

4 Charming stars.
The audiobook I listened to is like talking to a good neighbor friend over the fence or with a cup of café au lait. I was intrigued enough to look up the book online and browse through some of Janice Macleod's lovely watercolors. A whole different experience that just the audiobook. The narrator's voice was clear and warm. Reading pace was excellent.
One can listen to Dear Paris and pretend it's a different season - or there's a quaint cafe with excellent hot chocolate around the corner. It made me want to visit Paris – or at the very least eat croissants. I liked that it made me slow down just a tad and notice the sights and smells around me.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publishers, and the author for giving me the opportunity to review this book. Such a fun escape of the mind numbing effect that quarantine has. I can’t wait to plan a trip to Paris to experience it myself! Great narrator!

Yes Janice! I was so excited about this one, because I absolutely LOVED Paris Letters and it did not disappoint. While listening to this audiobook, I could just completely picture myself strolling through the streets of Paris. I absolutely devoured this book! It's beautifully written and equally beautifully narrated. It's a true love letter to Paris, and I highly recommend it!
<b> Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an eARC, in return for a honest review.</b>

I had a lot of technical difficulties accessing this audiobook, now having figured it out it will hopefully be easier next time, but quite confusing for first time users.
In terms of the audiobook itself, Janice MacLeod is a talented writer and Dear Paris is the perfect balm to a pandemic where you can't travel anywhere. Listen to it as you head off to bed and travel off to a holiday dreamland.

“Paris is a book to savor, in whole or in part, at any time, in any season.” Dear Paris: The Paris Collection Letters by Janice Macleod
4 stars. This is a great audiobook to listen to, especially during this time of pandemic where we only travel in our minds.
And when I saw this audiobook on NetGalley, I just had to request it. And so happy I got a copy.
Never knew the author before but looks like she has a subscription service (?) that she personally illustrates and write. Something I’ll be investigating later.
This audiobook is comprised of letters to her friend as she lives and experiences this most famous city. I keep thinking to myself that I gotta note Fuente this restaurant or see this sight that I missed on my trip to Paris years ago. My mouth watered with the description of the macarons and baguettes and the hot chocolate!!
Sadly, all I can do is comfort myself and my passport, promising soon, we’ll travel again. And maybe take a detour to this city again.
Maybe someone else will make a similar one about another city? There’s a thought.
Thank you so much @netgalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this great audiobook. Really enjoyed my trip to Paris with this one.

*received for free from netgalley for honest review* Cute read, certainly reads as letters but not in a bad way

I love Paris and wish I could move there; this book helped me conjure up fond memories from my semester there in college. The easy, relatable way the author describes tourist-y adventures as well as the everyday expat experience make me yearn for the ability to visit once again! Listening to the audio was wonderful, but it would definitely be improved by the the lovely art that accompanies those letters in the book! My next stop is the author’s Etsy store to get some copies of my favorites!

