Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC. Here is my honest review.
I'm not really sure what to say about this. The blurb was confusing and the story keeps you unbalanced too. It is a novela and therefore it's a 3.5 for me but you can't give half stars. I'm not normally a novela fan but I did like the way this went together.
Sonny is annoying as. His mannerisms and sayings are terrible and yet this really worked as it helped me to picture him. In these kinds of stories you have to cut to the chase, so in that sense it works. For nearly the whole book we are kept guessing as to what on earth is going on. Is sonny good or bad? What is he doing? We also kind of know that the mum story is going to be twisty and there is a certain inevitability to it. The ending was nice though. I was reading on kindle and I didn't expect it to end there.
The reason this doesn't get 4 for me is the sudden introduction of mum. Using the quick straight to the point style didn't work here. The immediate relationship between mum and daughter felt forced and after years of brainwashing I didn't believe Heart would just swap sides without question. Also, how is this the only time in 15 years she managed to access google?
I suppose you have to see this for what it is. It's isn't some dystopian trilogy and therefore I can't judge it as such. It's a novela and as such it works well. The characters, whilst a little annoying are easy to picture and although the plot is naive in places, it kept me reading and not wanting to out the book down. I'd definitely look this author up in the future. It would be interesting to see if they branch out into YA novels. I haven't heard of the author before so apologies if there are already full length books out there.