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Read All About Dinosaurs. By Claire Throp. 2021. Capstone (ARC eBook).

I nice introduction for kids to the types of dinosaurs by dividing them up by land, water and air as well as by diet. The illustrated dinosaurs are 3-D models situated in varying colorful environments. If you are looking for the basics, give this book a try.

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I read this with my son who is 6. He absolutely loves dinosaurs and really enjoyed this book. He really enjoyed the images and wasn't overwhelmed by the amount of information given. The format was perfect for his age and keeping the number of facts slightly low for each dinosaur really allowed him to engage with what was there and kept his attention with each new dinosaur.

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My 5yo LOVES dinosaurs... so we have read lots of dinosaurs books, and this one was an obvious pick for him. So of the six books we picked out and read today on NetGalley, it also wasn't really a surprise that this was his favorite.

And there was a lot to like in this book! I really liked the colorful dinosaur renderings on each page, and the up-to-date information (like mentioning that T-Rex may have been covered in feathers and showing a picture of what that might look like.) It presented facts that were new to me and gets bonus point for mentioning coprolites (fossils of dinosaur poop) which naturally my 5yo found very interesting.

This book is set-up in a simplistic format, with every chapter introduced by a paragraph or two, and then each page in the chapter basically has two dinosaur pictures and short facts about them. Although the facts seemed very loosely related to me, this did not bother my 5yo at all, and I was impressed by the number of dinosaurs shown. My only real nitpick is that I wished they included a pronunciation guide either in the back or on the pages, to help show you how to pronounce the dinosaur names, as we have found that very helpful in other dinosaur books.

Overall, my 5yo said he enjoyed it a whole lot, and I would definitely recommend to anyone with an avid dinosaur fan on their hands (ages 2-7). (4.5/5 stars)

Thanks so much to NetGalley and the publisher for the free ARC!

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This is a good beginner's guide to dinosaurs. We've read a lot of dino books and unfortunately, this book didn't have a ton of information or much that we hadn't learned elsewhere. Still, it was a good change of pace and would be great for those just getting into dinos.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the advance copy.

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Elementary students will love reading about dinosaurs to learn facts. The illustrations are fantastic! This book would be perfect for a young dinosaur enthusiast or for a classroom/school library.

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an amazing picture book for kids who love dinosaurs. My five-year-old loved it so much. There are so many facts about dinosaurs that even I didn't know. So it is a delight for grown-ups too. I recommend this book to everyone.

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My kids loved this book! They liked all of the fun facts and learning about dinosaurs they had never heard about. I liked the mix of detailed illustrations and photos of fossils. The bright, vivid colors that accompany the text make the whole book pop. My kids had a lot of fun with this book.

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A great book for dinosaur lovers and those wanting to learn about them as well. The pictures are amazing and the book is chock full of facts. Very interesting read for kids.

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Review to come July 26th on blog/goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

The second dinosaur book I got from Netgalley in the current batch of books and I was hoping that this would be one with reptiles... not those feathery bird things that I don't like. 

I really loved how colourful the book was, BUT, it did bring me back to doing presentations in elementary school. Filling a big paper with pictures and along with that text, preferably with bright colours. And that is essentially what this book was. Chapters featuring dinos on land/sea, meat or veggie. Short text with facts along with a picture of a dinosaur doing its thing. I understand that this is for little kids who can just read, but I feel that more work could have gone in making it more a book and less a presentation turned into a book. You can still keep it simple, just make it more attractive and fun. 

The pictures were perfect, I really liked the style, how they seem to be more photographs, as if someone just casually snapped a photograph of a T-rex. :P 

AND, even more importantly, NO FEATHERS! Or well, maybe that some dinos had a bit of a fuzz, but that is it. My raptors still look my precious raptors, murderous and reptile. Other dinos as well. The book does discuss that feathers may have been on dinos, but leaves it at that. Thank you. Big plus point. I am a girl who grew up with reptile dinos, no feathers or whatsoever, and I just am not a fan of the newer way the dinosaurs are depicted.

All in all, I had fun reading this one and I loved the pictures.

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Great Illustrations and Fact-Giving Text

This book is an example of precisely why I enjoy children's nonfiction. It provides a lot of detail on a single topic, with many illustrations that add so much to a simple book... what hundreds of words could not adequately convey. The minimal text in this book is simple, with each illustration in the book only getting a sentence or two. Mostly, I thought the text was perfectly fine for the age range the author intends the book for. I like how the author broke down dinosaur names into parts… including one that was originally named after Elvis because of the shape of its frill. While they provide a short glossary at the back, the author defines other words right within the text. For instance, we learn that a dinosaur that walks on its hind legs is called a theropod. A dino-crazy kid will appreciate having so many dinosaur names and terms. I also enjoyed the trivia spread throughout the book. For instance, an ichthyosaurus’ jaw bone has been found that is 85 feet… longer than a contemporary blue whale! What truly sets this book apart from others of its ilk is the amazing illustrations showing us what a dinosaur might have looked like. They are so detailed, including the accurate use of where light comes from and backgrounds that would be appropriate for the given dinosaur, that they almost look like photographs. Very impressive! (By the way, the book does have photographs of fossils as well.) If you have a child that loves dinosaurs, she or he will most likely enjoy this book immensely.

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I read this book with my 9 year old dinosaur expert. She really liked the book and thought the pictures were nice and very realistic. We both even learned some new facts and new species. Overall, a great dinosaur book for kids.

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Unfortunately I was unable to read and or review this book. That being said I did not want to give a low star rating.

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This is a great introduction to dinosaurs with beautiful "real life" photography. From the perspective of my 4 year old avid dinosaur fan, the information is quite basic but I would still recommend it, even for older children, as a useful overview with great imagery.

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Thank you for the chance to read this book in exchange for honest feedback. This is a great read for a elementary- middle school student into science, specifically dinosaurs (a lot of young people are!). There is a mix of illustrations, ranging from drawings to “real life” photos. The book is easy to read, not bogged down with excessive detail, and age appropriate for a young but budding and curious reader.

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