Dear Paris is a visual feast
Posted on April 19, 2021 by michellelovatosbookreviews, world's first book color commentator, book reviews with a twist
I sure do wish I was in on this “Dear Paris” project, artist and author, Janice Mac Leod shared with her subscribers on Etsy over the past ten years.
What a brilliant, creative, lovely expression of France, its culture, and its romantic attitudes; especially for someone who never left the United States and is left to explore her imagination and travel show memories to identify the author’s love for her surroundings.
Ten years ago Mac Leod needed money to help her travel and live in The City of Lights, so she started a paid physically illustrated journal service designed to fund her expenses and remember her experiences.
In return, subscribers received a “painted letter” in the mail that depicted Mac Leod’s artistic interpretation of the day. Beautiful.
The author explains at the beginning of this book, Dear Paris, The Paris Letters Collection – which is also on audio – that one subscriber in particular, supported Mc Leod religiously for her entire journey, and so in honor of that loyalty, each letter is addressed to “Aine,” (Anne).
The letters are unremarkable, ordinary in their text. They depict one’s life, in and out, ebb and flow, while living in Paris. I suppose, as a subscriber, who is receiving these illustrated letters in the mail, the words would not matter. They wouldn’t to me. And I suspect that Mac Leod’s story would grow on me as I lived overseas vicariously through her paintbrush.
The undeniable strength of this book is in its art.
I am an enormous impressionist fan. All actual, real art that I want on my walls is Monet, Manet, Renoir, or one of the gang. So, to see the physical art attached to these letters is compelling, fragrant and addictive, making the words another layer of the texture that adds to the overall picture.
I listened to this book on audio. While audio enabled me to imagine walking the streets of Paris, or jumping into one of my favorite impressionist paintings, listening to a project so visually enhanced was itself, like looking at an impressionist painting, not fully formed, made up of an organized chaos of color shards applied artfully to suggest something not fully present.
In my opinion, this book is without a doubt better on paper. This one, on audio, is missing a massive slice of its potential beauty.
That said, listening to Dear Paris did allow me to see France in the eyes of my imagination. For readers who visited the City of Lights, Dear Paris is a personalized love letter to the enigma of their memories.
All in all had I known about this subscription and possessed the money to support a traveling artist, I would have loved to participate.
I applaud Mac Leod’s work, admire her talent, and envy her experience. Dear Paris is one of those titles that is going to sit on tabletops for quite a while into the future.
Happy are those who respect the Lord and obey him. You will enjoy what you work for, and you will be blessed with good things. Psalm 128: 1-2

I found this book in the travel section and assumed it was full of letters describing her travels and what she saw.
It was a book of musings and thoughts with a little personal story. It described coffee shops she sat in and clothes shops she visited but not the sights of Paris, tops and highlights I expected.
My rating is based on the lack of actual travel information but maybe it’s my fault for picking up the book description wrong

Oh what a humourous and wonderful experience this audiobook was. The way you could feel the essence of every character that Janice meets and how the narrator brings to life the experience of Author through these letters. The way she differentiates the treatment of a tourist that she was looked at as and on the other hand the immigrant in the land of Paris was very moving and the authors encounter with different authors and her letters addressed to these authors tells more about the author too and the people she writes these letters to. I would recommend this book if you like to read humorous,warm Writing.

I enjoyed this letter/diary concept, even though it wasn't quite what I expected. Much of what the author, Janice Macleod includes, is very simple, everyday observations that could happen anywhere in the world. Paris is the backdrop and indeed, there are specific references and observations of this famously romantic city. Macleod takes the mystery out and makes it seem normal and average. I wouldn't consider this a love letter to Paris- more observations from one person's daily life.
I thought the narration of the audiobook worked well and was pleasant to listen to.
I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dear Paris is an illustrated letter collection from Paris. This book transports us on the streets of Paris. We can feel its beat, and we can smell, feel, and breathe Paris. Beautiful letters, but I would recommend this audiobook only in combination with a printed book.
The audiobook is narrated by Janice MacLeod, the author of these letters. From her narration, we can feel her passion for Paris.
I would recommend this audiobook together with a printed version of this book. I would say this way you can enjoy it the most. Without the illustrations in a printed copy, it feels that you're missing something. If you love Paris and art, you could appreciate this book & audiobook.
Thanks to the publisher for the opportunity to listen to this! All opinions are my own.

I received an audio ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.
To fund her travels, artist Janice Macleod started a letter subscription service. People could pay to have her send monthly paintings and letters to her followers around the world. <i>Dear Paris</i> collects all of these paintings and letters into one collection.
Sadly, because I listened to this as an audiobook, I was unable to see Macleod's paintings. (I understand that if you purchase the audiobook, it will come with a PDF file showcasing the paintings.) However, we do get to listen to Macleod herself narrate the book, and I loved getting to hear the letters with exactly the tone she intended. Through her letters, we get to know about Macleod's life in Paris, as well as being taken back to the news events coming out of Paris and France over the past decade. My chief complaint with the book would be that Dear Paris is a bit of a misnomer, as there were several letters written from other cities and countries as she traveled elsewhere. The book was overall an interesting look into Macleod's life and small glimpse of what it is like to live in Paris.

If it is ever safe to travel again, Paris will be on my bucket list. Listened to the audio book and wish I had had access to her paintings.